Dishonest Breeder
I do not want to know who you are because the authorities and my attorney already do and that is all that matters!I could care less ! And I am sorry that you did not like what was written about Pet shack Chihuahua's. Awe Did it hurt your feelings?
Just an FYI I do NOT dress like Lucy Everyday LOL! And I DO NOT have red hair! If you really knew me as you say You would know that LMAO! I do not think dressing like her where I work would go over well in the courthouse LOL. I see that you are jealous of the life I lead and I am flattered. You must have a lot of spare time to be able to take time out of busy day to write about me. I did not under any circumstances try to hide the fact it was "ME" in the post DUH! And for your FYI~~~ LIL BELLA LUCY~~ is not the dog in question or the dog I purchased from Nancy! ROTFLMAO! And when in court you always want O make sure all the FACTS are correct! You would do lousy in a court case! This is an open investigation and I an glad that you decided to become a part of it. Law Enforcement has a special way to know the HTLM addresses and who they belong to~~ Remember that when posting anywhere on the Internet! Mr. Computer Savvy!. I did not care but the attorney did so Thank you.It just helps my harassment case even more when another person is added! They do already know who you are, That is what was important! They are who told me about this post! Have a Happy Holidays!I will advise you to remove the photo immediately as you know that is my intellectual property and you can get in a lot of trouble posting my photo without permission! My attorney will file charges if not removed! (not that I care I Love the publicity!)Thank you Happy Holidays!
Oh and I could always post her filthy dog room areas here if you like also so Do not threaten me. IF you knew the law You would know that "When a person does business with someone whether it is a positive experience or negative experience I am allowed to share that with the world on a public forum if I choose! I bought a dog from her with papers LOL and Health Guarantee homemade by her which by the way a secret "It is illegal to sell any dogs to State of Florida without a breeders license! Do you know that? It is a huge fine too!
Thai was basically quiet for the moment but unfortunately you stated it all over again so if you really care about Nancy You will end your rude comments to me or I will continue to move forward! And I have an army of legal people on my side! No Trolls Here!
AND WHEN YOU SEARCH PETSHACK CHIHUHAHUA'S OR NANCY WHITE MR. COMPUTER SAVY, IT GIVES YOU HER BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER DUH! IT AUTOMATICALLY LIST HER HER INFORMATION. I MEAN IT IS HER BUSINESS RIGHT! DUH! SHOULD I SAY DUMMY! so no laws broken once again! :) And furthermore I did BUSINESSS with her from that address and telephone number so it is legal! My telephone is a State Phone! Go ahead call it ! It was already used to attack me and it is part of my case! Have a great Day and a Happy Holiday!
Excuse me FYI The dog in MY PHOTO above (posted without permission) is not the dog that I got from Nancy! Petshack Chihuahua's!
And This post was written over a month ago ~~I let you go a long time ago and I will restart the posting again if you do not "STOP HARASSING ME! "
And an FYI my dog has NEVER been in any Chihuahua race! LMAO I am the emcee always ask around LOL
And My dog is always in my arms as co Emcee never in any fashion show ROTFLMAO! Get your facts straight! You will need to for court! and you say you did not breed my dog? Well did you forget who you listed as parents to her? HMMMM? Wow You just made yourself look like a dummy! You see when you lie you need to keep track of the lies to keep them straight LOL
I guess you will not Stop ! I wanted to not take this to court I actually felt bad for you but it will be the only way to stop you!
Be careful on your new pages on Facebook! They are still beiong monitored by the authoritues and They will shut them down as well! Leave it alone and Go tend to your Dogs!
Happy Holidays!
Lista AS Lucy For LIFE! xxxxoooo
Oh no ~~~~~Here is a picture of my precious baby Lil Lucy in a what "BIRDCAGE And I am Crazy! I told you I am on no medication and I do NO DRUGS I think not!
I told you I do everything factual and Legal! I said it because I have PROOF! Pictures do not Lie!
I am not working right now :( But to clear it up I am a volunteer at what I do! LMAO so I do not get fired! Also I work at home not anybody else's computer! LOL And I Did not Hack any computer so you need to find out who did! NOT ME! I do not even know how nor would I want to learn That is against the Law I told you I do not break the law! I do not want anything on your computer! I do not need that to have a case! Also they ALL know about this whole story. My attorney's office is on the next floor and we talk about it daily! LOL. Happy Holidays Nancy from my home to yours!
And Please Be aware That is is not like Facebook my friend When you post on here and when your nameis searched it will show many others what you are saying about your shop and ALL our posts!
so Please protect yourself and Quit the lies and stalking!
STOP HARASSING ME! Leave it Alone! or I will get more in detail for the viewers to see!
Nancy I will copy my Health Guarantee for the viewers to see that wa sdelivered by you! and My attorney has a album from Facebook stating $325.00 for puppies from Billie with papers! LOL Remember my friend was selling puppies and was mad you posted to MY Page so inexpensive and with paers! Now I know why ! SICK PUPPY!? Hmm remember now! Yes with the help of Facebook Security~We were able to print All that ! and yes the Health guarantee signed by you listing your verternarian(friend) is from you and carbonless and worthless because was made from your computer!So as I said ~Illegal sale of a puppy to Florida! BIG Fine and could cost you your ckc future? LOL. You have other puppies that you sold to unhappy customers and they have the same paper I got ! How strange? Also I have CKC papers ! Wooo hOOOO
Nancy You will never just tell the truth and admit you were wrong! You sell puppies on the internet!and on a PUBLIC Social Network! You live where you breed so it makes your personal life part of your business too. You have NO LICENSE to Breed or Board animals.You have a Business License only~ The Carolina's does not require you to have a license to breed animals. If they did you would be more careful!. This is probably why you breed the way that you do and the conditions are this way!.But there is protection for the animals!
You can not run a business on an internet social network especially Facebook. It is illegal also~~so with that said they do not protect business's that are ran on there! Facebook is not a website for Business Networking! It is a Personal Website for Social Networking! Got It! So if you do not want it out there then do not put on your Public Page! Duh! Oh well enough you are using my energy!
So when are we going to court?
You would make it so much easier for me!
Happy Holidays!
Here is a copy from my telephone Nancy I will post a clear copy on here later! Just in case you forgot what you sent with her!
This is page one which by the way is not a recognized health certificate accetable in the State of Florida.
Here is page two!
Thi sisthe page one and that other is your 72 hour Guarantee!
Are you sure you want me to post the Ckc papers Nancy? Sure! That could really hurt your business!
Please note even though they are blurry you can see her telephones numbers on page One!
Zachary I agree with you I do not know you! you are so correct my friend! I have been fighting with this lady for a long time over the sale of a sick dog! and yes it is all about the money. She has even bred the same mom twice in one year for both of her heats! NO Break! Poor Baby! Thank you for your support!
And Zachary She lives where she sells the dogs out of! In the Carolina's they do not need a breeder's license so they get away with this behavior. But this is an open investigation and I have alot of different agencies assisting me. I will not give up. I am the voice for the animals so they may be heard.I have pictures with over 20 puppies all under 8 weeks old at her shop! This is so unfair to the puppies!
Wow what a difference a few days make. Nancy NO ONE has been to your shop to take a look around? Really! I think so! and you know so!Yes I do know that for sure! I will NOT expose the investagator, but did they did make a visit?! and to let you know you have had SEVERAL complaints against you in the past to several agencies. But because of no breeder license required their hands are tied! Any complaints can be made Public record! It was very easy to mention your name to any of them and they have heard your name "Petshack Chihuhaua's" before!. I WILL NOT expose the investigation on here BUT I will say to all reading. The investigation is ongoing! Why wouldn't you want to prove your innocense? Because you know you will be out of business sellings dogs!
Listen Nancy I can expose any and all the pictures I have on here that I choose to. THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM! or did you not realize this? DUH! and if ANYONE searches for your NASTY petshop it will give them your name as owner, your address and telephone number HELLO! Duh! when you run a Business becomes public information to be looking to purchase from you! Wow How else can they find you? or Is it not true that most of your sales of puppies are done through FACEBOOK! which by the way is a NO NO! Did you not have several pages closed down on Facebook! Imagine that.And FYI at the time "your pictures on YOUR web page" were offered to anyone that went to your page (and further more they were While we were talking )before and shortly after purchase of a sick dog. And Some were emailed to me by one of your good fellow breeders too! Also She sent me emails (numerous) of information about your dogs and your filthy place with photos!. She has been there several times and knows you personally for years, and was willing to expose all your information to anyone!And Is it not true~ you have sold several dogs that were ill to past customers they by the way have been more than willing to give a deposition against your shop to the authorities. They just wish to remain private until necessary in the courtroom!
Yes you have a BUSINESS license ONLY that is all ! That is what is required in your state only! SAD but TRUE! They do not even require a breeder to have a license in your state that is why you do the breeding ethics you do.
And as far as ANY dog "Put to sleep!"Really do not make me laugh! I know of NONE because of anything to do with me! Prove it on here publicly I give you permission! Please! Bet you can't!They went to other homes and NOT your's and you were angry! Oh well!Some were offered with money! Is that why you wanted them? Your friend said you rescued a Rotti and bred her? Hmmm! That is even posted on a public thread by someone other than me! And another rumor I heard and read is "You have a friend at the local shelter who offers dogs to you ? unspayed and unneutered? These are just a few RUMORS your friend told me!In Florida we do things differnet we definitely will not place a dog until they are~~~ to avoid puppy mill breeders like you continuing to make puppy makers out of them!
The dog that was to come to me by local rescue ( and Did) is a Mix breed ! LOL~~ Gummie is her name ~~45 lbs Do you know of a Chihuahua 45 lbs? LMAO! Thank you ~~~NOT A CHIHUAHUA LMAO! Below I will show a pic of her and she is with me still! LOL~~ so again I say to you "Fire your Spies" They do not have correct information as usual. See my information comes from LEGAL authorities! I do not do my own investigations. This is why I have an attorney and other authorities to do it.Anyone in my town knows I can afford to hire someone to fight for the animals! I have tried to let this rest and allow you to correct your awful shop and you continue to lie to others and accept the fact that you need to Clean up! I accepted the fact that I saved my baby from your nasty place and yes she has problems because of her breeding! BUT it does not affect her LOVE to me daily. She was so wonderful through all my cancer treatments and I think she knows she was rescued!I have photos of over 20 puppies from different Mothers all in one pen! Sick! This is why dogs raised in this environment can be aggressive during feeding time. They had to learn early to fight for food with 19 plus others! :(
And YES my husband dropped a puppy 2 years ago Thanksgiving morning and she died instantly! She was cremated and is on the top of my fireplace forever. I am still feeling pain of her loss daily. But what is amazing is that you call yourself a loving breeder and rescue person then why would you be glad that any puppy lost his life! It is not a secret to anyone. If you lived here you would know it was not a secret!Because you DO NOT know me personally nor will you EVER you can not say a word. I live in a Gorgeous two story home (ask around to my LOCAL friends they will tell you) My animals are treated as my children! Everyone says if they died they would love to come back as my pet! :0. My job is a full time job that is VOLUNTEER position not payed and I Love it! I also volunteer part time at a local shelter. Can you say that ? or is it true that your aniamls are nothing more than a money making machine to you! Your Income for living~~~ while the grooming business is slow! People like you should not breed anything! You are overwhelmed and have too many animals and your cleaning abilities are nasty and the animals deserve a better life! I will expose the whole album Nancy on this forum if you like~~~ Remember pictures do not LIE! and to anyone interested please feel free to contact me send me an email and just for asking I will prove myself (Not that I need to) I just want to educate everyone to be careful when purchasing from you! or any Puppy Mill Breeder! that they Do not make the mistake I did! And because I did business with you "PETSHACK CHIHUAHUA"S" BY LAW I can tell the WORLD if it was a positive experience or Negative. This is what you hate the most but guess what ? It is LEGAL 100% Ask any attorney ! You have a business right? just like Walmart! Publix ect!~~~ and as a consumer that shops I can legally expose my experience at any place I exchange money ! This is the Law my friend! Their are plenty disgrunted customers from businesses like the one's mentioned above and They are legally aloud to expose their experience to anyone they choose to so with that said ~~~~ so quit saying I can not tel them! I can! Publically on the internet f i choose! What I can not do is lie abouit any company that I never did any business with That is ILLEGAL and You can be punished .I am so sorry you do not like the fact that I had a Bad experience with you and I exposed your nasty shop! Most good business people or companies will make it right with the customer! But not you you got the money and it was final! Even if I did get a guarntee! Sorry if you do not like this exposure! Clean it up! Thats all I want ! I am the voice for the poor animals that can not speak and are a product of bad breeders! They deserve a better start in life!
What about your Merle to Merle Litter? Blind Deaf Babies! I even have pics of those Poor babies! And now they are someone elses responsibilities! Yes ~~you are a Great breeder ! NOT ~~Dogs in Bird cages ! Birds flying around while crapping all over! I have pics of bird droppings all over your store fixtures! Dirty dog beds! Dirty Dog Toys! Rusted cabinets with bird droppings on them too. and you say to all you are CAGEFREE!~~~~~ LOL Do not make me laugh! You refer to your Mommy dogs as MILK WAGONS! Nice Nancy! Listen It is best for you to get off the computer and Clean your Shop! Invest time in that instead of posting lies! You are only making it worse on yourself! You will not like the outcome in the end when the world knows your place! and How you breed Dogs! So do yourself a favor and Clean up!
Have a Happy Holiday!
Below is picture of dog supposidily that was killed! So Do not spread Lies That is Illegal!
Sure hide the nasty shop and take a picture decorated only for a Sale of a puppy! Shame on you!
HMMMM Nancy I paid 325.00 for my baby WITH papers! and I have a written receipt from you signed by YOU Nancy White!given to me in my packet from Tammi .I also recieved in the packet my CKC papers for her! signed also by YOU! ~~~~ LOL ~~~~
And yes my hubby stepped on her FOOT~ LOL and we went to vet for a precaution because I am a responsible pet owner not like you! I've have said it 10000 times SO WHAT! and the point you are trying to make!?
Bred the Merle dog who is now named DESI by the way? LOL Yeh Right! I may!
I think I will post all the copies of paerwork Later and maybe make a album for the peoplke here to view so they can make a decision about all this themself? Hmm What do you think Nancy!? Want me too? I can and LEGALLY!
Yes Zack I know right! She is such a wate of time really! Who sews my clothes you say? not me! HAHAHA! Wow that is a great one! LMAO You think you know so much !You are as Ignorant as they come! I make everything myself my sewing room can prove that! Straight from where? Trailer Park ?Yeh thats why I live in a two story home that has 4 bedrooms /3 bath with 2 additions on 1 acre land Pool, jacuzzi, trampoline wonderful treehouse built for kids! LOL and you live where? ROTFLMAO!
Yes I own 2 trailers in a gated community Empty for several years that have only had people living there temporarily when they lost their own home and I wanted to help them get on their feet! and I still paided the Lot rent for them both.Yes I can afford it! My Grandparents were very respected in this area I have lived here my whole life! I live off my inheritance money! LMAO I sure have alot of toys for someone that has nothing! Ask around ! I am a giver not a taker and I have helped so many in my life and will continue to do so! You will find out quickly the truth you are so desperately looking for! You must raelly have a serious jealousy problem with me. You will never be me so Give up! LMAO
Get a Life MS Puppy Mill Breeder! Quit Stalking me It is a serious crime!
You are a real Nut Job! I will pray that God will help you deal with this jealousy!
Sorry Brenda Yes if taken that way I did not mean that at all! I was just trying tio defend myself and I should not waste my time it is true! The devil will win then I prayed just now and I know God will provide me the right direction for this matter!
She has stalked me and harrassed me for almost 8 months I have tried to be patient and kind about the whole situation and it did not work! I need to ask God for more patience too!
Thank you I never realized it could be looked at in that way! :(
I am sorry! I have helped many in my life and I am a volunteer to the wetern communities for the less fortunate I Love who I am and I Love to give back!
The Page that I supposidily hijacked! was made BY FARRAH herself without my permission She put me as the administrator of the page! I hijacked nothing that is why It is still up! Hello!
Get your facts right You will need them later!
