What happened in 2020 was Me and My daughter moved in at 3104 West Wells Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that was owned by Jomela Properties. My daughter and I moved on the first floor in Apt 104. What happened was this black couple who lived in Apt 106 were arguing and fighting a lot.! We reported the incident to the apartment manager Tyler Still and Jomela Properties about that black couple and Tyler and Jomela Properties kept giving them chances and They did not do nothing about that black couple. They kept on arguing, arguing and fighting until my daughter and I moved out of that apartment building in the Summer of 2020, because my daughter and I felt unsafe and fed up with that crap that was inside that apartment building. That apartment building was nasty with cigarette butts outside in the front, Black People like to live filthy and nasty in that apartment building! That's why my daughter and I found a different apartment and found a different place to live! My daughter and I are never going to come back to Jomela Properties no more in the future!