At Fortis institute in Birmingham, Alabama students in the HVAC, Welding, and Electrical Trades programs are being marked present even when they are not. Students are also being given grades for work that has not been completed. In several classes, we are given one assignment for the entire term and the assignment isn’t even checked for correctness but rather given a generic grade so that the pass fail percentage and course complete percentages are met for the instructors. The HVAC program only has two instructors so classes are being combined into one room despite the students taking different courses. This is against the student/instructor ratio policy outlined in the catalog. Classes in all Trades are dismissed hours earlier than they are supposed to. Each class is supposed to be 5 hours per day but they are being dismissed after only 2 hours.
Desired outcome: Notify corporate and conduct audit. This campus should not be accredited due to these compliance issues.