Farrah There you are! I was wondering! For your information you kno wwhy I put my finger on my cheek to cover the cancer that was on my face ! You are making youirself look bad when you make these comments. They are cruel and the devil is very busy with you as his servant! And I definitely know how to spell with a diploma /and college degree LOL . I just type to fast and do not spell check BIG DEAL! They are called typos my dear! What is BIG is YOU!ROTFLMAO
YOu have sent me no money EVER! I owe you nothing! :) Nor I have received any money from anybody and not sent to them. NICE TRY! LOL.
Yes I made some clothes that I was going to send to you because I felt sorry for you and how lonely you are! I did choose not to send you anything after all the lies you have spread. I know that YOU are the true one behind ALL this with Nancy and when I expose you. I will help Nancy prosecute you to the fullest. You spend all day ~~everyday on the computer watching every move she makes and would report to me all of it!~~ then now you have lied to her about it all. Well surprise I have proof of all your lies! When the time is right >>>It will be a Bad day for you. I wa swarned about you from Nancy and many others and did not listen! I have sold nothing to anyone on Facebook nor taken ANY orders. I have been to busy fulfilling orders that were already made!I have even had to temporarily hold my webpage for a while to complete them because I am the ONLY on ethat sews my clothes! You are so jealous of me and others and it is Sad! You have no Life at all and stuck home daily! I know you are ill and still live at home and I am trying to get your parents some extra help for you.You are a very lonely person and very jealous of Nancy and you always will be. It is like Nancy sleeping with the enemy! I pray she sees right through you! You have nothing to do everyday but surf the internet looking to get into everyone else's business. YOU are the one the one that contacts people about Nancy out of jealousy! You need to maybe find a group to help you feel better and keep yourself busy.I try to remember you are ill Farrah but I will not sit back and watch how you try to ruin other lives because you are so miserable! Also You made a Facebook Page NOT ME an dwhen it was brought to my attention~~~ I was not Happy with you at all. Then you wanted people to believe I hijacked it ROTFLMAO! Well if I had it would be closed DUH! That is why Facebook has left it on! I will close it when I am ready too. :) Happy Holidays!
please post pics It will bring m more business like it did opn your page! Farrah Do you like your disability check every month? You see when you are on diability my dear you MUST REPORT all income you recieve ! I bet you do not!HMMMMMM! Then be careful who you make angry! It is a felony to rip off the government! Ask any attorney Farrah Troutman! of Farrah's Chihauahua's . Lily's poor Mommy! She had Lily was born this year I got her in June and you already bred her Mommy again! Poor baby! Are you trying to be a puppy mill breeder too? An dyou say they are not inbred? How could they not be you only bred within your own circle of dogs that are related to each other somewhere down the line! Duh!
As far as copies of things I can sure post some awful emails and texts and im's from you about poor Nnacy! Want me too? Leave me alone Farrah I am warning you! Quit Stalking people on the internet! I have reported your computer HTLM address to the proper authorities and they are looking into your activity in the last year. We will find out who did these things to Nancy! It is NOT me and I can not wait to prosecute you for it if it is YOU. You are ill in th emind and that is certified medically and I believe your parants maybe can not care for you properly with all the things you get yourself into . I have reported that also to make sure you are taking your medsication that you desperately need and staying out of trouble! Your parents will know soon enough. Maybe they can not handle you?Think about what you do before you do anything Farrah It may come back to you !
Farrah Get your Facts straight! Tammy's dogs and Nancy's dogs and yours are related in some way if you follow the breeding line! Also my attorney just gave me the receipt with the price PAID IN FULL for Lily! I bet you forgot about that ~~~Yippy!
Farrah Chihuhaua's is calling herself >
Lucy you got some splain to do!
Real Name is Farrah Troutman!
She sells the worst Quality Dogs! Do not buy from her they are inbred! Because she breeds her dogs within her own! How could they not be inbred!
I will post a pic of her quality of breeding! You decide! And my puppy was born in April and already her Mom has another litter!
No breaks ! Shame on You!
I smell another Puppy Mill!
Poor Dogs!
Just filed a complaint about her breeding habits too! Maybe she is also a Puppy Mill breeder!
The sale of ONE puppy does not make you a reputable breeder! It means one person or maybe two were happy. I am not complaining about Lily. I am in Love with Lily BUT I am not a breeder as I stated. You do breed you dogs with Nancy and Petshack and they do come from the same breeding line in some way!
And Why did you breed Lily's Mom again? No break Shame on you! You started all this mess yourself by telling stories back and forth to all. I have so many emails that Nancy will die with what you would send almost daily.I never really paid much attention until now and it really amazes me to read all the crap you would say and NOW try to act like it was never you! The truth will be exposed soon and you will raelly be sorry! All signs so far point directly to YOU!
And even if the above sttement wa strue? Why did you post in previous post that you sold her to me for 450.00! Hmmmm you must have for forgotten that! so that would mean the bal for clothes would be 75.00 not 200.00 as you have told so many! what you said and where! shwwwwwwwwwwww taht is a full time job! Have a Great Evening!
Farrah Talk about my spelling? Payola! What type of payment is that? ROTFLMAO
correction:Most of my dogs are not related to nancy or Tammy's dogs.
for you info> correction : For your information
What kind of grammar is this? You go back to school!
English YOu know what amazes me is the fact that you would be so nasty to a complete stranger? I am in Love with my Dog emotionally mostly because I was diagnoised with Cancer and She has bee to most of my tratments and really helped me so much/.
I Love most animals and spend time daily to try to SAVE another life in a FOREVER Home!
Think before you speak!
Happy New Year!
Nancy Are you serious! This is not a joke at all!
That web link is nothing more than advaertisement for a book! LMAO Well Did you at least buy the book>>? ROTFLMAO!
Nancy Enough Talk ! Do whatever This is a new Year and I will NOT allow you and Farrah to try to start the year with this nonsense!
I have left you FAR alon enad here you go again! Do IT!
I have NOTHING to hide nor have I done ANYTHING WRONG! I have told you this all along! I am LEGALLY aloud to tell anyone that I choose if I did business with someone and it was a bad experience. It is NOT Defaming you to expose my experience with your shop for the purchase of a puppy from you! So Save your money! I have really tried to be quiet for your sake but I can definitely spread the word all over again if you like? Grow up and find better friends to hang with besides Farrah who spoke so much junk about you ( I have soooo much proof) and Now You are Friends! ROTFLMAO! Nancy with friends like her You do not need enemies! You are sleeping with the enemy!
You really need some good legal advise to know whatyour rights are as a business owner and the rights of a consumer to talk about the experience they had with ANY company! You as a business owner need to know that is the risk as an owner. Thsi is why big companies make sure to do right to avoid exposure in a negative way! Your shop pictures were on a public domain! You put them there not me! You obviously wanted to share them publically! Nothing Illegal ok so GET PAST IT!
As far as hacking yours or anyone's computer ~~~~ NOT ME!
Happy New Year!
Hmm Nancy I do not know anything about this comment! at all! I have my differences and one thing for sure I have NEVER said you abuse aniamls or do not tak ecare of them! EVER! So This is absolutely absurd! I think you have made it so public now taht ppl are trying to keep it hot so it is onlt getting worse! I am so over this whole thing with LOSERS!. That is my New Years resolution but you keep it going why?
And as far as JJ they only contacted me TODAY and ARE you NUTS for real? Did you forget ehere i work or what I do>>>? This was a real laugh today thank you! We all needed taht at the courthouse! I will never be in court JJ Thank you You really are a FRUIT CAKE! I will go to real court anytime! I have NOTHING to hide ! I would LOVE TOO! MY pleasure!Until then the answer is NO NO NO! LMAO
An di have an email i can post if you want from Farrah ststing that you got a rescue rotti and you were going to breed her! So as I have said Be careful who you hang with !
Oh No I agreed to go to Judge Judy I am sueing you! They really want my story! I am waiting to get permission from MY attorney Yes I can afford one. You have no idea what I have or don't have! Ask around to people in my town LOL I am definitely well known LMAO! I share my wealth!
twiggy so TRUE but she does not care as long as they make her $$$
Petshack you are really doing bad for your business? posts on here ! But Ok!
Yes Zach You do rock! LOL
I definitely did kearn a lesson buying a puppy from someone I did not know or what conditions the puppy was raised in! I hope they keep it going because it continues to warn peopel about them both! Graet Job Ladies Helping me spread the word about Puppy Mills!
Just for you ladies"
What Is a Puppy Mill
What Is a Puppy Mill?
A puppy mill is a large-scale commercial dog breeding operation where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs. Unlike responsible breeders, who place the utmost importance on producing the healthiest puppies possible, breeding at puppy mills is performed without consideration of genetic quality. This results in generations of dogs with unchecked hereditary defects.
Puppy mill puppies are typically sold to pet shops—usually through a broker, or middleman—and marketed as young as eight weeks of age. The lineage records of puppy mill dogs are often falsified.
What Problems Are Common to Puppy Mill Dogs?
Illness, disease, fearful behavior and lack of socialization with humans and other animals are common characteristics of dogs from puppy mills. Because puppy mill operators fail to apply proper husbandry practices that would remove sick dogs from their breeding pools, puppies from puppy mills are prone to congenital and hereditary conditions. These can include:
Heart disease
Kidney disease
Musculoskeletal disorders (hip dysplasia, luxating patellas, etc.)
Endocrine disorders (diabetes, hyperthyroidism)
Blood disorders (anemia, Von Willebrand disease)
Eye problems (cataracts, glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy, etc.)
Respiratory disorders
On top of that, puppies often arrive in pet stores—and their new homes—with diseases or infirmities. These can include:
Upper respiratory infections
Kennel cough
Intestinal parasites
Chronic diarrhea
You tell me ? Is this fair to the puppies?
The poor sick rotti that was rescued by you as a Stray? BUT Not a good choice to expose a stray with small puppies!
My Puppy that I bought from her while at her shop in a what? Bird Cage and look how filthy! I rescued her! :)
This is not a bird cage either? Right?ROTFLMAO! You have alot of nerve Farrah ~~You forgot how many pics you mailed out about Nancy's Shop! LOL :) You have done so much behind her back!
Thank you Zachary and Lov my pup It is so obvious and They do not see it>>>> >?
I have soooo many more very disturbing pictures but I will wait until my day in court! And NO it will not be on Judge Judy! Sorry My attorney said No Way :( But I will keep you posted!
Judge Judy sure does! You are right there! Yes she Nancy was dumn enough to think that they would take her case? LMAO When they called me and I tol dmy side! They ask me to please com eon the show against her! I really wish I could Talk about exposure! Everyone would know about her! But unfortunately My attorney will not allow me to go on tv! The case has way too much information that could also be used in court!
Zachary they are from Petshack ! Her shop where she works, lives and Breeds! Yuk! and she posted them all on her wall. She is actually proud of her place! EWWWWWWWWWWW!
They are definitely hillbillies and maybe this is the way they live in their neck of the woods but this is Nasty in my view!
No animal deserves this! The personality shows on a puppy from a puppy mill.Their dogs are raised in crowded quarters and they become aggressive during meal time because they fought too many siblings each feeding! Poor babies!
They will never change but at least they are making themself a name on here! LMAO!
They are both in the Carolina's as you can see on their websites! The laws in Carolina"s are not strict enough that is obvious and they do NOT require a Breeder's License to breed . This is what you get when they are not monitored!
Yes other breeds and Birds! and her best friend FArrah says she breed a rescue rotti too?I have an email to prove she said it! She will tell you herself she breeds dogs and birds and proud to say it! :( The birds fly free all around dropping poop all over ! wanna see a pic of poop on the file cabinet! EWWWWW
Thank you my new friend! I appreciate your Love for the fur babies! I know it has caused me alot of controversy but I Love my animals and I will not ignore people that do not Love them and give them the life they deserve! My rescues are 100% better quality puppy in personality and health! Look at my rescue baby below!
Number one!
My rescue baby is spayed ###! Florida spays our rescues unlike your state!
And you talk to a rescue person not rescues Idiot! I choose to not want to deal with her psycho self! I did not know her and I do not want to! I choose my destiny always and I make decisions because of what I want!
I am a volunteer for SEVERAL rescues here even our Animal Control! LOL so What rescues? LIAR! Do you volunteer anywhere? I did not think so! ROTFLMAO!
Cussing at my kids LOL you have really lost it! I do not even curse in front of them EVER! My boys will attest to that! I do not have a potty mouth like you! I am a Christian and My Babies attend Christian school and I live my life as best as I can to Please my heavenly Father! I pray every night for you!and my enemies! God says Love my enemies as I would myself! :0
Lying will get you NO wHere! People that know me personally can attest for the type of person I am and Mother! My children are My world!
tHANK U I should of thought of that! LOL Besides she always trys to get it off the subject at hand!
But I think I got my point across to many out there! :)
Thank you jersey Guy also!
Thank you for the apology! I am definitely the good Guy! :) Not S--tshack LMAO
Thank you Brenda ~~But you are dealing with extremely immature women!
I do not know ANYONE on these threads at all LMAO You are getting what you ask for from educated people who have called you out! LMAO!
You rescue and breed your rescues! SICK Backyard Breeder!
What Funds! I did not get any funds with my rescues! LOL You do Tahts why you took Daubie! He came with money! $$$$
and Florida spays and neuters dogs when adopting ### unlike your state! LOL
I have NEVER taken any animals to a shelter in my life!
What dog was bred? You are so funny! I hope you are right!? LMAO I can not wait for my puppy! ROTFLMAO!
You really are Clueless!
Go clean your place! Get off the internet!
Thank you Davey
Yes Please help me get the word out! These women need to stop breeding Dogs! They are not in in for anything more than $$$$! Someone gave petshack dogs due to their declining health and she even sold some of them and gave some away and she continued to breed them! One of her latest litters was from the rescue mom and she has double cherry eye poor baby! you give two craps about your animals or you would STOP!
You breed for quality When is the last show your animals were in? LMAO!
LMAO! Whats the matter You do not recognize the poorly bred puppy you sold me Petshack ? LOTFLMAO!
No She is very much alive LOL ! No Thanks to you!
Amen animal cop My adopted pets are the best! They have the best personalities! I learned a very hard lesson!
Thank you davey70 I sure do email me!
Love to help stop a puppy mill!
Petshack you live, eat, sleep, groom, and BREED all in the same place and all the dogs, birds, goat and what else live there too! Farrah told me you bathe where your dogs are washed daily for grooming! eWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Travel Funds LOL You will never get me to come there ! LMAO! No Thank you I do not want to bring anything back to my town ! This is why I have an attorney LOL
You are very smart Davey70
I have been watching them for over a year funny thing is they use to be ENEMIES! Farrah trashed Petshack daily on emails, text, walls ext. Some of the photos I have I got from her! And now they are best friends again. They Deserve each other! :)
Let me ask you What is th ebig deal about me breeding or not! At least I am licensed to breed if I wanted too.and I choose not to. I have been licensed for 17 yrs! I did breed dachshunds for SHOWS not $$ This Shows what you know! LMAO
Chiweenies? hmmm I only know of one litter that was a rescue that was bred and that was a breach of contract so I took the dog back and delivered puppies safely and rehomed them all to approved homes Spayed and Neutered! ON A CONTRACT! no other litter sorry and that was 11 months ago! LMAO
I named your dogs?:! LMAO I do not know your dogs names LOL nor do I want to!
i wish I had 3 litters of puppies right now!ROTFLMAO!
When I did breed I was not like you and farrah. You both are in it for the $$
Farrah is the one that told me you bred the rescue Not true? LOL
Jada rescue dog! She has puppies now right?
petshack you watch way too much animal planet! I am banned frim rescue LOL this is why I just was given 3 rotti puppies to try to revive them to health> I wasup 3 days day and night =with a friend feeding them hoping they will make it! And they have another they are begging me to take! No dog went to shelter registered to me! EVER! I only have one dog with chip with me!Liar Liar! nor Put to sleep LIAR LIAR
I choose my battles and who i want to fight with or not!
Gorgeous chis davey70 Are they yours?
And this is Lovely Ms Petshack Chihauhua's Nancy White!
Now who has bad teeth? I know now why you are single!
Davey 70 You are so welcome! I have so many more!They really are UGLY inside and Out! What poor souls they are ! And they have the nerve to talk about me? ROTFLMAO!
