I worked for this company for 3 and a half years and most of that time I was being sexually harassed or in general harassed. It seemed like now matter how hard I worked they would still act like I didn't work at all. To advance in that job at all, you pretty much have to be friends with one of management otherwise you will absolutely be unnoticed. I was harassed everyday for a year and a half by this chick supervisor because she just didn't like me. And when I told the plant manager he said she probably just wants to sleep with me. The assistant plant manager would make sure to harass me on a daily whenever he got the chance because I didn't want to go have a drink with him. And he made it seem like I didn't work even though I worked my butt off every single night that I worked there plus some I gave my all to that place but they never appreciated me and they do that to a lot of people. I actually really love that job though I lost it in 2020 and i've been missing my job ever since it's just the management is no good
Desired outcome: For them to start acknowledging when somebody works hard for them to show respect to everybody not to just the people they choose to
I meant no matter