We do not remove complaints:
• unless we receive an officially signed court order.
• if they do not violate our Complaint Guidelines.
Our rules are well-settled on this point and we do not make any exceptions.• Make sure you are sending your request from the same email address you used to file the complaint/comment.
• Just in case, please do not forget to provide a link to the complaint or comment you'd like to be edited.
• We mostly edit typos and personal information.
• The entire text removal (or the most of it) is not allowed, as it's the same as complaint/comment removal. Complaints and comments are not removed.
• Your personal details are never shared with outside sources.
• Wrong requests will not be processed.
Responding or not is entirely your prerogative. However, if the company doesn't receive a response from you within 7 days after they've provided an official reply, the complaint will automatically be marked as resolved, and it cannot be reinstated if you later decide to change your mind.
Furthermore, when you submit a complaint on our website, it's usually to capture the company's attention. So, why miss the opportunity to engage with them when they're willing to assist you? 😉
Please note that removing your account from ComplaintsBoard.com will result in all your personal information being deleted from our system, however, complaints and comments will remain. Your nickname will be replaced by the default one we use for deleted accounts: “ghost”.
If your complaint contains personal information or pictures you don't want to be publicly posted, you should contact us from the same email address you used to file the complaint and specify what exactly you'd like to be edited:
Correct request: Please remove the following: Joe Blow, +11234567890, 00001 New York, NY
Wrong request: Please remove my home address, my name, my phone number
Wrong requests will not be processed.
However, if you still want to close your account and remove all your data from our system, please follow the instructions below:
• Log in to your account
• Click your profile icon in the top-right corner to open the account menu
• Choose “My Profile”
• Click “Edit my profile”. From the resulting menu, select “Edit profile”
• Select “Delete account”
• In the appeared pop-up window, confirm your choice or cancel.
ComplaintsBoard.com is one of the longest-standing consumer complaint websites on the Internet, founded in 2004. It offers a completely free, safe, and user-friendly platform for everyone. When we say “free,” we mean it – no beta, no cut versions.
ComplaintsBoard.com serves as a platform for customers worldwide to submit their complaints directly to the relevant companies, allowing them to address and resolve various issues.
ComplaintsBoard.com is the most popular and influential complaint resolution platform on the Internet. There are lots of potential consumers worldwide seeking information about a company before engaging in any interaction with it.
It's rather unusual for a business not to care about those thanks to whom it exists in the first place. A lot of companies flopped due to a lack of care towards their customers, nearly non-existent feedback, and negative "word of mouth" spreading around.
Our years of experience show that customers generally have more trust towards a business that can admit its mistakes and work on resolving them, rather than towards the one that simply ignores everything.
Additionally, the majority of consumers nowadays are Generation X and Generation Y: both of them are tech and Internet savvy (especially Generation Y), therefore in their eyes, a business with a crystal clear reputation on the Internet looks suspicious and untrustworthy. And the numbers of such customers only increase every day.
It gets even worse if a company doesn't have any reviews whatsoever, be they positive or negative, as customers are unwilling to gamble by spending their money on a completely unknown service.
ComplaintsBoard.com is committed to maintaining helpful and relevant content within our community. However, it's important to note that reviewers are solely responsible for the content they post on our website.
If you come across posts that you believe may violate our guidelines or have concerns about them, you have the option to report these publications to our team for assessment.
However, please note that since our services are free for both companies and reviewers, we do not share the results of conducted investigations, and updates on the work performed are not provided in response messages. Therefore, you need to check whether your request has been satisfied on your own.
If your request is not satisfied, we do not send a detailed report explaining the reasons for the decision.
No, our website is absolutely free, easy, and safe to use for everyone.
That's completely understandable. However, it's important to consider that your customers may not be aware of this or might prefer to reach out through our platform for various reasons. Informing them about your internal system in your response can be a simple and efficient way to address their concerns. It's a small effort that can go a long way in ensuring customer satisfaction.
Yes, but in general it's not advised. A self-made account doesn’t have special features such as:
If you have already created an account and want it to be verified, please contact us at support@complaintsboard.com
Absolutely not. Businesses cannot pay to have reviews removed.
ComplaintsBoard.com has a very strict policy of removing reviews only if they violate ComplaintsBoard’s Complaint Guidelines or are considered by our moderators to be suspicious.
We apply these guidelines to all reviews across our website.
Any blackmail is against our Complaint Guidelines. It is forbidden to threaten a business to write a negative review or promise to remove a negative review in exchange for money or gifts. If you are aware of such a situation, let us know about it.
Remember that we will be able to take action only when you provide evidence of what happened. Please reach out to our Customer Support with the details of the situation and we will solve it in your name.
We will only take action if someone has expressed their intentions to take down a review in exchange for a financial incentive or blackmail to write a negative review if they don’t pay them.
We do not get involved in disputes between customers and businesses if customers are requesting a refund or compensation for disappointing items and experiences.
If you can't find the answer to your inquiry or if you have general comments or feedback, you can always contact us directly at support@complaintsboard.com