I placed the order on the website www.globalegrow.com. I received the confirmation email from the seller, and he told me that the delivery would take 5 days. I paid them for express delivery, but they still haven’t managed to provide my order. I heard only fake promises and stupid excuses. I want money back. But they didn’t reply. Also don’t buy from them, because it is real scam and crap. Share your reviews about this website.
Dear Gorby,
Thank you for recent comments.
Although the standard delivery time of Expedited Shipping will be around 3-7 business days after dispatch, there are some external factors which may cause some delay.
Our team has reviewed your complaint and will offer you a solution.Could you please provide us yoru order number?
Once again we apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Yours sincerely,
Globalegrow.com Customer Service
телефон отключился через два дня и больше не включается. отдали на диагностику. выявлен заводской брак системной платы. продавец Mo-bile номер заказа [protected]
The sizing on the dresses was not explained well enough so wrong size was ordered need xxx but no return info was included in order would you let me know what I have to do next and how we can resolve this she needed the dress for my daughters wedding on the 14th of June 2018
телефон отключился через два дня и не работает. отдавали на диагностику там сказали что заводской брак системной платы. есть документ подтверждающий это. номер заказа [protected]