Angela Sargent likes to evict tenants, Angela is sick, twisted, crooked and corrupted at Wyngate Apartments at 3014 West Pierce Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Angela has an attitude problem against the tenants at Wyngate Apartments, She doesn't care what happens to good tenants inside that apartment building! Dennis Mikulac the vice president of Bieck Management don't care about what happens to good tenants and He doesn't show safety and concern to the good tenants! Every time when Angela go to that person's apartment at 3006 West Pierce Street, Her Daughter Kayla follows her everywhere she goes like Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum! Kayla she's hyper and she eats a lot of sugar and sweets, She runs around a lot. She evicted me for playing my music too loud inside my apartment! Angela Sargent is not a good apartment manager at Wyngate Apartments, Sooner or Later she will get fired for her wrongful actions against the good tenants. Don't apply at Bieck Management no more in the future, Because they will screw you in the future like they did me! Stay away from Angela Sargent and Bieck Management!
Desired outcome: Apartment Rental