I purchased Longchamp Le Pilage totes thinking it was an official website, the bags were delivered without any paperwork for returns. I paid $112.00 for the cheapest imitations I've ever seen. There is no way to return them and since I purchased with a credit card, I've registered a complaint with the bank. Don't bother with this website and if you want an imitation try a street vendor instead.
I also had same experienced with (http://longchampsales.com). I paid for $100 for having thought they sell authentic because of the price but instead I became so disappointed because of they delivered me a worth $1.00! (http://www.longchampsales.com/190-508-large/lonchamp-eiffel-tower-paris-exclusive-le-pliage-special-edition-5399.jpg) My $100 became $1.00 I was hoping PAYPAL will help me to solve the issue and help me to refund my money. I believe in karma, even if they don't accept back the product it's not even worth the amount I paid them. It is just my contributory to their wake, they probably need money and the only way they know how to earn money is through scamming. I pity those people. May they find peace, Siddhartha Gautama will never like what they did.
Wish I had seen these complaints prior to ordering. I placed an order on Monday and they have charged my credit card but have not sent a confirming email. There is no way to contact them except through email and they do not respond to email. The account I set up on their web site shows NO ORDER HISTORY and although they say FREE Shipping, they charged my account $16.00 for shipping. Do not order from this company.
Stay away from this webside! I Received my bag today, which turned out to be a big FAKE. I was soooo disappointed:(. Shame on people who make their living on sceeming others.
I purchased long champ le pliage bags from www.longchampsales.com thinking they are authentic bags. I received the bags last week, and they are FAKE! Don't buy from this website. You have no way to contact the seller!
I had owned ;long champ for over 15 years.This is so cheap made, size different, colors material..Everything it's fsaker and a scam.
Looks like I've been taken by this company. I thought I was going to get an authentic longchamp. They charged my card, and I requested next day shipping. It's already been four days, and they are not responding to my requests for tracking information.
They are a scam ! selling fake purses making you think that is an authentic outlet. Stay away also http://www.longchampoutlet.net.
Stay away from Longchampsoutletoneline.org, fake company, Chinese based company.
I purchased a messenger by mistake and requested refund after I paid. up tp now, no bag no refund. They are bunch of theft. Stay away !
Stay Away from them.
Biggest scam ever. They sell fakes...cheap fakes.
I realised Longchamp outlet online was a scam after receiving an email from Mallpay. The Mallpay website is a chinese site from china. So I tried to contact them but all my emails were returned as addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
I'd also tried to contact longchamp outlet online but no response. Checked with my bank and payment had been made so I'd lodge an investigation. Will wait and see.
Mallpay.com will not address my issue with them either...I ordered a pair of UGG boots through kikitrade.com which is in association with Mallpay.com...all addresses are coming back as failure to deliver... and yes they charged my visa for $98.64 the day of my order online...
Now kikitrade.com is called onlinegucci-store.com...this was done in the last 15 days...they still sell UGGS mind you!
Any info on how to deal with these people would be appreciated... and yes authorities have been contacted.
Well, thank you all of you for posting these reviews. I wanted to get a couple of bags because I collect Longchamp. However, I was suspicious about the prices. Thus, I decided to research the website before ordering. I sent them an e-mail asking about the size of the small le pliage bag. It has been 2 weeks and no one replied. Additionally, I noticed the French description the items was full of grammar mistakes and spelling errors. That also raised suspicion. A word of advice, before ordering anything online, unless it is a reputable company, research it first by typing the name of the website or company eg: longchamp outlet online stores reviews. Buyer be aware especially when something looks to good to be true.
I am so upset, I bought a longhcamp bag on wednesday and it charges me extra which I wasn't aware of, until I saw my bank statement. I also have tried to contact them and ask for a refund however after reading reviews from different websites I figured I won't get a reply any time soon. I do want my money back, is there anyway I can get a hold of them or contact a third party to help me out?