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CB Department Stores Sears 29500 West Seven Mile Road, Livonia, MI, 48152, US
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29500 West Seven Mile Road, Livonia, MI, 48152, US
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11:00 am - 6:00 pm
11:30 pm EST

Sears - mattress warranty

I bought two twin mattresses in 2012, and on one of the mattress three sprang came out of the mattress. I called the warranty department, and was told to send some pictures, and soon after I was denied because they claimed my mattress had a stain. I knew that wasn't true because I always put mattress covers on all of my mattresses. When I called the warranty department again, the young lady I spoke with said she didn't see any stains and she said that they might have mistaken the sprangs for stains, and she told me to email two picturest. She also said that someone type in the computer that I complained about my mattress sunk down, and i told her when I called I was complaining about the three sprang that came through the mattress, so when I first sent the pictures of the mattress I took a picture of the three springs. I emailed the pictures of the mattress and I don't know if they look at the most recent pictures but was told i was denied. I have been buying from Sears for years, i bought a tractor, clothes, washer machine, dryer, lawn mower, snow blower, edger, wet vacuum, and many more. Know since this has happened, I closed both of my sears credit card accounts, and had my mom and aunt do the same, and I also told my family and friends to stop shopping at Sears because they don't honor their warranties. I am very disappointed at Sears and I will never shop there again. I hated that I spent my hard working money on those mattress.

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Dec 09, 2015 11:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Beware of Sears mattress warranty, they will tell you anything to keep from replacing your mattress.

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