First fox24nak8 I totally agree with you and you said it well> I definitely know better than to bow down to their level > I know better :( It has been going on for so long and i just get so frustrated with the stalking, Lies rude comments and I should ignore them. yes I have taken it to the necessary parties and it is an ongoing investigation still! I am glad that I made it known across the globe about their awful breeding. I have been to the shelters so many times as I am a volunteer at several and It breaks my heart to see how many are euthanized DAILY! even pure breeds! This was a learning experience I care never to redo but i always look at my puppy and say I rescued her at least! nShe was so supportive through my cancer treatment and we really bonded.I would never be sorry for her becoming a part of my life! I will try to take some advice from you and Pray for God to give me the strength to ignore them! :)
davey70 I do not know you and Jersey guy but Thank you to all for helping me fight against puppy mill breeders. They are very ill if they truly believe they are not! They fit all the qualifications to fall under that category! I pray Nancy you did file so I can make a real joke out of you and your business! You are also a real Clown if you think you are important enough to think a judge would want me there?! LMAO! For your lil case of a Big nothing! When you try to sue for (deformation of Character) LMAO I will countersue for all the expenses for my baby! :)
Dead?! Now that is so funny! You will try anything !> Low Low life people you both are! I am so glad you do not live in our town! But I must tell you if you were in FLORIDA! You would be fried! Florida does not tolerate this kind of animal neglect! we HATE PUPPY MILLS! So come on move to Florida! so I can chew you up!
Fighting for the animals THank you I knew you would see this some day and go off! You definitely do know me for several years and have been in my home and know what I stand for! I am so glad that you spoke on my behalf. I really do not care what these ###s say about me. Their day is coming. You know me well~~~ and Know my personality! I will get justice for the ANIMALS! iT IS JUST TAKING A LITTLE TIME! Love you !
No I have a way better legal battle with you in store! You are a Puppy Mill and need to be STOPPED to save the Animals!
cecilo what is that link? I see both their names on it? who did that?
petshack YES I have onr from you SPAYED! bet you did not know that Duh she is a sick dog so i spayed her a long time ago while volunteer at one of my many shelters ! LMAO Merlin is not Merlin anymore! Desi Thank you and no he is not neutered and will NOT be neutered! He will not be bred by me but just because you both think I have to neuter him I will NOT> Also he is registered to me not my( name though) LOL! keep you guessing and the other is definitely NOT a breeder dog LOL she has a teenie head fat long body What a joke you both are ! You both knew I do not breed and will not breed because of all the deaths daily! I will however deliver and save puppies all I can and spay the Mom's! I just delivered 6 puppies 2 weeks ago for a rescue, then I fostered 3 puppies from miami from another rescue friend, then now I am fostering 2 puppies almost ready for new homes and I do it all with a friend at her home so you think you know what is up YOU DO NOT! LMAO! And if I wanted to breed I am licensed to~~ I choose NOT too! There are too many beautiful babies put to sleep daily to breed. Since I have been at the shelters working I have seen over a dozen chihuahua puppies delivered and pure breed that are definitely better quality than either of yours are! LMao so you see I do NOT need to breed ever! Get your stories right!LIar!LIAR!
And my very old married name was Faircloth my name now is ? Bet you do not know! So Do you really think you know me?
And I own property I do not live in lake Worth! ROTFLMAO
You look like a ignorant woman even more now!
Look what I found petshack! Pet Shack Of Northside
“Pet Shack Of Northside”
Since: May 07
born & raised in Miami, Fla
Reply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#216Dec 1, 2007
Someone ask you this?
Concerned wrote:
Why you are posting in the Zoo so nicely and then coming over here and blasting her!
On your post on the Zoo forum, you made a heartfelt post that you wanted to help her,
I started the think you actually did this for the dogs, for the children,
Now i think there could be many more motivations here, my god woman you are really 2 faced,
from the looks of you facility you certainly have little room to talk!
Nicely? Hmmm, I went there to defend myself once aagin because of freaks like you who seem to think animal abuse is OK. Until you see what I did and I must not have been the only one that thought is was bad, she has been arrested and CHARGED... with 41 counts! so guess I payed them to right? WRONG! facts are facts! And Miss. Dunn lived like a pig and treated her dogs even worse! And I has a concered neighbor for the health of her dogs after seeing them run loose and look the way they did, I knew something wa wrong, but just did not expect THAT! And for the health of my dogs, when hers would come to my fence looking for FOOD, water and dang some LOVE and just plain attention, afriad they might be carrying something, most that where loose looked like they had the mange, and for you Goldendoodles lovers on here, you should have seen the way heres LOOKED! It would have made you SICK! trust me! So before you start juming on me, you need to read or listen to the news about this story and we will have to wait until Jan 7, 2007 for the final out come, May she also have to sit behind bars with no fresh air to breath, like she made most of her dogs!
more i found PUBLIC ON THE NET!Nov 26, 2007
Pet Shack Of Northside wrote:
OH NO! You read it wrong, I offered my help in AUG/07 when the police where here, she cried to me, and I had tears also, I gave her my number told her I would HELP her COTAIN her dogs, I had hot wire, box and MY TIME ! I was called a sucker & a sap by other neighbors for feeling sorry for her. DID I KNOW WHAT THEY WHERE LIVING IN... Oh trust ME! it wold have been on then in the front yard! So you need to go back and read my post, I went there to defend myself after my friend told me others where talking about me on that post! So get your crap straight please!
And you may my friend may come and see my grooming shop or come to my home { as long as you carry that my dogs can catch!} anytime missy!
Unfortunatly the more you write the more i see what has gone on here, MISSY
From the pictures you have posted and the numerous animals you have on your site, in crates pens, wet ground i have absolutly no desire to vist your "shop",
It is really sad that you choose this route and not tried harder to help
was it jealousy? was it competition? what?
do you really care or did you just go out of your way to do WHATEVER it took to get her out of business, for your personal gain? who knows about people like you, busy bodies that are wholier then thou I feel sorry for you MISSY
Just remember Nancy Petshack You started it all over again! Everyone knows about you now so I am definitely through! :) see you soon
Are there defenses to defamation?
Establishing the truth is the single most effective defense that can be offered. If the remark is truthful and it "hurts", is embarrassing, or subjects you to ridicule, there is little you can do. Unfortunately, unless the remark is false, you have no recourse.
MY remarks are not FALSE! So this is why you have No recourse!
A complaint message is assumed by to be a description of a situation experienced by a consumer. A complaint is only a personal opinion by a consumer, a perception of a consumer. That personal perception and/or opinion based on their own personal experience can be powerful, or meaningless, in the opinion of, depending upon the context and content of what is written. We're not responsible for how that information is interpreted by whomever reads it. Which of course varies from person to person, depending on whom they are, their own personal experiences, biases, opinions, etc.
It was my own experience I can share! Sorry :(
Transmit or upload any material that contains software or other material protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents.
Once again you used a photo that is copyrighted! and to let you know ANY photo of me as Lucy is my entertainment attorney's property and you may not use it without my permission! and that will be NEVER!
I guess when your other walls got closed down it was not enough!
farrah you may be 27 but you look 60! you have some right to call me names Look at you~~~ Look at me! LMAO I get $$$ For my looks Yeppers!
Pa Law You are correct and I apologize if it seems that way I am just very frustrated and I needed to vent.
I was offline a few days and It has been nonstop with stalking and harassment! Even on other blogs! I need to keep my mind focused and on the animals because It IS all about them ! If I allow it to turn to a personal attack to me I will not be helping the poor animals in their care at all. Please forgive me !
palaw Tahnk you again,
Yes my attorney has definitely advised me to get off this junk. I am bull headed however i have broken any laws . I had a business transaction taht wa sa very bad experience and by law I can post it anywhere. She and the other breeder had someone stalk me call y tel all hours and even threatened to slash my face. I have cancer and had surgery on my face over 300 stitcehes and they publically made fun of me because of that. I have NEVER called her, stalked her, harrassed her in any way at all.I have only made it known in several places what she does to hopefully STop at lease one more PUPPY MILL! She posted nonpublic information on these threads illegally! Even my address of a home that I own and is rented and they were robbed this week . If it can be proven that it was from anything on here or them it is very illegal. They have taken photos that are copyrited with a professional. The list goes on and on! No I am not taking her to small claims we have something bigger planned it is just taking so long to get it done. But my attorney says BE Patient! We have several other agencies involved and their is a time line to do it right so I will be patient a she says! Thank you for your concern Thank you for the Love of Animals!
this is a email I got in my INBOX... sure looks like she is attached to it !
And Pet Shack Of Northside has responded as follows:
"Lista Lucy Faircloth ( { this is my email address} but not my name it is HERS!
OH and the agency I am currently listed with has a DON which is my supervisor so with that said I am working with an RN What do you know?! So find someone else to stalk!
WOW Fight 4 what I believe in. Thank you so much for stating what you have SEEN first hand. I appreciate it so much. I have heard it through the grapevine also and some of the agencies that have been in her shop state the same thing about her and her shop. I have so many pictures also of the filth the poor babies are living in daily and she breeds and breeds over and over.Yes she DID breed merle to merle and the poor babies are deaf and blind! SICK! But she tries to tell people she is such a reputable breeder. And to think she actually thinks if we went to a judge she could win. PLEASE! Feel free to email me if you like
Thank you again!
HMMMMMMMM Nancy that dog on the left IS LUCY in my husbands hands 3 days after I got her and the dog on the rif=ght? I never saw before! Who the heck is that?
And Farrah~~ Applehead! LOL I do not have any applehead EVER! LMAO! Ask anyone I Love DEER! Duh!
yes kissthis2times ? Even one of the agencies that has dealt with Nancy at her business says She has a few screws loose! and sometimes makes nonsense! LMAO I sure hope it is alcohol and not certified nut for her sake!
Really? That is why I still have that blanket! LMAO! and where might you have gotten that pic from? Hmmmmm?
Jealousy!? Please I LOVE ME!
LMAO FUNNY I have a duplicate pictures of her with my husband's hand and her blanket over 10! By the way notice her rolling eye even when she was in this picture! LMAO so if it was Billy's hand It was noticeable before she left you! You really should keep your mouth shut you are only digging your hole deeper!
I have many more LIAR LIAR! Have another cocktail!
Nancy Petshack has another name she is using also try to hide her reputation!
Little Blue Smoke'n Chili Peppers Chihuahuas
I did not do research She was a referral and I trusted them. No more I found out Later ! I learned a hard lesson and Yes I did report her and it is an ongoing investigation!
fight 4 what i belive in Profile
fight 4 what i belive in
Member since Jan 17, 2011
Winnsboro, South Carolina
United States
Yeh ok Farrah or Nancy! LMAO
Jodi You are so correct in what you are saying and my attorney tells me DAILY! Also my parents! But i am so bull headed to defend myself and I should not care! I try but it is so hard! it is not only on here though it is on other blogs and forums! They are really sick people! I should write a book like someone suggested to me!
The puppy was delivered by another breeder friend of there's that does not breed like they do BUT she has been there? Farrah also always told me to go there and I will be so upset with Petshack! But now they are best friends?
yes the puppy i got that is sick and cosmetically ugly is the sweetest most gentle baby She was with me in through all my cancer treatments! I Love her and will FOREVER! I just hope she will not die because of the neurological problems from being inbred!
When Nancy said send her back to me ~~ I said no way I do not want another or $$ What I want is her breeding habits to STOP and Clean up the FILTH the dogs live in!
What matters most is how you see yourself ...
Yes so true! Thank you for words of Wisdom Jodi!
Whats the matter Petshack Nancy cat got your tongue when you got caught in another LIE! Its ok Everyone knows you are a LIAR! You are a CERTIFIED LIAR! ROTFLMAO
Farrah and Petshack Chihuahua's Why do you keep reposting that vulgarity? Because it is your style? Disgusting! You are only confirming to many your true personalities!
I agree with you Brenda and SOL She is such a LOOSER! If she would STOP her SICK BREEDING People would leave her alone! Duh!
I have had it with all your posting of lies about me, Farrah & Tammy!
Leave Tammy out of this ! She is NOTHING like you two are!And hopefully never will be!
You have never replied back why YOU sought out breeders to buy 3 ###?
Really ? I bought 2 puppies one from you (Sick) By the way she SPAYED! so Farrah offered me one of hers at a discount because of my sick dog I even have an email when she first contacted me ! Yep :) and the third is ?
And why you where bragging about "Your new stud dog".. Who is my new stud dog? The rescue from Farrah for FREE because he can not be a stud in any breeding line?because of a penis operation AND cherry eye? which he was sent with medication for that! Lmao! I think I may look into that!
which is it be honest here and let them know YOU DO BREED!
To have ONE litter of puppies ~~does not MAKE me a breeder my dear! "ONE" and the Chiweenies were a result of a signed spay/ neuter contract where the new family did NOT spay her and bred her so I had dog returned to me delivered the puppies and sold them for 150.00 and WHAT? donanted to TWO RESCUE GROUPS! LMAO
What?! I would not want one of your sick puppies! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
No Thank you~~ Inbred puppies! I wanted a puppy before I knew what kind of puppy breeder you were!
Who would want a puppy from such FILTH?: Poor Babies to liv ein such close quarters with so many others! Shame on you!
A picture a day will keep the BUYERS AWAY!
So Keep it up Petshack I will just keep educating the public about your nasty shop!
English I am laughing too!
NO I DIDN"T Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LMAO!
This is what happens when you open your personal business on the net ! So imagine what you have done to me posting addresses! There was a serious problem after you posted and the authorities are trying to piece it all together to see if it is linked to here! If it is you are in Great Trouble! You posted personal information about me to put me in danger once again! If I was to be hurt~~ You will feel really bad! Think about that! You have brought all this on yourself!
Miss jsanbruno!
Thank you so much for your comments and what you said all the way is SOOOOOO True I have tried to tell them but they do not listen Farrah has the worst potty mouth 24 yrs old and it makes her LOOK terrible!
Anyway Thank you so much for your comments You are an intelligent woman!
Have a Great Day!
BBRICE I do not know you! So Stop the Lies!
I contacted you about a puppy? Really! ? News to me LOL You better check your emails!
The Proof is out my dear! People are not stupid! And buy the way Have you been to her shop? I myself have not BUT the authorities HAVE and that was a trusted report! So That only confirmed all the rumors that Farrah had told me! And Farrah is who sent me photos of her filthy shop and they are best friends Now! ROTFLMAO!
Again I say Bbrice~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not know you and you know NOTHING about me!
Judge judy! LMAO Do not make me laugh ! This is far too serious for Judge Judy! This is for a real courtroom and them to face the facts!If you follow all the post you would see clearly for yourself who is in the wrong and soon you will see it legally they are in the wrong! LOL
My Chihuahua is a race? LMAO I emcee Jerk! My dogs hav never been in races LOL I get paid to Emcee Dummy! So get your facts right! have you been to an evnt >>? NO! If you had you may have known that LOL My chihuahua stays in my arms! LOL Duh! So who is crazy now!
I get plenty Limelight my friend I was on the news last night and local paper today LOL! You may not Love Lucy but many in the world did and appreciate her legend that lives in ME! I will continue to do what I do and WELL!
Oh I gained over 200 friends from there postings! Some very important friends too! The only people need medical help is people who support these woman and all puppy mill breeders! They have proven to many what type of people and breeders they are by all the trash they post and photos do not LIE my dear! No one in their right mind would defend such abuse to an animal breeder that breeds this way!
Thank you Msjsan bruno! You hit it on the head!
Really BBrice You met me? Liar Liar I do NOT know you!so you are LIAR!
A year? Really well wrong again I got my puppy from Nancy march hmmmm last time I checked that wa snot a year ago!
and I got the puppy from Farrah in June! that was 7 months ago ! so a year? Where? LMAO
I NEVER said anything about any pitbull hanging BUT I did read it! She has many who do not like hert or Farrah they have already given a dispostion to authorities for the investigation. I think she will be very surprised! I was!Photos! Hmm They were public for ALL to see! Sorry wrong again! and soem I got from Farrah and some from my attorney ! LMAO
And if you feel that her shop is good then you are as filthy as her EWWWWW!
