I am a fairly popular Youtuber and I have had people harassing me for months, which is to be expected however, shortly after recieving a very angry video from a crazy obsessed person on Youtube I started to get alot of harassing comments on my videos on Youtube. One of the commenters mentioned I had a profile on this website Baby Gaga and I had been harassing and cursing out members.
I went to the website and found someone had stolen a pic from my facebook page and used it to open a fake profile and started impersonating me. I had emailed the owner/moderator Mara a total of 6 times and she has never responded. Not only that, there is a terrible thread on this website where these people do nothing but talk about me 24/7.
I think it's a shame that Mara would allow this to happen. This person did this to cause mental anguish and to try to mess up my reputation. They chose this particular website because there are no moderators on this website. I am still waiting to hear from the owner Mara and I have emailed the team at Baby Gaga and have heard nothing.
I want something done about this immediately. The fake profile needs to be removed and I need something in writing stating the IP addresses don't match. Or I will contact legal aid or an attorney.
Terrible site! This site is full of cyber-bullying.
There are several women on there that are cyber-bullies and the owners Mara and Nick don't care to stop the bullies. It is considered a mothers and mothers to be advice and friend site but it is full of women who harass and degrade teen mothers, older mothers, and mothers to be about their parenting practices and pregnancy issues. It is a horrible horrible place. Someone seriously needs to tell this Mara and Nick that their site allows such inexcusable and awful people on it. Not to mention there is two people who are the worst of them all, one who calls herself "GOD" and one called "Bea"! They might as well call that site baby-gaga-bullies!
eh people can be mean and nasty but the world is not full of rainbows and unicorns right?
Baby-gaga is one of the most amazing websites I've ever come across. There are some amazing people on there, including the site owners(who happily support freedom of speech, BTW)Mara and Nick, who bust their butts to make it a safe haven for those who aren't always welcome on other parenting sites, specifically teen mothers. I am so thankful that I found it. Yes, there are a few bad apples, but you are going to find that on any website.
You can not hold the site owners responsible for something that a person they have no control over has said or done to you. Get over yourself. Who cares if there is a thread dedicated to saying negative things about you. That happens all the time...to lots of different people. Grow up and move on if you don't like the site.
Disagree, I have met some of my best friends on this site. And when a member truly needs something we come together to help as best we can. You can't blame the whole site because you pissed off a few people
The complaint is perfectly understandable and only a philistine would tell you to grow up and move on. What a stupid comment to make about your complaint.
I agree
Bea is rude to everyone
She should be banned from the site. Along with countless others
I love me some BG...
[censored]es be [censored]es and [censored]es be crazy!
Honestly tho, if it wasn't for BabyGaga I would probably be an uneducated incompetent mother. Because of the website I am the best parent I can be and I have learned a lot from many different women.
I love how I should be banned. For what exactly? I broke no rules unlike some members of that site who post personal info about others in a malicious manner. The site needs to be ### down. I suggest that anyone who wants a few hours of good fun should troll it. :).Those worthless ### love drama like a fat kid loves cake!
There are enough complaints here and elsewhere about the Baby Gaga website to suggest that it's a haven for bullies and name-callers. Also that anybody who condones this kind of activity ought to be tarred with the same brush.
I find it hilarious that Bea and God were both banned.
Don't come on this site. I'm warning you.
I am 100% in agreement. I had a miscarriage recently, and because I preferred to maintain some anonymity and decided not to post a picture of myself, husband, or miscarriaged child I was called a fake and harassed by countless mods and users. I don't think it's unreasonable to not want the entire world to know exactly who you are and what you're going through. Definitely not the place to go if you need support after a loss.