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Welcome Wagon

Welcome Wagon review: Misrepresented advertising! 9

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12:00 am EDT
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Welcome Wagon representative sold our business an advertising package which mailed our offer to all new households within a specific area for the entire year. After three mailings we saw no interest from the Welcome Wagon offer and left several messages for the person who sold the package. She never returned our calls so we contacted the main office only to get transferred to different voice mailboxs and never a returned phone call. Welcome wagon just kept mailing and billing our credit card...

Thank goodness our credit card company stepped in to help us cancel the mailings.

This is a company to avoid at all costs.

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Jun 04, 2008 2:44 pm EDT

avoid at all costs is 100% right! welcome wagon is now owned by a real estate based company having several various names. is one. formerly it was
if you google fraud, crooks, deceit, swindlers, you'll quickly find that these guys are professional crooks & thieves. they have taken the refutable name of welcome wagon & used it to trick small businesses into their advertising schemes. they over charge big time & the results they claim you'll receive never come close to materializing. each lead you may receive will end up costing you $400 - $1500 per body. their fees are extremely excessive. once they have your credit card info, you're screwed. they charge you $75 in order to receive a monthly invoice payable by check.

they've morphed into a new identity. the new name is
google fraud. they come up again as crooks. this time they contracted with a company named active rain to purchase the business. learned all active rains techniques, procedures, business procedures, customer lists, etc. & then backed out of the deal after making use of all they had stolen. they are being sued for 33 million. another name they own is . no point into going into that, the name says it all.

these guys have been in business via using various names since 1993. in their own words, they never had a profitable year except marginally so in 2005. (of course the hotshots receive hugh bonuses regularly) how does a business remain viable without a profit in 14 of 15 years? obviously, these guys are super crooks & masters of lies & deception! be very, very careful
of any of the business names found on the website of !

Former Employee
Oct 13, 2008 4:06 pm EDT

Avoid Welcome Wagon at all costs! They are scammers - just google them to learn more. AND NOW THEY ARE FOR SALE AGAIN! You see, Move, Inc. who currently owns them is selling WW because they are NOT profitable. Welcome Wagon claims to mail out pieces of direct mail featuring all types of local businesses - which by the way most aren't even mailed out! That's scam #1. #2 is WW illegally refuses to pay its employees 100% of all (legally due) expenses and they also take out a percentage of a sales person's commission as what they call a "collection protection" and then if you quit the company, WW claims they do not owe you that money! HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Bottom line is this - direct mail marketing can work but it will not work if it's Welcome Wagon you're dealing with. They simply DO NOT mail out what they claim to mail out to all new homeowners! AND how can new homeowners be a great target market in these times anyway? They are liars in their sales pitches and beware! I speak the truth about them. They told us to LIE, LIE, LIE everyday!

tony Gerace
calgary, CA
Jan 27, 2010 10:36 am EST

Big time scammed my wife for 1300 a year she got back nothing! I'm pissed that a so called company exists like this in plain view of the public and still is able to charge soo much money! Thieves SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES

Chris Savannah
Rincon, US
Nov 17, 2010 6:03 pm EST

Signed on with them back in May. Told them up front that if things didn't improve the business may be closed. Rep said no problem, we'll just take you out of our system. We ended up closing our doors at the end of June. I called and the rep and told me there'd be no problems. Also sent a letter saying the same. No problem! We'll take you out of our system. Got 2 bills since for $150. Didn't pay but sent them letters saying the business was closesd and they told me that I wouldn't be charged. Yesterday got a bill from a collections agency saying I owed $1650 (the 2 bills I rec'd totaled $300). Called WW today and asked the rep if there were any notes about the business closing. He said yes then stopped. He then said the issue was sent to a 3rd party and hung up. I called their other number to leave a message. Not sure where this will go (probably have to talk to a lawyer-I'd rather pay them than WW!) but this is a company to be avoided at all costs!

By the way, while I was with them, I never rec'd any material from them nor did any potential clients call me so I'm not even sure if they did any of the work I paid for.

I will do everythign in my power to let people know to avoid this company!

Wayzata, US
Feb 09, 2012 9:17 pm EST

Avoid! I signed up for 12 months. I couldn't wait to be done since it was costing me $252 per month and never saw anything return. They automatically renewed me for another 12 months (after I signed a 12 month agreement) and they said sorry "it was in the fine print of your contract" They won't let me out for another 12 months. They are the most unprofessional company that misleads people to rip them off. Do not sign up!

Rockl, US
May 08, 2012 4:31 am EDT

This company was the worst advertising investment ever. I'm not even sure they did anything. One homeless woman came by my store which sells furniture, home furnishings, collectibles and lighting. That's all that happened in the first three months at $242.50 per month. She had my coupon good for $25 free merchandise with no conditions attached and claimed she'd come back and use it later. That one response cost me $750! In part, I think they are an antiquated form of business compared to the Internet, but they definitely won't let you out of their contracts no matter how bad the advertising works. I strongly recommend against using Welcome Wagon, which hires attractive women to pedal the advertising in your local area.

Longwood, US
May 24, 2012 11:55 pm EDT

Check the list of names they send you each month...They dont match the addresses or they've been there for years and years, what a scam. We called our bank and had them stop the ach debit. Now they send us bills by mail. They will not be getting a dime from us. In fact I would love to get my $600 back from the 3 months I got scammed.

Dec 14, 2016 2:20 pm EST

It's funny, I posted my comment here a couple of weeks ago but it doesn't appear. I guess I'll give it another try. Every single one of these comments is an attempt at mudslinging and they are horrid. Never, never has Welcome Wagon pretended to be anything but what it is- a Community Marketing Company. It's strategy goes for a year because that is how it is effective! Complaining that it hasn't worked in three months is like complaining your child hasn't become an adult in three months. It's a long-term commitment to branding your service. It's an introduction to new clients EVERY month. If there are miss-matched addresses, call the company and alert them so that they can fix it! They pick up the first time EVERYTIME! Corporate could not be more supportive. And further, to call it a scam simply because it did not work for you is inappropriate. When you sign up with Welcome Wagon you get exactly what is promised AND if you didn't attempt to pull out before 3/4 of the program is executed it WOULD work for you.

Beth E C
Jul 11, 2018 5:11 pm EDT

I am sorry that our company didn't see this complaint board before signing a contract. We have been lied to and deceived by the rep "Kelly" who came in and told us how great a program this would be. The "REP" misrepresented the program and the book we were going to be in for new home owners to see. The book she showed us was filled with other businesses and was about 2 inches thick. The one we are part of is only 4 pages at a cost of $616.00 per month. This is outrageous and criminal at best. Welcome Wagon aught to be a shames of themselves targeting small start up businesses. Kelly-Shame on you! The photo below is a picture of the "Welcome Book" we are being charged $616.50... This is a shame and a disgrace!

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