Those conditions are not ok'! Duh!
Also my attorney will NOT let me go to Judge Judy!
It was not my decision! nor would I want Petshack to have to pay me not the shopw! That is why she wants it there so they will pay the money when I WIN!
Really I am dangerous! Do not make me laugh! In order to do my jobs in the past we must have a psychological evaluation LOL I have NO mental issues at all.
Bbrice ~~ Yes my attorney IS angry I post here but I am my own person and I pay him to work for me and I AM within the law! Thank you!
I am waiting patiently for a court date! You all have no idea! I take this very serious you will soon see!
You have been to her shop several times ? Poor you !
So have the authorities and they do NOT feel the same way you do!
You could not be more wrong! That is all I have to say! I do not know who you are NOR do I care!
lista lucy faircloth — cyber bullying
Take a look at the photos of Petshack Chihuahua;s and you tell me who is crazy!
Miss Jsanbruno
And you will not see me use that foul language. I am a lady and I carry myself as one always!
Finally someone else can clearly see the truth!
I also had a good relationship via telephone with Nancy but I had no idea what her conditions were for the animals at that time. Only after hiring an attorney did he expose the truth to me and I was so embarrassed and humiliated to accept I bought a puppy from there! She is very knowledgeable about Chihuahua's and very easy to talk to That is NOT the problem. It is far more serious after the exposure to these conditions! She was very nice to me also until I questioned these problems then she became angry!
Let it be known to ALL I am not attacking anyone or trying to destroy her business. That was not nor has it been my intentions! I am an UNBELIEVABLE Animal Lover and Advocate and I will NOT stand back ~~ shut my mouth and ignore the horrific conditions that these poor babies have lived in and all the information that I have received from her locals and past customers who will remain anonymous until necessary in court! They have TRIED to destroy my livelihood as Lucy but Thank God I am protected legally and it has not hurt me at all! I am very busy and I will continue to do what I do for the animals.I have a GREAT REPUTATION STILL!
I bet you ALL did not know something! I do events year round as Lucy BUT I bet you did not know I do Charity Events and Fundraisers for Animal Rescue Groups, Local Shelters. I also do events at the Cancer Institute for Children all for FREE! And because of their postings on Facebook accounts and making a I HATE LUCY PAGE (which I had closed down and several others pages by both of them)and other blogs many of the children that are patients had read some of it and are now not permitted to go on the internet to look at my event photos. I had to start a private page(which you will NEVER find) Just for the kids to view. That is so Sad!
Petshack could have saved herself alot of aggravation in the past had she taken care of the problem in April last year. It is NOT about $$ for me at all! It is about her shop changing its habits in breeding and Filthy living conditions they are forced to LIve in! She knows that she has received visits in the recent past from several agencies in regards to her conditions. I have been told by THEM she did comply and change a few things with the birds and ongoing with the Dogs! So without getting in the way of the ongoing INVESTIGATIONS taht is what I want to be done! When the conditions are changed and the breeding standards from her are changed I will move on until then I will continue to educate the public about her and I do not care if it ruins her sale of puppies then maybe she will be forced to Stop BREEDING! That would be a blessing to the animals and her community. She may feel she is loved and accepted in her own community and I must share with you all She is NOT> There have been many complaints to local authorities about her shop and the locals have tried to have her closed down. The problem is her her State their are not alot of laws about breeding. You can have numerous animals on your property, They do not require a breeders license. You can back to back breeding because their are no laws to protect them. This is probably why she left Florida! Well Their are laws to protect the conditions that the animals live in and she was given a time frame to change the filthy conditions and at this point SHE has not complied yet. So that is the legal hold up to move forward for all. I hope this may clear up why so long to end. The law states to give people the chance to correct the violations up before it turns to a legal case in court. Even when she completes what needs to be done I will continue to have her shop monitored for as long as she has a business because I want to be assured that the animals remain SAFE! If anyone has any questions or comments Please feel free to post here and I will gladly try to answer as long as it does not interfere with the investigation! I am sorry that it has went on this long and Lord knows I want it over but it takes time! Thank you very much for your continued patience!
It's simple. Just leave them a message with whatever info you have on the situation. They ask for your contact info so they can follow up if necessary. BUT if you want to call anonymously you can definitely do that as well. It's a simple answering machine. I encourage anyone to call and report any questionable breeding practices.
bbrice~ You work for the state? Really prove yourself and I will share the proof with you! I do NOT Lie my friend! I am just careful so I will wait to hear from you because if you truly do then you would KNOW I am telling all truth!
jersey guy ! This is about Petshack Chihuahua's!
brice ~~~ I will not continue to comment on your stupis comments after this!
and I do NOT live in Lake worth! I own a home which is empty! Get your facts right ! Again I will say I do everything Legal! So Stop the harassment before it becomes a problem for you which is what we are looking into now. I do NOT know you ! You are leaving comments and threats daily and that my dear is Illegal You must KNOW me and have done some personal business to post anything about me! You should know right You work for the State! LMAO!It is called slander and deformation of character right!
By posting everyday you are only hurting her more! Ask any attorney!
Healer! LMAO
phil collin yes i was and he is on the investigation now!
Jdh55 Lucy loves you too!
I think she has some splannin to do! LMAO!
You know cocoo puffs I should not even respond but I sent this to several people so I felt I better LOL
No oNe was keeping anything going until you! So if Nancy is your friend as I know she is you would not have started all over for her! So with that said I will continue forward with what I have been ! YOU CAN BLAME YOU FOR THAT!
I have NO sockpuppets or any fake names Duh! The authorities are monitoring this board and know who you are RUSSELL PUEL IN PA! Google him LMAO He is a writer! LOL He is a writer of Lies! I was asked if I knew you or your wife GLORIA PUEL Dummy! You are only digging yourself deep into a big mess I can not wait to see you fall LMAO!
I am very married ( 8 years now) to a CUBAN! Yeppers and a fine one at that! >> LIES>>>> LIES and get off your rear and get a job besides posting on internet! You are a true winner! :(
I am far from miserable! I am very Happy with my Life, Me and my family~~~ Cancer and All I Love my Life! I would not change anything but you and Puppy Mill Breeders Child molesters.Animal Abusers You get the idea right! I also hate STALKERS! So Please Stalk someone else!
So Have a Great Life Looser and try to do something more constructive with yourself very ugly self! :0
Oh one last thing I am the Emcee is ALL shows LMAO! My babies are not in any show Ever LMAO! They stay in my arms at all times! Wrong information again!
And My newest baby is AKC and I am training for the show ring! :0 And he is also a Licensed therapy dog for children with Cancer and his first day of work was ? LMAO! And we were casted for a reality television show ! Stay tuned for show details! LOOSER!
Trust me you could never keep up with my life so Give up while you are ahead! Leave mine and my family alone before you become a writer for prison newspaper!
So Russell ~~
Two can Tango~~ I took a look around~~~~~ Ewwwww You are into some really freaky things! Vampires? Really I knew you were an odd one!
RUSSELL S PUEL Born 1953 married to GLORIA J PUEL Born 1951
311 RUN ST
tel numbers are:? You want me to post your information I have so much more!
Really psonfeld~~~~~ look below another sick in bred dog from her disgusting shop!Nancy Petshack Chihuahuas — Sick puppies
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
don't worry, I will put a stop to this. I have police reports, FBI reports & filed in the courts. This is all BS, does not matter what anyone of you think or say. I will continue what Im doing and doing it the way I have been doing it.. done :)
farrah & Pethag seem like a bunch of old woman, thinking that its ok to keep breeding.They both sicken me.
Lista you started this long time ago.. what almost 1 yr. You get all you deserve and more .. no pity by me for you :)
then you try to sue for (deformation of Character) LMAO .. you have no clue Lista do you, are really that far from reality?
I 'm from FLA :)
I am going to be the adult here and stop this, please do the same Lista
someone shut this fat ### up.I have never seen a 60 yr old NORMAL woman act like this.
i forgot, i was told you live with your mom, in your state i believe having a kid at that age is about do you have the time to help your mom and breed all those dogs.looks from that picture, that you live in deplorable conditions, where the hell does all the money go that you make on your poorly bred should be proud of yourself, living at home with mommy, no job.Must be your mom that takes care of you and the dogs.she needs to give you a wake up call, and kick your fat ### to the curb.
Lets see how many phone calls you get when i put you on some dating sites...lmfao
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Yes Lista you do breed, you are such a liar. You have bought 1 from me, 2 from Farrah and was given Merlin all UNFIXED ... you wanted them for your breeding lines. Wow you amaze me, and what about the liter of Chiweenies? Litter of Chihuahuas? & Litter of Doxies? You my friend need to be exposed! As you have bred brother to sister together... how do I know YOU told me! Get a life Lista you are not who you say you are I know first hand.
I just want to say thank you to those who read my comment, in particular Lucy. Thank you for responding back to me, I really appreciate it. I'm not here to judge anybody, but it means a lot to me if someone can take something I said and learn something from it. Especially when it has to do with the well being of animals! I wish you all the luck in continuing your plight, fighting for animal rights and all the wonderful volunteering and fostering that you do. You won your battle against cancer because of good karma. Not to mention many more animals out there need your help, and it was not your time to leave them. Keep up the great work you are doing for these amazing little dogs and ignore that woman over there at the Petshack. She will get hers!
As for you Nancy I'm still waiting to hear what you have to say. I'm sure you read my post/comment. Are you even going to try to defend yourself? Probably not, because there is no excuse you can come up with. Why? Maybe because you know it is wrong to breed your dogs when millions of other dogs around the world are being put to death prematurely, partly because of breeders like you! I have a real hard time swallowing the fact that you say you love animals when you are behaving in this manner. Meaning your continuing in the practice of dog breeding. Somehow I can't stop from thinking that you are indeed in it for the money. If not, than why not rescue and foster, or volunteer at local shelters like your arch enemy Lucy does?
Nevertheless Nancy you seem to have all kinds things to say to the people on here, but for whatever reason you choose to ignore me. So be it. Continue with your unethical way of living. Your day will come and when you're standing in front of those pearly gates, don't be surprised when you're sent the other way!
LOL why, I'm tried of all the BS .
Yes I breed and so does Lista.. since she has not admit it I guess you believe that she does joke on you! And she fooled another one, trust me she BOUGHT a puppy from me, was given a Blue Merle that was to be FIXED & she has bred him, she also BOUGHT 2 unfixed females { that she wanted breeder size} from Farrah's Chihuahua's. Trust me she Deoes not do all that she says in her post... I have to laugh as I know better, just like she said " I was never a Nail tech"..LOL I posted her Lic # etc on her... with no reply from her.. why BUSTED!
I'm still trying to find her Nursing Lic# as I think this is a lie also, and why not asked around in the Rescue's in FLA and see what they say about this "wonderful" person Lista...will make you puke trust me as she has pulled one over on you also. I say it like it is, I see you are against dog breeders and that is your choice, I do not like PITA myself as they kill more dogs then the shelters do.
All I can say is I do not live off the system, I support myself, dogs, birds & rescues from what I make through my shop, this also cover vets costs & transport. I have always said " if your gonna breed then you should also rescue" most have a hard time with this. I have given my puppies away to people who want one but cannot afford one of my puppies.. I'm more then what you think I am. My biggest support in my town is my 2 vets, shelter & 3 rescues .. I help all including the Sheriff dept when they find a stray's I house them and post till I find owners, been in the paper for this many times. I save dogs from death row that need more time to find a home and are great dogs & would make a awesome pet... I test them out and then place them. before you judge on another person words you may want to ask ... so many people can hide behind a PC screen and talk the talk ... when really they are no better then you or I.
Nevertheless Nancy you seem to have all kinds things to say to the people on here, but for whatever reason you choose to ignore me. So be it. Continue with your unethical way of living. Your day will come and when you're standing in front of those pearly gates, don't be surprised when you're sent the other way!
LOL and just what does this mean? No I had one thing to say to One person, same person who has stalked me for 1 yr now. And ask her what this has to do with ? she is lost in all her lies and bet has no clue!
Unethical way of living?
Tell me what do you do for a living? I 'm a business owner of a grooming shop for 6yrs with over 500 clients .
December 19, 2010 at 12:59pm Report
I had commented on one of the posts either you or Farrah had and this was what she sent me. I didn't know how to take it so I didn't reply to her. Maybe that was rude of me, but I just didn't want to deal with her. It seems she has had a rough life but that doesn't give her the right to be so mean. Sounds like she needs some counseling. Hope she stops harrasing you and Farrah.
one of the many emails I got from friends.
By using people's names and providing their addresses, you put people's lives in danger. I hope you realize that. The Internet is filled with predators and schemers just waiting for some one to do something like this. Here you've provided MORE than enough information for some one to hijack these people's identities. You've also made us targets for every animal rights fanatic or crackpot on the internet. Unless you can absolutely, beyond any doubt, prove what you're saying here, and have documented records to back up your charges, do NOT go around posting stuff like this. I've also filed a complaint with MySpace for improperly sharing private names and addresses, which is in violation of their TOS regulations.
1 hr 11 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
Some Reading for Lista...
Defamation, Libel, and Slander: Background
The law of defamation protects a person's reputation and good name against communications that are false and derogatory. Defamation consists of two torts: libel and slander. Libel consists of any defamation that can be seen, most typically in writing. Slander consists of an oral defamatory communications. The elements of libel and slander are nearly identical to one another.
Historically, the law governing slander focused on oral statements that were demeaning to others. By the 1500s, English courts treated slander actions as those for damages. Libel developed differently, however. English printers were required to be licensed by and give a bond to the government because the printed word was believed to be a threat to political stability. Libel included any criticism of the English government, and a person who committed libel committed a crime. This history carried over in part to the United States, where Congress under the presidency of John Adams passed the Sedition Act, which made it a crime to criticize the government. Congress and the courts eventually abandoned this approach to libel, and the law of libel is now focused on recovery of damages in civil cases.
Beginning with the landmark decision in New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that the law of defamation has a constitutional dimension. Under this case and subsequent cases, the Court has balanced individual interests in reputation with the interests of free speech among society. This approach has altered the rules governing libel and slander, especially where a communication is about a public official or figure, or where the communication is about a matter of public concern.
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1 hr 8 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
Defamation, Libel, and Slander: Background
The law of defamation protects a person's reputation and good name against communications that are false and derogatory. Defamation consists of two torts: libel and slander. Libel consists of any defamation that can be seen, most typically in writing. Slander consists of an oral defamatory communications. The elements of libel and slander are nearly identical to one another.
Historically, the law governing slander focused on oral statements that were demeaning to others. By the 1500s, English courts treated slander actions as those for damages. Libel developed differently, however. English printers were required to be licensed by and give a bond to the government because the printed word was believed to be a threat to political stability. Libel included any criticism of the English government, and a person who committed libel committed a crime. This history carried over in part to the United States, where Congress under the presidency of John Adams passed the Sedition Act, which made it a crime to criticize the government. Congress and the courts eventually abandoned this approach to libel, and the law of libel is now focused on recovery of damages in civil cases.
Beginning with the landmark decision in New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that the law of defamation has a constitutional dimension. Under this case and subsequent cases, the Court has balanced individual interests in reputation with the interests of free speech among society. This approach has altered the rules governing libel and slander, especially where a communication is about a public official or figure, or where the communication is about a matter of public concern.
1 hr 7 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
Defamation Law: The Basics
When an official is criticized in a false and injurious way for something that relates to their behavior in office, the official must prove all of the above elements associated with normal defamation, and must additionally show that the statement was made with "actual malice."
"Actual malice" was defined in a Supreme Court case decided in 1964. There, the court held that certain statements that would otherwise be defamatory were protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The court reasoned that the United States society had a "profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open."
This meant, according to the Court, that public officials could only win a defamation suit when the statement that was made was not an honest mistake and was in fact published with the actual intent to harm the public figure. According to the Court, actual malice was only found when the statement maker knew the statement was not true at the time he made it, or had reckless disregard for whether it was true or not.
For other people that are in the public eye, but not public officials, the defamation laws are also different. These people, such as celebrities and movie stars, must also prove, in most situations, that the defamatory statements were made with actual malice.
