Same for me in around 2004 paid around $800 for them to check for other similar ideas and provide me with a certificate of authenticity to say that mine was unique. They then asked me for around $5000 to start marketing and build a prototype of my idea! I could not afford this so ended up not following this through reluctantly! About a year later the uk government advised in local papers stating word for word my idea. Seemed such a coincidence!?
I have still have my original portfolio they sent me and all my original dated handwritten documents... Can I sue them based on this evidence?
If so le me know
It should be noted that the "Invent-Tech" or "Invent Tech" as mentioned on this complaints board is in NO WAY affiliated with Inventech Patent Services, LLC, which is an honest, USPTO licensed patent firm located in Michigan.
This is exactly what happened to me around 2004. Same scenario. They asked for $800 to get my idea rolling. All I received was a portfolio with a drawing and Authenticity Certificate. Absolutely no word since. Sueing should definitely be viable if everyone comes together.
**NOTICE** "Invent-Tech" or "Invent Tech" as mentioned on this complaints board is in NO WAY affiliated with Inventech Patent Services, LLC, which is an ethical, USPTO-licensed patent firm based in Michigan. As our name suggests, our focus is strictly on PATENTS, including patent searches, patent applications (utility & design), patent filing, and patent prosecution before the USPTO.
It's a good idea to stay alert and avoid "invention promotion companies", as you may see advertised on late night cable TV and other places.
From USPTO: Protect Yourself Against Invention Promotion Scams.