On July 15, 2006 at 9:23PM I went to Save Mart to buy some grocery cost me $13.26 , I gave to Cashier: Erika Clerk # 63165 $20.26 so I can get back $7.00 but she very rude and told me NO she did not want to take my 26 cents, she returned to me $6.74 . I did asked her why she did not want my 26 cents, she was ignored me and told me if I don't like it go talked to manager. I did went to Manager store and talked to him but I don't think he will take care problem, he did appolozize to me and he know people complaining about her too. Erika did have bad attitude to talked to a lot of customer, they saw the way she is treating me, they told me they don't want to come back included me. I have my own bussiness, and I know customer come first ...
I would like to complain to big boss, but I don't know where I can send my letter to if you know the right person I can talk or mail my letter, please let's me know.
Thank you very much,
Supermarket details:
Save Mart Supermarkets on 3457 McKee Rd. San Jose , CA 95127.
Very rude of the clerk...
send your complaint to:
Consumer Relations
P.O. Box 4278
Modesto, CA 95352
My husband and I walked into SaveMart last week to order my birthday cake. We picked it up on Saturday November 3 and it looked fine on the outside. I had requested a white cake with white frosting and when we cut into the cake, it turned out to be a marble one. Not every body can have chocolate (allergies), so it was of course a let down. Please ask your people to pay attention in the future! It was the SaveMart in Visalia on Walnut/Akers.
Julie Sales
P O Box 6086
Visalia ca 93290
I recenly went to luckys in San Ramon (crow canyon) and was going to eat at the chinees restureant(rice garden) and one of cooks was sneezing . I have no idea if it was one the food. But i had to walk away. I have found out that they lease that space. If i was the owner i would kick them out due to poor health practices . God only nos if they wash there hands . I should call the health department .
Winco cheaper than save mart don't shop there