Freedom of speech is less meaningful when a statement is made about a private individual because the statement is probably not about a matter of public importance. As noted above, a private person has no need to show that the statement maker acted with actual malice in order to be victorious in their defamation lawsuit.
1 hr 6 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
Elements of Libel and Slander
Specific requirements that a plaintiff must prove in order to recover in a defamation action differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Under the Restatement (Second) of Torts, which is drafted by the American Law Institute and has been influential among state courts, a plaintiff must prove four elements.
1. First, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant made a false and defamatory statement concerning the plaintiff.
2. Second, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant made an unprivileged publication to a third party.
3. Third, the plaintiff must prove that the publisher acted at least negligently in publishing the communication.
4. Fourth, in some cases, the plaintiff must prove special damages.
Defamatory Statements
One essential element in any defamation action is that the defendant published something defamatory about the plaintiff. The Restatement defines a communication as defamatory "if it tends so to harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of the community or to deter third persons from associating with him." Examples of defamatory statements are virtually limitless and may include any of the following:
* A communication that imputes a serious crime involving moral turpitude or a felony
* A communication that exposes a plaintiff to hatred
* A communication that reflects negatively on the plaintiff's character, morality, or integrity
* A communication that impairs the plaintiff's financial well-being
* A communication that suggests that the plaintiff suffers from a physical or mental defect that would cause others to refrain from associating with the plaintiff
One question with which courts have struggled is how to determine which standard should govern whether a statement is defamatory. Many statements may be viewed as defamatory by some individuals, but the same statement may not be viewed as defamatory by others. Generally, courts require a plaintiff to prove that he or she has been defamed in the eyes of the community or within a defined group within the community. Juries usually decide this question.
Courts have struggled to some degree with the treatment of statements of opinions. At common law, statements of opinion could form the basis of a defamation action similar to a statement of pure fact. Generally, if a statement implies defamatory facts as the basis of the opinion, then the statement may be actionable.
Publication Requirement
Another requirement in libel and slander cases is that the defendant must have published defamatory information about the plaintiff. Publication certainly includes traditional forms, such as communications included in books, newspapers, and magazines, but it also includes oral remarks. So long as the person to whom a statement has been communicated can understand the meaning of the statement, courts will generally find that the statement has been published.
Meaning of a Communication
In some instances, the context of a statement may determine whether the statement is defamatory. The Restatement provides as follows: "The meaning of a communication is that which the recipient correctly, or mistakenly but reasonably, understands that it was intended to express." Courts generally will take into account extrinsic facts and circumstances in determining the meaning of the statement. Thus, even where two statements are identical in their words, one may be defamatory while the other is not, depending on the context of the statements.
Reference to the Plaintiff
In a defamation action, the recipient of a communication must understand that the defendant intended to refer to the plaintiff in the communication. Even where the recipient mistakenly believes that a communication refers to the plaintiff, this belief, so long as it is reasonable, is sufficient. It is not necessary that the communication refer to the plaintiff by name. A defendant may publish defamatory material in the form of a story or novel that apparently refers only to fictitious characters, where a reasonable person would understand that a particular character actually refers to the plaintiff. This is true even if the author states that he or she intends for the work to be fictional.
In some circumstances, an author who publishes defamatory matter about a group or class of persons may be liable to an individual member of the group or class. This may occur when: (1) the communication refers to a group or class so small that a reader or listener can reasonably understand that the matter refers to the plaintiff; and (2) the reader or listener can reasonably conclude that the communication refers to the individual based on the circumstances of the publication.
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1 hr 5 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
The Requirement of Fault
One of the more difficult issues in a defamation case focuses on whether the defendant is at fault for publishing defamatory comments. Common law rules created strict liability on the part of the defendant, meaning that a defendant could be liable for defamation merely for publishing a false statement, even if the defendant was not aware that the statement was false. Cases involving an interpretation of the First Amendment later modified the common law rules, especially in cases involving public officials, public figures, or matters of public concern.
Common Law Rules
At common law, once a plaintiff proved that a statement was defamatory, the court presumed that the statement was false. The rules did not require that the defendant know that the statement was false or defamatory in nature. The only requirement was that the defendant must have intentionally or negligently published the information.
Public Officials and Public Figures
In New York Times v. Sullivan, the Supreme Court recognized that the strict liability rules in defamation cases would lead to undesirable results when members of the press report on the activities of public officials. Under the strict liability rules of common law, a public official would not have to prove that a reporter was aware that a particular statement about the official was false in order to recover from the reporter. This could have the effect of deterring members of the press from commenting on the activities of a public official.
Under the rules set forth in Sullivan, a public official cannot recover from a person who publishes a communication about a public official's conduct or fitness unless the defendant knew that the statement was false or acted in reckless disregard of the statement's truth or falsity. This standard is referred to as "actual malice, " although malice in this sense does not mean ill-will. Instead, the actual malice standard refers to the defendant's knowledge of the truth or falsity of the statement. Public officials generally include employees of the government who have responsibility over affairs of the government. In order for the First Amendment rule to apply to the public official, the communication must concern a matter related directly to the office.
Later cases expanded the rule to apply to public figures. A public figure is someone who has gained a significant degree of fame or notoriety in general or in the context of a particular issue or controversy. Even though these figures have no official role in government affairs, they often hold considerable influence over decisions made by the government or by the public. Examples of public figures are numerous and could include, for instance, celebrities, prominent athletes, or advocates who involve themselves in a public debate.
Private Persons
Where speech is directed at a person who is neither a public official nor a public figure, the case of Gertz v. Robert Welsh, Inc. (1974) and subsequent decisions have set forth different standards. The Court in Gertz determined that the actual malice standard established in New York Times v. Sullivan should not apply where speech concerns a private person. However, the Court also determined that the common law strict liability rules impermissibly burden publishers and broadcasters.
Under the Restatement (Second) of Torts, a defendant who publishes a false and defamatory communication about a private individual is liable to the individual only if the defendant acts with actual malice (applying the standard under New York Times v. Sullivan) or acts negligently in failing to ascertain whether a statement was false or defamatory.
1 hr 3 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
Defenses to Libel and Slander
A defendant in a defamation case may raise a variety of defenses. These are summarized as follows:
The common law traditionally presumed that a statement was false once a plaintiff proved that the statement was defamatory. Under modern law, a plaintiff who is a public official or public figure must prove falsity as a prerequisite for recovery. Some states have likewise now provided that falsity is an element of defamation that any plaintiff must prove in order to recover. Where this is not a requirement, truth serves as an affirmative defense to an action for libel or slander.
A statement does not need to be literally true in order for this defense to be effective. Courts require that the statement is substantially true in order for the defense to apply. This means that even if the defendant states some facts that are false, if the "gist" or "sting" of the communication is substantially true, then the defendant can rely on the defense.
Where a plaintiff consents to the publication of defamatory matter about him or her, then this consent is a complete defense to a defamation action.
Absolute Privileges
Some defendants are protected from liability in a defamation action based on the defendant's position or status. These privileges are referred to as absolute privileges and may also be considered immunities. In other words, the defense is not conditioned on the nature of the statement or upon the intent of the actor in making a false statement. In recognizing these privileges, the law recognizes that certain officials should be shielded from liability in some instances.
Absolute privileges apply to the following proceedings and circumstances:
(1) judicial proceedings
(2) legislative proceedings
(3) some executive statements and publications
(4) publications between spouses
(5) publications required by law
Conditional Privileges
Other privileges do not arise as a result of the person making the communication, but rather arise from the particular occasion during which the statement was made. These privileges are known as conditional, or qualified, privileges. A defendant is not entitled to a conditional privilege without proving that the defendant meets the conditions established for the privilege. Generally, in order for a privilege to apply, the defendant must believe that a statement is true and, depending on the jurisdiction, either have reasonable grounds for believing that the statement was true or not have acted recklessly in ascertaining the truth or falsity of the statement.
Conditional privileges apply to the following types of communications:
* A statement that is made for the protection of the publisher's interest
* A statement that is made for the protection of the interests of a third person
* A statement that is made for the protection of common interest
* A statement that is made to ensure the well-being of a family member
* A statement that is made where the person making the communication believes that the public interest requires communication of the statement to a public officer or other official
* A statement that is made by an inferior state officer who is not entitled to an absolute privilege
1 hr 2 mins ago by petshack +1 Votes
Lista you are nothing more then a butt whiper & change bed pans as a nurses aid ..lmao want me to post lic#
59 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
What is ‘defamation’?
Defamation, sometimes called "defamation of character", is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation.
If a person or the news media says or writes something about you that is understood to lower your reputation, or that keeps people from associating with you, defamation has occurred. Slander and libel are two forms of defamation.
Articles on Internet SlanderArticles on SlanderNet Slander Blog Community Net Blogging
What is ‘slander’?
Slander is a spoken defamation.
What is ‘libel’?
Libel is a written defamation. Generally, radio and television broadcasts that are defamatory are considered to be libel, rather than slander.
Can I sue someone who says or writes something defamatory about me?
In order to prove defamation, you have to be able to prove that what was said or written about you was false. If the information is true, or if you consented to publication of the material, you will not have a case. However, you may bring an defamatory action if the comments are so reprehensible and false that they effect your reputation in the community or cast aspersions on you.
What about insults and epithets? Are they defamatory?
Generally, no. Usually they are seen as outbursts of emotion, with no real substance, except to show intense dislike.
Don't I have a right to express my opinion?
Yes, so long as your statement of opinion is just an opinion, not containing specific facts that can be proved untrue.
Are there defenses to defamation?
Establishing the truth is the single most effective defense that can be offered. If the remark is truthful and it "hurts", is embarrassing, or subjects you to ridicule, there is little you can do. Unfortunately, unless the remark is false, you have no recourse.
What are the defenses to a libel claim?
There are three main defenses to a libel claim (other than asserting that it never happened or that you were never involved):
The first is claiming, and proving, that the statement was privileged (and thus not public). Only certain professions (doctors, lawyers, psychologists), or individuals (chiefly your spouse) can maintain that privilege; and if any non-privileged third party was part of the communication, the privilege is broken. (Employees of a professional are only partially covered, to the extent that you needed to use them to contact the professional. Don't expect to tell your deepest, darkest secret to your attorney's secretary, and maintain that privilege.)
The second defense is claiming, and proving, that the statement is true, for "truth is an absolute defense".
The third defense is claiming, and proving, that the statement was an opinion, not an assertion of a fact. Since this last defense is only as good as the weakest or worst, but still reasonable, misinterpretation, it's not one you really want to rely on. There's a world of difference between saying "I think he's a crook, " and "he's a crook". Especially if a third party might inadvertently leave out the first two words when passing your message on.
What damages are available for slander or libel?
If you have been defamed you may seek both actual damages, to recover the harm that you have suffered, and punitive damages to punish the person who made the remark (and serve as an example to deter others).
If the defamation improperly accused you of a crime or reflected on your profession, the Court or jury can assess the damages. For other types of defamation you must prove some actual damage to be able to recover.
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I'm writing a book about the very small town I grew up in and changing the names of the people involved. Can I be sued for slander?
If it's the truth, no. Also, if you place a "disclaimer" at the beginning that the people and events have been changed to protect the innocent, and that any similarities to actual persons, either living or dead, are merely coincidental, then no. Remember, you have the First Amendment, which gives you freedom of speech.
57 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants +1 Votes
Pay attention to the opening statement of this article, Lista!
Internet Defamation Law
Internet Defamation is a very exciting and developing area of law. An Internet defamation lawyer with our firm frequently handles issues related to Internet defamation law. Some of the old defamation laws are now applied to the Internet. Some common topics and questions about Internet defamation law include.
What is Internet defamation?
Defamation is a false statement of material fact that damages the reputation of the target. Internet Defamation presents a dilemma to courts who have to balance the damage to the reputation of one person against the Internet free speech rights of another.
Under basic defamation law principles, there are two types of defamation, libel and slander. Libel is a published defamatory statement. Under traditional defamation law principles, slander is spoken statements. With the advent of the Internet, the terms Internet defamation, Internet libel, and Internet slander are used interchangeably . However, in the true sense of the word, slander only applies to spoken statements and therefore there is no such thing as Internet slander. The terms is nonetheless used to refer to Internet defamation.
The following are types of Internet Defamation:
* Statements that are defamatory on their face - Under Internet defamation law principles, these statements are obviously defamatory. This type of Internet defamation usually results in the largest awards in online defamation litigation.
* Internet defamation through false innuendo - Individuals possessing necessary contextual knowledge can appreciate the defamatory nature of the statement.
* Internet defamation through legal innuendo - These statements are not defamatory on their face, but is defamatory when viewed with extrinsic information.
What are some defenses to accusations of Internet defamation?
Truth - A statement that is true cannot be defamatory. However, some States recognize other torts, such as false light invasion of privacy. In this case, truth is not a defense.
Opinion - Only statement of facts can be defamatory, opinions are not. However, if you are a victim of Internet defamation and the post, blog entry, or forum article contains the qualification "in my opinion, " you may still pursue your Internet defamation claim. Disguising a defamatory statement as an opinion does not make it such.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act - Sections 230(c)(1) and 230(e)(3) provide that "no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider, " and that "[n]o cause of action may be brought and no liability may be imposed under any State or local law that is inconsistent with this section." However, there are several limitations and exceptions to this rule. It is interesting how many operators of Internet sites attempt to find their unwarranted solace behind this law when many times, given the specific design or operation of their website, the immunity provision may not apply.
Additional discussion regarding Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act may be found on Domingo Rivera's Blog. Some articles regarding this issue include:
* The CDA, cyber-racketeers, the DMCA, and changes to Section 230 by Domingo Rivera
* Internet Bloggers Beware: Ohio Court Lands Another Blow Against Those Engaging in Internet Defamation
* Internet Defamation Law - Website owners and bloggers beware - The latest interpretation of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
For a statement posted on the Internet to be defamatory, it must be a statement of fact, by definition opinions posted on the Internet cannot be defamatory. Also some service providers are immune under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Contact us to discuss specific issues and circumstances.
When you need your online reputation protected from Internet defamation, an Internet Defamation Lawyer, Cyber defamation law attorney, Internet Libel Law practitioner, and Cyber slander law attorney from our firm is an Internet defamation law counsel. An Internet defamation lawyer with our practice possesses qualifications to handle Internet defamation matters.
