Please do not simply add friend from facebook. I did receive the same fake text too. Attached the photos for all your info. The man said he is American Chinese name Lim Won and work as a pilot. Said that happy to know me and sent me gifts as christmas gifts. At the end all fake. A malay girl called me said from Fastlink service company asked to bank in money so that I can receive the gifts attached foto were sent by him. I have the text messages from the malay lady too. She asked me to bank in money to Zanuriah bt mohd ismail. Under CIMB bank with ac no. [protected]. Attached foto for the reference. Please be careful don't be a victim.
i m also the victim of the scam. oxford Hakcy his name. he got my phone no in matrimony website . and started messaging me. despite i told him i m not interested in it. he said he sent parcel that includes lap tap iphone handbags gold chains etc and money . he said he is sending it for my welfare. i belived it and paid 40000 . after paying 40000 he messaged me during scanning money found. so i have to pay 135000 for money laundry certificate. i got cheated . i can't explain all things. he said to me he is a pilot in London. his wife died in a car accident. and he had a 13 year old daughter. his name Hacky Oxford . his phone no +[protected]