LeadStar Leads (http://leadstarleads.com/index.html), Discount Life Leads (http://www.discountlifeleads.com/), Leadco Leads (http://leadcoleads.com/index.html) and GK & Associates Financial (http://gkafinancial.com) all have secret common ownership. Gary Kroll is the owner. Dan Goff is the secret General Manager of all of the companies out of Leadco's office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. LeadStar and Discount Life Leads are managed by Greg Thornell out of Dallas, Texas.
Leadco and LeadStar sell 1000-piece direct-mail lead generation packages to the insurance industry, mainly mortgage life leads. They tell clients that the leads are exclusive. But when the leads become 90 days old, they are resold by sales forces from the three lead companies, again represented as being sold only one more time. In fact, all of three sales forces are calling on the same database, selling the leads as many times as possible, sometimes selling the same leads to the same people. As the mortgage and insurance industries have consolidated recently, the duplicity has become worse. Since GKA Financial is an insurance agency, there is huge potential for abuse, and given their history, a strong likelihood of them using all of the leads as well.
In summary, they are using other people to pay for the leads, then they resell them over and over, and possibly use the leads themselves through GKA. Management's first method of deception, and apparent standard operating procedure, starts with failure to provide the service (whether intentional or carelessness) followed by silence. Then, if someone complains, usually after 3-4 weeks of berating them (as if when they don't respond the complaint will go away), management pleads ignorance and apologizes, and say they will make good; which no one can prove.
Management is in denial. They think if they keep saying something that everyone will believe it or that it will magically become the truth; sometimes they seem to believe their own lies (they are pathological).
Also, over half the sales of direct-mail packages that I am aware of, were never mailed. Nothing is ever done about this until the client calls to complain about not receiving leads. Then management says sorry, whatever, they will mail it. It is impossible for anyone except management to know if they are mailing as promised, how many solicitations are mailed, how many times each home is mailed, how many leads are generated, or how many times the leads are sold. I estimate that about 80-90% of customers using any of the services are disappointed and never buy again. These people thrive on the old saying "a sucker is born every minute".
Management also misrepresents their sales employment opportunity claiming realistic bonus opportunities. This is not true. They actually try to force the sales people to sell lead generation mail packages, but then will not pay bonus on those sales because their $250 profit on a $650 sale is not enough profit to share at any level. They won't even put the compensation plan in writing so that they can keep changing the terms and conditions; they basically look for ways not to pay followed by the standard silence, and apology if discovered. Of course they never itemize how they calculate bonuses.
From what I know of these people, they are greedy, wreckless--liars, cheats and thieves. I do not trust them at any level nor should you. You can't change criminal logic.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
LeadStar Leads feels obligated to respond to this derogatory and false document that contains misinformation and maligns the integrity of our company. This ranting and baseless complaint appears to be the sole destructive mindset of an ex-employee, Ken Coleman. The idea of any company berating clients and staying in business is laughable at best, delusional at worst. LeadStar has hundreds of satisfied repeat customers and is proud to note that there has never been an agent complaint on this website. The LeadStar website is www.leadstarleads.com or call our office at [protected] with any questions.
I can see why an ex-employee would connect the dots. Advisors and agents on the outside would never know this. Leadco's response isn't proving different from the claims and statements above. I personally have caught many scams from marketing companies and lead generating companies. Leadco kinda left out a response to GKA financial and the other two companies. I'll be calling tomorrow and asking these questions before making an order. Lets see what they tell me.