19 hrs 37 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants 0 Votes
The pic of the pig and the dog is insulting, but not beneath someone like LISTA LUCY FAIRCLOTH, THAT'S HER PICTURE BELOW! No, you aren't seeing things. She IS dressed up like Lucille Ball. And she isn't going to a costume party. SHE LOOKS LIKE THAT EVERY DAY! She thinks she IS LUCILLE BALL! Even her DOG is named Lucy! This is the SockPuppet Queen who is posting most of the rubbish you see above. Don't know what a Sockpuppet is? A Sockpuppet is a false identity someone uses on the web to conceal who he or she really is. A Troll, goes from forum to forum, just to pick fights. Doesn't matter with who. Trolls are also people who go to websites to talk trash for their friends. By the way, THAT'S CALLED FLAMING! Lista Faircloth has been bad mouthing a friend of mine for some time now, on Facebook, and elsewhere. Her friends have even tried to draw me into it because I said something in my friend's defense. They tried the same shennanigans you're all seeing her, except that I'm NOT Nancy White, and I wouldn't tolerate it. I blocked them, sent copies of their offensive posts to Facebook (who would do nothing, of course), but also to THEIR local authorities. All I needed to do was run their IP numbers, and trace them back to their state and city. Easy. Took all of ten minutes for the lot of them. Each set of IP numbers is totally unique to each and every person. No two people have ever been given the same numbers. Also, there is NO Internet Service Provider with the same numbers. As for you Lista, and I don't care what Sockpuppets you're using today, you need to be aware that you are pushing this into a very dangerous and quite probably, very costly affair. Even though you use a number of different computers to post this stuff, which by the way is actually LIBEL, CHARACTER DEFAMATION, AND SLANDER both things you can be sued for, even though you are using different computers, each post you make is given a unique Date/Time/Location stamp. Each of the computers you used had it's own unique set of IP numbers. Those are the identifying numbers issued to your Internet Service Provider, plus the unique numbers that same provider issues to each account holder. AOL, Earthlink, MSN, your cable company, etc., each as it's own set of numbers that no one else has. It can tell a lawyer, or anyone else looking to track you down, EXACTLY who provides you with internet access, and identify YOU as the owner of the numbers your provider assigned to YOU. It's like ethernet fingerprinting. Cool, huh? Another thing you need to worry about is using those computers in the Courthouse to send this stuff out. Phew! Now that's serious business there! Those Courthouse computers are GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, and misusing them is a CRIME! Even worse, Dear Lista, the Courthouse Computers are ALL on a NETWORK, all attached to one another! Those computers are attached to their own servers, with massive storage capabilities. EACH AND EVERY KEYSTROKE IS RECORDED AND STORE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Didn't know that, did 'ya? That's right every key you tapped, every click of the mouse, every photo, or bit of data attached to your messages were recorded and stored. If a lawyer, if Nancy decided to sue you, something I've repeatedly advised her to do, it would take that lawyer only a few moments to pull up, every message you sent, including the precise date and time sent. That's pretty damning evidence. Also there were also mot likely cameras recording the people using those computers as well. Government offices have cameras everywhere. They have to! As for those other computers you've used, you know, friend's computers, computers at work, library computers...they also have identifying numbers. The public library and computers at a worksite are ALWAYS monitored, and transmissions and receptions are recorded for safety. What if you had a serial killer working for you, or maybe a terrorist? Keeping records of all computer usage is a necessary tool in this modern times. And I DO hope you haven't used your own or someone else's IPhone or Blackberry. Heck, those transmissions are nothing more than radio broadcasts, and can be pulled right out of the air with little or no effort at all. The provider services for these devices MUST keep careful records of every message, text, or voice call transmitted. You've got yourself into quite a mess, you see. Every word, of every message you send can be traced right back to you. No one is annoymous on the internet...or anywhere else really. Hooray for the information age! So sorry for Lista Lucy Faircloth! By the way, your post above this one, using the troll name gofurself, is so blatanty obvious. By denying that you know yourself, you point the finger right in your own direction. The FIRST thing any criminal, or anyone else who gets caught in the act, always responds with "Who? I never heard of XYZ! But the remark afterwards, all in caps, you know, the way you type when you're feeling frustrated because things are going your way, clearly identifies you. EVERYONE HAS A STYLE, Lista, a certain way of speaking or writing, and it can't be concealed. Not even a trained actor can do it. And the problem of writing "voice", or writing style has spelled the end for many spies, as well. Your own unique voice comes through with every message you type. Now matter how hard you try to sound like someone else, and really Lista, you DON'T try very hard, you always end up announcing just who you really are. You learn things, when you're working in the legal profession, you know. So, now I hear you are planning to make a one hundred percent, solid gold [censored] of yourself on the "Judge Judy Show". That's all it really is, you know, a SHOW. The program is for entertainment purposes only, and neither Nancy nor Farrah are going to loose more than a few dollars, IF THEY LOSE THE CASE. No one is going to jail. No one is going to be charged with anything, and no one wins or loses. Except the sponsors, of course, and the audience that is going to get one hell of laugh from the entire situation. Damn, aren't the owners of those snooty little dogs a ridiculous buncha loonies? is what everyone watching is going to be thinking. The majority or dog owners in the US consider Chihuahuas overpriced RATS! USELESS TOYS OF RICH WOMEN! In the US we love BIG dogs, Rotweillers ( you know about Rotweiller's don't you, Lista, I mean you DO remember that Rotweiller you HAD PUT TO DEATH, just to keep Nancy from rescuing it!), Dobermans, Labs, Golden Retrievers. THOSE are the popular dogs in the good old USA! Yep, I's say your appearance on Judge Judy is going to be one hell of a show! I know I'm going to record it on my DVR! Better make sure you have COMPLETE AND ACCURATE DOCUMENTATION TO BACK UP EVERY WORD YOU SAY, Lista. Judy DOES know her law. And she CAN spot a Cuckoo like YOU any day of the week. Just start in about the dog you say Nancy bred, but was actually bred by someone else! NANCY Has the papers to prove who DID BREED LIL BELLA LUCY! She also has your signature indicating you KNEW who the breeder was, but wanted the dog anyway. Nancy DID offer to replace the dog, even after you CALLED HER AND TOLD HER YOU HAD DROPPED HER! And make sure Judge Judy knows about how many kids you have. Maybe those kids dropped her a time or two? Or maybe stepped on her...I had a couple of kids, I know who rough they play sometimes. AND I ALSO KNOW YOU DON'T BRING A CHIHUAHUA INTO A HOME WITH SMALL CHILDREN! By the way, there's nothing wrong with small breeders. They produce far healthier and better adjusted dogs than people with larger kennels. Funny, you DON'T seem to have a problem with the DOZENS OF OTHER BREEDERS YOU CHIT CHAT WITH ON FACEBOOK! Just Nancy, and now Farrah because she took Nancy's side in this little war of yours. I am Facebook friends with quite a few of those BREEDER FRIENDS of yours, so I do get snippets of YOUR conversations with them. Facebook publishes everything that's exchanged between friends, and FRIENDS OF FRIENDS on down the line. Remember, owner Mark Zuckerberg loves a good laugh, and he likes to print out conversations of people bickering back and forth, and share them with his friends at all those millionaire parties. Makes him feel superior, I guess. I've read a lot of what you've said on F acebook and had quite a few laughs. What DOES raise my hackles though is this constant BS claiming that Nancy's house is dirty, and YOURS IS SO SPOTLESS! Can you people get any more arrogant or ignorant? What right have ANY of you got to call another person's house dirty, then go about sharing CERTAIN photos, that SEEM to back up your insults with everyone and anyone. Those of you who have children and pets and certainly NOT claim your homes are pristine and spotless! Both kids and dogs are dirty. I've had them both. They'll wreck it as fast as you clean it, and THAT is the truth. Unless of course, you are all so filthy rich you can employ maids to pick up after your kids and your dogs, or cats, or birds. I've been in Nancy White's house, a number of times, and not always expectedly. No matter when I've been there, I have NOT seen a single thing to even think about calling it dirty! Yeah, it's a bit cluttered. She Does live in a place above her shop, so her space is limited. She has a lot of dogs. NO KIDDING! SHE IS A DOG BREEDER! If a breeder doesn't have a LOT of dogs, the dogs can end up being INBRED! All of Nancy's dogs and puppies, the ones I've personally seen, were very friendly, had beautiful, clean coats (no bite marks from fighting for their food, Lista!), bright eyes, and wonderful personalities. Yeah, she had a cage or two, but the cages were FOR THE PROTECTION AND WELL BEING OF SICK OR RESCUED DOGS. You do NOT allow a sick dog, or a rescue animal to mingle with your others. The sick one because it's too weak, the rescues because you mus be sure they are disease free before letting them join the others. THOSE are the ONLY cages Nancy has! Period! Anyone who tell you different is a liar! Nancy's dogs are all kept in separate quarters. The males in one area, the female in another, to prevent unwanted, uncontrolled breeding. Nancy's Rotweillers interact very well with her Chis, but all the same, she never allows them to hang out together without supervision. Her exotic birds, are kept mainly in cages. Doh! Who want's bird's pooping everywhere, and large birds can be destructive and chew things. My Cockatiels have chewed up a lot of things when they were out for exercise, believe me. By the way, Lista, even Chihuahuas in SMALL groups, INCLUDING LITTER MATES, will squabble over food! I have three young pups, Chihuahuas, and even though they love each other at other times, running and playing together and sharing toys, they FIGHT AT MEAL TIME. Face it! Chihuahuas are a hot tempered species. They also tend to want their own way about everything. All of my pups and adults get equal servings of food I prepare for them. No commercial garbage for my dogs. There is road kill and dead, euthanized pets in that crap! All the same, my dogs, growl, and bite, and occasionally attack one another at meal time. It has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE NUMBER OF DOGS. Only in temperament. My pups came from a gentle, adorable little sire, but Momma was and is strictly AGRO. She's spoiled rotten, and Queen of the House, and KNOWS it! She my husband's little girl, and demonstrates a LOT of his traits, especially his temper. The babies all ended up with Momma's temperament, and noting from Daddy that I've seen so far. All of this clap trap you've been spreading, Lista, is WRONG and you know it. Problem is, you don't know when to quit and start acting like an adult. Just because you have the deluded idea that you look like Lucille Ball - Trust me. I've circulated your pictures. Everyone agrees. You look nothing like her, no matter how much make up you slap on! You may THINK you look like Lucy. You may dress like some addle-headed woman from the 1950s, and strike poses to imitate her, but that doesn't make it so. YOU ARE NOT LUCILLE BALL! YOU DO NOT REMOTELY LOOK LIKE HER. THIS IS NOT THE 1950s, AND YOUR HUSBAND ISN'T CUBAN BANDLEADER NAMED DESI! You are Lista FAircloth, of Florida. Nothing more, and nothing less. You spend a dangerous amount of time watching old black and white reruns, and playing I Love Lucy dress up. Does your life suck so bad that you need to immerse yourself in this Lucy fantasy? Who in the hell told you you resembled Lucille Ball in the first place? Yikes! Get yourself some therapy woman, before to fall ALL THE WAY off your rocker! Get your hair styled. Let it return to it's natural color, and buy some new clothes. Trust me, your kids will thank you for it. I mean, have you ever thought about your kids. I bet they're all laughing stocks in school! I know that I would be ashamed to have a mother that looks and dresses like YOU do! Stop annoying other people. If you have a legitimate case against Nancy, and can PROVE IT WITH DOCUMENTATION AND WITNESSES, then sue. If not, and this is just something that boiling on the back burner in your head, dump it. I assure you, Nancy DOES HAVE PROPER DOCUMENTATION TO PROVE EVERYTHING SHE SAYS, AND MANY, MANY, MANY SATISFIED, HAPPY CUSTOMERS! She has many friends who will stand by her. WILL YOUR FRIENDS STAND BY YOU IN A COURT OF LAW, OR WILL THEY RUN FOR COVER TO PROTECT THEIR OWN ###. You'd be wise to expect the latter. No one will stick his or her neck out, unless they are a hundred percent sure of the outcome! It's one thing to talk trash on the internet, and another to face a judge in a court of law. This is a case you cannot win.
17 hrs 20 mins ago by cookiecocoaandpants 0 Votes
Hey Lista, Don't try to pull your wounded DIVA act on me, it doesn't work! And anyone who behaves like you do is CERTAINLY NOT A CELEBRITY! What you ARE is a fat head who thinks far too highly of yourself. If yous are so famous, and everyone in the world loves you, then how come no one that I know has ever heard of you. As a writer, I've had many contacts with stage, and television producers, as well as script editors. I called some of them. THEY have never heard of you either! They had a good giggle when I faxed them your photos! I don't care if you pile on a ton of make up, and wear the ugliest, frumpy clothes you can find, you will NEVER RESEMBLE LUCILLE BALL! NOT WITH THAT FLAT TIP ON THE END OF YOUR NOSE, LADY! By the way, I DID NOT COMPLIMENT YOUR WARDROBE. I called it what was, COSTUMES! COSTUMES THAT MADE YOU LOOK LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF THE 40S AND 50S! It certainly doesn't look good! And you look worse and ridiculous wearing it. Another wake up call for you, Lucille BAll may have had a lot of fans around the world, but for every one who liked her there were THREE who didn't! No one is ever loved by everyone! My husband hated her! Hated Desi Arnaz, too, he was a drunk and a womanizer who was never faithful to Lucy or anyone else. She, in turn, had a number of lovers on the side as well. She was far from being the saint you are trying to make out she was. She is also VERY, VERY DEAD, and has been for some time. Nothing that YOU do will resurrect her! Did you say your husband was Cuban? Funny, I've never in my life heard of a Cuban named Faircloth! An ENGLISHMAN, yes, but not a Cuban. Do try to stop making things up!
And now, let me warn you, Before you go accusing ME of anything you had damn well get your facts straight, and have them legally documented. It might be a good idea to have a couple of witnesses, too! MY ATTORNEY'S DO NOT PLAY GAMES! I DID NOT NOW, OR AT ANY TIME, HIRE SOMEONE OR ASK SOMEONE TO SPY ON YOU! I DO NOT KNOW YOU OR DESIRE TO KNOW YOU, NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN NEAR YOU, YOUR FAMILY OR PLACE OF RESIDENCE! ALL THE INFORMATION I HAVE ABOUT YOU IS EASILY, AND LEGALLY AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET! IN SHORT, PUBLIC INFORMATION. Before you accuse me of spying on you, or hiring someone, you better make sure you can prove it! Unlike Nancy, I DON"T make a habit of warning anyone before I file a suit. They'll find out when the summons is served. Those ridiculous photos I've posted of you? They came from Facebook. A couple of them popped up on my message stream, or on my wall, as the regulars choose to call it, so I popped on over to your profile page and had a look around. That's also perfectly legal, my dear! I can see you've learned a bit of computer lingo, and a few stupid, college texts like ROTFLMAO. Good for you! I had no idea you had enough space in your head for that much info. Tell ya what tho, I am a writer, by trade, made a pretty good living at it, and I've been around the internet since it's inception. I can still remember typing out lines and lines of tedious DOS code just to get one or two commands to work! But, if you want to get into a war of lingo, don't try it with someone who has ten times the vocabulary that you do. You are a circle-thinker, and keep coming back to the same tired subjects. You yell, and scream, and stamp your feet, but you just can't seem to get your way, can you. How many times did you type LOL, LMAO, etc? Must've been ten, maybe fifteen times, including a He, he. Made you sound like a laughing idiot. So you drive around in SEVERAL MERCEDES (that is legally verifiable, by checking with DMV, you know) well, la di dah and woop ti doo! Does that make YOU any better than anyone else? Hardly. Osama bin Laden is DRIVEN around in several chauffered ROLLS ROYCE limosines, but we all know how the world feels about HIM! No one cares if that mini van was given to you, or thrown at you. Having it STILL doesn't make you into anything resembling a celebrity! By the way, before you start calling ME a liar, make Damn sure you can prove THAT as well! All of your loony ranting and raving and self-important bragging about how famous you are and how much people love you, doesn't impress me one iota. Now, Time for a warning, and a reality check. I have read the Terms Of Use for this board. I read everything before I sign it. Obviously you, and your spamming friend oktamus have never bothered to read the contract before you signed it. It plainly says that SPAMMING and PROFANITY are strictly prohibited! And you can be BANNED from this board for doing so without warning. The terms also state that disrupting ANY board is cause for termination. Well, I have sent full complaints to both the owners and sponsors of this site, complete with a copy and paste of oktamus ENTIRE FILTHY POST, making sure I highlight each and every filthy, dirty word he used. I also included YOUR POST, Lista, inciting him to make the post, and I quote, SPAM ATTACK! LET THEM HAVE IT OKTAMUS! Don't try to lie out of THAT one MY dear, it is spelled out in black and white, and in plain site on this board where ANYONE can read it. I've also printed it out, so if you try to delete it, there's STILL documented proof that YOU ARE INCITING SPAM ATTACKS TO DISRUPT THIS FORUM WHEN THINGS DON'T GO YOUR WAY! Why don't you get out one of lacy Lucy hankies and start sobbing now, before you get kicked off this forum, and You ARE GOING TO GET KICKED OFF! No matter how highly you think of yourself, on the internet you are just another trouble maker, a troll that goes from forum to forum disrupting conversations to get attention and the owners of this site don't care didley squat WHO you THINK you look like! Break the rules, off you go! That's it! And see Ya later, fruitcake! BY the way, I've copied your above attempt to incite oktamus to disrupt this site, once again, and I'll be passing THAT along to the owners and sponsors as well. Before you try to play dirty, learn the rules. You CAN NOT just go onto ANY forum and post things you cannot prove, as you claimed above. It is certainly NOT LEGAL! All INTERNET FORUMS HAVE TERMS OF SERVICE RULES. You must agree to them before you join. Violate those rules and your account is not only terminated, but EVERYTHING you posted is deleted as well. In this day and age, when the internet, and forums like this are taking flack from a hundred directions, NO site owner or webmaster is going to let some one like you or your buddy oktamus get his site shut down by spamming and running page after page of filthy text. By the way, they have rules against dirty pictures, too...remember the pic of the pig and the dog. Against the rules, baby! Oktamus filthy spam DIDN'T shut the site down, by the way, I posted after him, and immediately reported the both of you for TOS violations and profanity. You just can't go around spitting out filth on these boards, you know. Oh, and don't try to hack into MY Facebook account. Only an idiot would use his own name on boards like this. Used a fake name to register as well, and a disposable email addy. You aren't the only one who can make up sockpuppets, hun! It's sad, and in a small way I feel sorry for you. When some one has to go to such extremes to gain attention, their lives must really suck. When someone spends so much time, and wastes so much effort, just to paint a picture of famous she is, or much she is loved and supported, that tells me, how desperate for affection she really is. There are doctors and therapy groups that can help you. All have to do is ask. Things will look a lot better when you stop playing dress up, and face the fact you're plain old Lista Faircloth, and no one else.
one last thing Lista ;
this is from other thread ;
voicefortheanimals, 13 hrs 47 mins ago
You are the only lonely people on here Farrah and Petshack! Learn how to spell too! Now that you know it is "Freedom of Speech" Duh then you know I can say what I want about a BAD BUSINESS deal I had with you! You are a Back Yard Breeder and Everyone will know it soon! It is spreading Fast on th einternet I see. You both are making it so bad on yourselves!
Really Lista, you are a "so called "business women ... I beg the differ you do not own a business.. you my friend are a Nurse asst. You wipe butts & empty bed pans... and before that you where a nail tech! These are just a few lies That I will post & show others.
What I will prove is that
You my friend bought a Puppy that was in my shop that you knew my friend ***** bred ... and you talked to him I just happen to give you my guarantee as I stand behind my word unlike you, you never sent the clothes or the money for them that was owed. { don't forget I have it in emails, text & IM's and have copies of all} I wanted to see vet records and my vet has waited.. hmm what 11 months now and still has not got them. So if you puppy that you bought from my shop is what you say then prove it! As the 1st picture is the puppy you bought from my shop{ she sure does look happy & healthy playing } not the one in 2nd picture as you claim { PS head shapes & ears do not change, color sometimes yes}
MY remarks are not FALSE! So this is why you have No recourse!.. Thats a joke!
this does not scare me and if you look at my web page ALL my photos including the ones on FB are copyright also. And you Lista took 22 of them and made you own comments on them. Do you really think you are above the law? Is hacking legal ? My Yahoo account was down for 3 weeks due to hacking, and funny during this time you called Farrah telling her you did. I also got letter today from "myspace" saying someone was trying to hack that account also. Let me find out this is you also, Im waiting I have wrote for IP address from whom is trying to hack it. I will find this out trust me.
Thank you Nancy. It just seemed that you were totally ignoring what I had to say in my first post on this board. There is always two sides to a story and I wanted to hear yours. I apologize if I came down a little harsh on you. As I stated early on in my second post, I am not here to judge anybody by any means. Especially what I do for a living, I'm in no position to do so.
What I'm trying to accomplish with everything that I'm saying here, is that you and Lista have to stop with all this negative clucking back and forth. It gets everybody involved absolutely nowhere! Especially the puppies and dogs! My opinions on breeding, and let me reiterate "opinions" on breeding dogs (and cats) will never change as long as millions upon millions of animals are dying every year in animal shelters across the nation. I'm pretty sure I do not stand alone on this, and many others out there share in my same opinions as well on this matter. I was also wondering if you implement any sort of control over the buyers of your puppies, discouraging them not to breed these dogs, but instead having them spayed and neutered once they're old enough?
That brings me back to my original beef, why do you breed your dogs then if it isn't for the money? I know it's not for you to generate grooming business, because Chihuahuas and Dachshunds do not require much grooming if any, other than the very basic bath from time to time and nail trimmings. Dental cleanings are obviously done by a veterinarian or a trained individual who specializes in non-anesthetic dentals. Also having the knowledge on the tragic pet overpopulation in our animal shelters, not to mention all the families who go through rescues in hopes to have their beloved pet re-homed due to financial hardship through these hard economic times. So why? I'm completely mind boggled! You rescue and you breed, that to me is an oxymoron in which it contradicts itself! I just don't see the point if you're rescuing than why breed? You're not helping matters any if you participate in the latter of the two.
As far as what I do for a living, which should not matter and does not matter when it comes to the well being of animals and animal rights. I am a prostitute! A profession that has been around long before individuals were breeding dogs for profit! I also help in the rescuing of Greyhound dogs from race tracks. I don't plan to remain in the business of selling sex for money, but for now it's what I choose to do to get by. All I know is at the end of the day when I lay down to fall asleep, I am ok with myself and what I do, because I'm not ripping anybody off and most importantly I'm not involved in any way or somehow responsible for the premature deaths in the millions of innocent dogs (and cats) that are living in animal shelters everyday! As far as those pearly gates I mentioned at the end of my second post, here it is. If I'm sent the other way because of what I do for a living, than oh well. I'll be dead! Will I even care? No! I'm alive on this earth right now, and it's right now that matters!
What a cute picture JDH55, love it! Wouldn't that be hilarious if dogs actually had real hair like that with their ears barely poking out on the top? Think of the hair styles we as owners would try to pull off! Our pets would hate us. Lmfao . . . .
puppy mills & bybs SUCK! i find it funny, she says she rescues, and when she does, and gets a pure breed female that is not spayed, she breeds the dog, to make money off the pups.How sad it that.
stupidassbybs666 where in the hell did you read that? This is how ### gets turned around from ###s like yourself.
I will say this once again, and I'm sure alot of people will agree, if you check out these breeders sites, you will see, they are exactly what everyone is saying about them.They do not show these dogs, nor do they try to better the breed, they are, in it for the money, and that is all.SAVE A DOG AND ADOPT DO NOT BUY.
In today's world, if you use these words, people look at you like you're a harlot. Even some of our own peers call us names like "puppy mill" or "backyard breeder". If we reply that we are a "hobby breeder, " someone immediately asks how we can consider living creatures a hobby. Some of us try the word "fancier". We fool no one. The most pathetic response to the question is when we call ourselves "responsible breeders." Responsible to whom? Who defines "responsible" and "irresponsible?" Some bureaucrat? A politician? Animal rights cretins who say there is no such thing as a responsible breeder? Animal rights fanatics would rather kill all animals than see someone love them. In fact, that's their plan. If we say we are not breeders, it makes us "pet hoarders." We are tarred as mentally ill people in need of psychotherapy.
The entire language about dog ownership has been hijacked by the rhetoric of the animal rights movement. The worst part is that we have allowed it to happen. We have people in our midst that embrace this movement and try to beat everyone else down by trying to make us ashamed of the role we play. You know the ones I'm talking about. You see them on different "lists" and "forums" always beating people up and putting them down for their efforts to breed that always elusive "perfect specimen". Their favorite slams are "How many dogs do you have?" or "How many litters do you produce a year?". They boast of only breeding one litter "just to have something to show" and "every puppy in the litter finished their championship". But then you find that these "perfect specimens" they produced had to be shown by politically correct professional handlers to very political Judges to accumulate those championship points. And you see these "Champions" skipping around the ring on three legs or hopping like bunny rabbits because their hips and legs can't carry them. This is NOT dog breeding, folks.
I am sick and tired of watching dog owners constantly apologize for who we are and what we do. Let me state clearly and for the record: I am a dog breeder. I breed dogs. I raise puppies. I like it. I'm very proud of it. And if you don't like it, you are free to take a flying leap. I don't care what you think of me or what I do. I raise Chihuahuas! I breed several litters a year. I wish I could raise more puppies, but can't figure out how to do it without driving myself into bankruptcy. My dogs work for a living, just like I do. They have to be good at their jobs, just like I do. If they aren't good at their jobs, I don't keep them and I certainly don't breed them. They are show dogs, and they have to be able to perform to a very demanding standard of excellence to be worthy of breeding. They have to meet the exacting standard of championship quality performance in the toughest competition. They acquire their wins on their own merit by owner/handlers while pitted against professional handlers and political judges. They are professional athletes. Most of them do not make the cut. Those dogs make wonderful companions or family members.
I have never had a dog spayed or neutered, except for medical reasons, and I don't intend to start now. If a dog is good enough for me to keep, it is good enough to breed. Nor have I ever sold a puppy on a spay/neuter contract. With performance dogs, it takes at least 2 years to know what you have. There is no way that anyone can know the full potential or worthiness of a young puppy. I hope every puppy that I sell will become a great one that is worthy of being bred. On occasion, I have a puppy that has a serious flaw. I don't sell those puppies, even though they would make many people very happy. I give them away free to good homes, and the definition of a good home is mine because it's my puppy. I own it. You don't. My responsibility is to the puppy. It is not to you and it's not to some breed club or gelatinous glob called "society". I consider myself to be personally responsible for every puppy I raise, from birth until the day it dies. It always has a home in my kennel, if it's new owner can't keep it or no longer wants it. That's a contract written in blood between the puppy and me. It's mine! I made it!
By now I assume I've pushed all of the buttons of the animal rights crazies and the e-mail lists slashers. They are calling me an exploiter of animals. They are saying that I ruthlessly cull and manipulate the genetics of my dogs. They say that I make the exploited poor beasts work for a living and live up to impossible standards. They say that I sell them for money and exploit them for personal gain. I PLEAD "GUILTY" TO ALL OF THE CHARGES. KNOW WHAT ELSE? I DON'T FEEL GUILTY, NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT. I DO IT. I LIKE IT. I FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT.
Now I will speak in my own defense-- as a dog breeder. I happen to love dogs. I love being around them. I love working with them. I love watching a puppy grow up and discover its potential. I love having the privilege of experiencing a truly great dog in it's prime. I love sharing supper with my dogs, wrestling with puppies, and sacking out with them on the couch. I lose sleep when they get sick, and work myself unmercifully to care for them. I spend almost all the money I have on them, and some money I don't have. My heart breaks when they grow old and die. I have a dozen lifetimes worth of beautiful memories. My life is filled with love and joy and beauty, and I owe most of it to my dogs. They have helped to keep me sane when sanity was not a given. They have given me courage on the days when all I wanted to do was die down and quit. They have given me strength to endure on the days when all I wanted to do was run away and hide. I owe them my life. The animal rights folk are right. I ruthlessly cull and manipulate genetics. To make the cut, my breeding dogs have had to live up to the most exacting possible standards and pass the most strenuous tests. I am proud of doing that!The result is that the vast majority of people who buy a puppy from me love it. When I sell a puppy, chances are that it has found a home for the rest of its life. The puppy will have a great chance of leading a wonderful life. I produce puppies that make people happy to own them and want to keep them. That's my job as a breeder. I have done this through rigorous selection. My puppies today are the result of 25 years of my stubborn insistence about never breeding a dog that does not have a wonderful disposition, perfect conformation, great intelligence, exceptional natural ability, breathtaking style and that mysterious ingredient called genius. Every puppy born in my kennel has several generations of my own dogs in its pedigree. All of those ancestors possess a high level of each of those desirable traits. I have raised, trained and grown old with every dog listed in several generations of each puppy's pedigree. Simply put, my puppies today are a lot nicer than my puppies of 25 years ago. Today, there is a much higher percentage of good ones, a much lower percentage of deficient ones, a much higher average of good qualities, and a much higher percentage of true greatness emerging from my kennel today. That's what it means to be a dog breeder. It makes for happier dogs. It makes for dogs that lead better lives, find permanent families and homes, and get to experience love in many forms.
Yes, I am very proud of being a breeder. I did that. They make me smile a lot. I think I make them smile, too. But there's always those whackos that say I am doing it for the money... They accuse me of exploiting animals for profit. YES Every chance I get. I am very happy when I am able to sell a puppy for cold, hard cash. It makes me feel good because it shows me that someone appreciates the work I am doing.
It makes me feel good because I have earned it and earned it honestly. My only regret is that I have not made more money as a breeder. With all of the sacrifices I have made and the hard work, I should be rolling in money. Alas, I am not. It has been a long time since I actually made money on a litter of puppies. Usually, I barely break even. For every puppy I sell, there is another that I keep to evaluate, and a couple of other ones that I am keeping for at least a couple of years to evaluate for worthiness to breed. Then there are dogs in competition, and that costs bushels of money, not to mention old dogs that are retired and have a home here until they die of old age. Nearly half of my kennel are old dogs that are elderly and retired, and it takes a lot of money to care for them. And it takes money for dog food, supplies, veterinary bills, kennel repairs, vehicle use for transporting to and from shows, advertising, internet, phone bills, and four pairs of good boots a year. It takes money. Lots of money. Bundles of money. Oh, Lord, please help me to sell some more puppies! Besides, what's wrong with making money? It is a rather fundamental American value. Making money is something to be proud of, as long as it's done honestly.
It's time for every dog owner and breeder to stand up proudly and be counted. Each one of you has done far more to enhance the quality of life of both people and dogs than all these other animal rights activists and forum/e-mail list slashers put together. So stand up and shout it to the rooftops!
So, why are back yard breeders a problem? Well, they just breed dogs for the sake of it. They may have a sweet pet they want to try and reproduce or they think that their dogs are quality because they have papers and/or are registered with some registry. They think maybe they can make a few dollars selling pups, etc. They just put out dogs without real consideration for the future of not only the breed but the puppies produced.
Often, BYBs breed dogs with faults. This perpetuates fault and problems in the breed. They do nothing to prove their dogs are of sound temperament and that they are breeding good representatives of the breed, etc. They just breed. And often, they do not even breed purebreds. Some BYBs "create" neat sounding things and think they are breeds - like Dalimers. This was seen listed in the Washington Post as a rare, German breed. Well, they are mutts - crosses of Dalmatians and Weimeraners, nothing more than a back yarder trying to make a buck
But many people who show and breed dogs do so from their homes? How do you know is a breeder is good or not? Through EDUCATION and ASKING questions. These questions will help you out:
"Sadly, not all people professing to be reputable and responsible breeders are. A good breeder will all but interrogate you. You should also have the chance to question the breeder. If you are not sure or uneasy with an answer, do not hesitate to ask for an explanation. If at any time you get an uneasy feeling or just are not satisfied, look elsewhere. A few things to ask about are:
1. What is the asking price of the puppies? Some breeders will ask the same for pet quality and show potential puppies. Compare prices with other breeders of the same breed and if the price is considerably higher or lower do not hesitate to ask why. Do not hesitate to ask why if there is a big difference in pet and show pups. Unless there is a visible disqualification or the puppy visibly will not be showing potential, the younger the pup the harder it is to determine show quality. A person who really knows the breed can have a good idea what pups have show POTENTIAL and what may not. Much happens while the puppy grows and that eight week show prospect may not be show potential at 9 months! And avoid ANY breeder who charges different for males or females or who charges extra if you want a pedigree or registration. It is not that expensive to register a litter so the potential owners can individually register puppies. (Many kennel clubs like the AKC require all litters to be registered by the breeder. Then papers are sent out that are given to buyers of puppies so the owner can register them in their name).
2. What health tests have been done on BOTH parents of the litter? Any dog should have hips (OFA or PennHip), eyes (CERF) and ideally thyroid prior to breeding. Then is up to you as potential buyer to know what other tests the breed you are looking at should have. Even crossbred puppies are prone to hereditary health issues and parents should be tested prior to breeding for anything common within the two breeds crossed. Though a reputable breeder will NOT cross as the predicability in outcome is less and there are too many negligent litters of crossbred pups from unaltered pets. The breeder should be able to show documentation of all tests and do not hesitate to verify the results. Do not blindly accept their word – some dishonest breeders will lie and say all tests have been done. And if the breeder says there is nothing in the line so testing is not important, avoid this person as well. Some health problems are polygenetic (more than one set of genes involved – not a simple dominant/recessive). Some health problems take years to show fully or may be there but not showing outwardly. For example, some dysplastic dogs never show signs of having it and it is only diagnosed upon testing.
3. What temperament testing and socialization has been done? Granted, young puppies should not leave the property due to a growing immune system; however, the breeder should expose the puppies to as many things as possible like vacuum cleaners, children, house sounds, etc. The older the puppy, the more experiences it should have. Has the breeder temperament tested and what method was used? A good breeder will help match the right personality to you. If you are a quiet family and the breeder pushes a dominant pup on you, leave. On the other hand, if you like the look of one puppy and the breeder, after interviewing you, decides it is not the right match, respect that.
4. What goals does the breeder have with the breeding program and how does the breeder go about to achieve this? If the breeder breeds just to produce more dogs, for pets only or anything that does not go towards the bettering of the breeder's lines and the breed as a whole, go elsewhere. And if the breeder breeds for working ability first, you could end up with a handful! Look for one who breeds for companionship as well as type and working ability – unless you are looking exclusively for a working dog.
5. What does the breeder feel are the strengths and weaknesses in the breed and the breeder's program? The breeder should be open with you about the program and where they hope to go with it. Avoid the breeder who insists there are no better dogs around then his.
6. Can you see the pedigrees of both sire and dam? Can you see at least the dam on premises? The sire may not be on site but the dam should be. If not, you could be dealing with a broker (one who sells dogs not bred by that person).
7. What type of contract does the breeder have for pet or show puppies (it should include a spay/neuter agreement and health guarantee)? Do not get pressured into becoming contracted to show or breed your dog – even if you do plan to show and possibly get into breeding someday. Everything should be spelled out in the contract. And be wary of a breeder sells you a young puppy that is "definitely show quality." So much happens during growth and development – the younger the puppy; the harder it is to tell show quality. A breeder who really knows the breed can tell if a young pup has POTENTIAL but should not be guaranteeing the dog will be a show dog. Another red flag is the breeder who has no written contract at all. All puppies whether pet or show potential should be sold with a written contract.
8. What does the breeder feed the puppies? You want to try and keep the puppies on the same brand of food. If the breeder uses something you do not, gradually wean the puppy to your preferred brand.
9. What inoculations have been given? Eight-week-old puppies should have had their first set of inoculations and you should be given documentation of this. If not, go elsewhere. If the puppies have no boosters prior to leaving the dam, look elsewhere.
10. Can you get references of previous puppy buyers? If the breeder will not give them, go elsewhere.
11. Can you have your own vet examine the puppy before you fully commit? You may be asked to put down a deposit but you should have the option of having your vet examine the puppy with in a couple days after purchase (always a good idea to have this done and the breeder may require it).
12. Are you active in any breed clubs (all breed or ideally breed specialty)? Many clubs have a breeder code of ethics that they want their members to adhere to. Just being AKC registered is not a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. It just means the puppy was from registered parents and the breeder has taken the steps to begin the registration process for the puppies. Even pet stores can sell AKC registered pups if the miller registers the dogs. The AKC cannot police everyone professing to be a breeder so again, being and educated consumer is very important.
Use your gut instinct and do not get suckered by cute faces or sob stories. Remember, this pup will be yours for the next ten years or much longer depending on breed. You should get the best possible puppy possible from the most responsible source you can find should you go the breeder route.
Many of these questions can be adapted to ask at a rescue as well. Do not hesitate to ask what is know about the background of the puppies (or adult dog), what medical care they have had and has the staff noticed anything about their temperaments that could be of concern? Ask about the adoption agreement and have it gone through carefully with you."
No part of this article may be reproduced without written permission from Karen Peak
© by West Wind Dog Training, [protected]
No Puppy Mills, VA 2003
A good breeder takes a LIFETIME interest in ALL dogs produced. They want to know how your dog does in it's new home, love getting calls and cards from you and are always there to advise you of a problem comes up. If a medical condition crops up, they want to know so if it is potentially hereditary, they can alter the program and try to stop the problem in future generations. A good breeder is a mentor and best friend to all buyers and dogs they produced. And a good breeder will sell with a spay/neuter contract or alter the puppy or dog before placement!
Backyard Breeder - what does it really mean...
So, what is a backyard breeder?
"The average pet owner that breeds their dog(s)."
Doesn't sound so terrible... true, but still not optimum. This is when a person has a pet dog, who for one reason or another is not a breeding quality dog (wrong body conformation, wrong head shape, teeth alignment, eye color, or is otherwise not perfectly "healthy" (hernia or the like) and should not be bred. Either they think their dog is "cute and should have puppies" or want to try to make back their purchase price so they breed them anyways. Generally they are not necessarily from healthy breeding stock, they can come from lines that have cancers, thyroid issues, allergies, bad hips (dysplasia), heart conditions and the list goes on and on. By-passing this important health testing is like playing russian roulette. You never know what the tendencies are in the pups. Temperament issues (aggression, anxiety) are also genetically transferred, so if you breed a dog with these issues, you can also pass them on to the puppies.
The problem with the backyard breeder isn't lack of caring, it is that lack of knowledge kills dogs.
Backyard breeders or BYB usually do not have bad intentions, per se. The majority are not the "evil", cruel", or "greedy" images we envision when we hear the term "BYB" or "backyard breeder". However, this does not minimize the very real risks and consequences to the breed and their pups, rather, the harm they do is done through ignorance - ignorance of the breed, of canine genetics, of health, and of well being and welfare. Backyard breeders are not experts on the breed. They are typically breeding pet quality dogs. They do not have the dogs screened for genetic defects and cannot guarantee the health and temperament of the puppies.
Most "backyard breeders" have no idea that their dog can appear to be healthy, yet can pass on serious genetic disease. Most have never heard of sexually transmitted diseases in dogs. And most sincerely believe that they can find good homes, but they have no idea how to make that real enough to protect their dogs from dying in shelters. The problem with backyard breeders is that they add dogs to the population without taking any steps to help reduce the numbers with serious genetic disease, and failing to know how to protect their dogs from ending up in shelters. So their dogs die.
Back yard breeders may act on a desire to make extra money, or simply out of ignorance. Sometimes back yard breeders will breed so "their children can experience the miracle of birth", or they mistakenly believe "every dog should have one litter", or "it was an accident". They may think their dog is so cute, he/she would make wonderful puppies, with little or no thought for the homes to which their puppies will go. Other back yard breeders see how much money legitimate breeders charge for pups and figure they could make some "easy money" too.
Back yard breeders usually bring two breeding animals together regardless of their quality. They are not interested in scientific breeding. Their aim is to fulfill a personal need or goal, not to improve the breed and bring excellent quality dogs to the world.
In spite of all of this, getting a pup from a back yard breeder is still a gamble, for the following reasons:
* the parents likely have not been screened for health problems
* puppies usually are not sold with contracts or any form of health gaurantee
* the breeders are not in it for the long haul, and won't be willing or able to take back the puppy if something goes wrong
* They will be working on new personal objectives in five years when your pet has a problem and you need help.
Although you may pay less for the breed of your choice from a backyard breeder, it's almost a given that in the long run, you'll pay a good deal more in vet bills and perhaps emotional bills (if the dog has to be euthanized due to a health or temperament problem), than you would from a reputable breeder.
Another thing to consider is where the backyard breeder got their breeding stock from in the first place. Since ethical breeders always sell pet puppies on a mandatory spay neuter clause, only two options exist:
* the ### has been bred without the knowledge of the seller, meaning this litter was born unregisterable and illegally. In some cases, breeders who have learned of litters born without their consent to dogs they have sold as pets have sued and won the right to reclaim any and all puppies sold. This means you could become embroiled in a costly, potentially emotionally devastating lawsuit.
* the ### and/or stud themselves came from another Back Yard Breeder, a petstore, a puppy mill or broker and most likely is of questionable genetic/health history.
Some people argue that dogs bred as pets don’t have to be show quality. Technically, they don’t; however, breeding dogs with possible faults can result in repercussions worse than a less-than-perfect dog.
People choose a specific breed based on qualities that are well-known within that breed. For instance:
* A German shepherd is hard-working and protective.
* A pug has a short muzzle and is a bit of a show-off.
* A border collie is an intelligent herder that weighs around 30-45 pounds.
But when someone breeds two dogs that are below standard, the resulting puppies will have unexpected qualities in both physique and attitude.
* A German shepherd that snaps and bites.
* A pug with an undiagnosed elongated palette that causes death during routine surgery.
* A border collie that is hyperactive, weighs 65 pounds, and is disobedient.
These puppies become members of the breed by name alone.
Even worse than character flaws, substandard breeding can result in genetic issues. If the parents aren’t tested for genetic defects, these problems can be passed on to the puppies, causing future health issues, pain, and expensive surgeries.
Every year, families must cope as their pets suffer from diseases such as hip dysplasia, hearing problems and deafness, progressive retinal atrophy leading to blindness, cardiomyopathy, and numerous other genetic disorders and conditions.
stupidassbybs666 ..LOL how do you keep up with all the fake names on here & the ones in your head? very time consuming, as I work for my self and have plenty of time, I 'am my own boss and take off when I want unlike you who have to clean butts & empty bed pans.. as YOU are NOT a Nurse, nor do you work for the Gov. .. you my friend are a Nurse asst. Next your gonna say you are a .. hmmm who knows I have to laugh though I must say!
why you preaching this to me on my complaint you need to talk to Lista Lucy Ann Faircloth as she my friend is a BYB & Puppymill 100% she has 3 dogs from my lines that are NOT fixed and have been bred, also has 3 litters on the ground. I said "I'm a dog breeder" and I'm proud of it and she is very much jealous.. as why else would she want another one from my lines... go figure & will NEVER happen! Ask her how many dogs she has unfixed? and she lives in city limits..hmmmmm maybe that is why she will not say!
backyard breeder?
Backyard breeder?
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30Backyard breeder?
Filed Under Dogs
deanfamilyzoo asked:
I hear alot of people throw around the slang “backyard breeder”. Ive read many many posts regarding their vile selfish money grubbing nature. I even read one question seeking a new name for them so that irresponsible pet owners would be more willing to own up to their dirty deeds and actually consider themselves one. I read alot of really nasty comments. I saw alot of name calling and blaming. I noticed many long lists detailing what they are, what they do and why they deserve the worst corridors of hades. What I have NOT seen is a list of things that qualify breeders as “responsible” or “professional”. Please enlighten the uneducated masses and explain what defines one, versus the other.
9 Responses to “Backyard breeder?”
■♥ DP ♥ on December 1st, 2009 8:00 pm
It’s been done.. Search thru some old questions to find out what constitutes a good and responsible breeder.
■Nandina on December 1st, 2009 11:09 pm
A responsible breeder
1) Breeds for a reason — to improve the breed.
2) Each litter is carefully considered before being created.
3) Any animal used for breeding is thoroughly checked for health problems before being bred.
4) Any animal used for breeding is proven in some way to have the abilities and other characteristics essential to the breed.
5) Keeps at least one puppy in each litter for his/her breeding program (otherwise, what was the purpose of the breeding)
6) Thoroughly evaluates potential puppy buyers to be sure each puppy is put into a good home
7) Requires that puppies not to be used for breeding be neutered. Encourages all puppy owners to test their puppies for various health probelms and report them back to the breeder so that the breeder has a broad as well as a deep knowledge of what is in his/her lines.
9) Takes back any dog he/she ever bred if that dog loses its home
10) Is honest about the various setbacks their breeding program may have suffered.
11) Is deeply knoweldgeable about the breed’s, history, original purpose, weaknesses and strengths.
12) Is willing to refuse to sell a puppy to a family that is unsuited to the breed.
13) Provides advice, feedback, and other help to people who have purchased a puppy from him/her.
14) Is willing to recommend to a family that adopting an adult dog of the breed might be a better option for them and helps them find a rescue group.
■sadiejane on December 5th, 2009 1:14 am
responsible breeders - do not breed for money, infact loose money on a litter. they only breed to better the breed or their chosen particular line
do not sell until puppies are at least 12 weeks old
has both parents tested for genetic health conditions
do not ship puppies
often do home checks
have approved homes before the litter is even bred
■kinn2him on December 7th, 2009 9:45 am
the answers above are excellent… i just wanted to note that some “responsible” breeders breed in their back yard… but they have equipped their backyard to properly breed, house and care for the dogs they have and expect
■zappataz on December 10th, 2009 6:28 pm
Good Point, here’s my list of what makes a breeder a responsible one.
1. They prove their breeding stock in both conformation and some type of performace event (herding, obedience..)
2. They only breed to better the breed…not for the money
3. They only breed healthy, genetically tested dogs for the breed (i.e, OFA hips, OFA elbows, patellas, heart, eyes..etc)
4. They are there for the LIFETIME of the puppy. They are willing to take back what they are responsible for putting on the face of this earth, at any time, for any reason, during the dogs life.
5. They care about what kind of homes their puppies go to, often asking a potential buyer to fill out a questionnaire, and perhaps a home visit. And they want referrals…..They don’t care who comes up with the money first, , , , what they care about is whether or not that dog will have the very best home and love and care.
Being a responsible breeder means caring about not only your personal dogs, but the breed as a whole. Think of responsible breeders as guardians of their chosen breed.
I’ve been very fortunate in that I’ve got great breeders standing behind my dogs, including the ones that I show for clients….These people have become lifetime friends and mentors, and I wouldn’t have met them if not for my dogs.
■yeehaneeha on December 11th, 2009 4:56 am
Backyard breeder:
A backyard breeder usually doesn’t have a lot of knowledge about dogs or the breed that they are breeding. Thy breed for the money and not to better the breed. They sometimes breed mixed dogs and sell them for a lot of money. They don’t know much about breeding dogs and will sell puppies to anyone with money.
Responsible breeder:
Responsible breeders have had a lot of experience with dogs, usually have trained dogs for many years before starting to breed. They reaserch the breed and are very knowledgable. They Xray their dogs and have blood work done to make sure that they’re dogs are healthy and fit. They keep tabs on the people who buy their dogs to make sure that they puppies are in a good and safe home. Most people have to fill out an application before they can get a dog. They usually show their dogs or have in the past. They want to better the breed.
■Bonsylar on December 13th, 2009 5:30 am
Breeding is, in and of itself, irresponsible!
While there is 1 pet dying in a shelter ALL BREEDING IS IRRESPONSIBLE.
Also, no one is going to label themselves as a wrong doer. When you were talking about a different terms for different types of breeders, you mention the irresponsible breeders will call themselves something so everyone will know they are monsters. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
■Shadow's Melon on December 15th, 2009 7:31 am
Here’s a link to a site that shows some differences between the byb and the reputable.
Backyard breeders don’t have what is considered an ethical reason to breed. Reputable breeders do. The reputable breeder:
1) breeds to improve the breed
2) does not breed before having the people lined up for the puppies they will produce… often more people waiting than puppies available
3) shows their dog in conformation or at least earning working titles in what their breed was meant to do
4) does all genetic testing on their dogs, not just “health checks” to ensure their dogs do not have any genetic issues that will pass on to the pups… if a dog shows to have an issue, they will not breed that dog
5) they require a spay/neuter contract on their pet quality pups and if a show quality pup is going to a novice home, they will have a hand in it and mentor the “newbie” to the show world
6) they will take back a dog they have produced at any time, any age, for any reason, as they care about the pups they have produced and do not want to see their lines ever end up in shelter or rescue
7) they thoroughly screen all potential puppy buyers to ensure their breed will actually be a good match for that family and they maintain a line of communication and support to the buyer for the lifetime of the puppy… basically, they do all they can to ensure that pup never has to be rehomed.
There’s a lot more to describe a good breeder. Backyard breeders don’t even come close to this. Many go into it with good intentions and they simply don’t take the time to self educate and realize what they are doing is the source of the overpopulation problem. I believe I saw a website today that stated 60% of the dogs in shelter and rescue came from bybs.
Best matches for why backyard breeders breed TO MAKE MONEY
A backyard breeder usually doesn't have a lot of knowledge about dogs or the breed that they are breeding. Thy breed for the money and not... Jump to text »
And thanks for letting me and all my rescue facebook friends aware of you two.
To JDH55, where do you get your pics? They are too much! Funny funny stuff. Lmfao again!
In response to Nancy's, "I'M A DOG BREEDER". What a bunch of ###ing ###! Where in the hell do you get off saying that we animal rights activists rather see all animals dead than to see them happy? Where did you get that information? You didn't find it in your crack pipe, did you?
WHAT IN THE HELL HAVE I BEEN TALKING ABOUT HERE IN MY LAST 3 POSTS? Can you give it one guess for Christ's sake? WHILE THERE IS 1 PET DYING IN A SHELTER, ALL BREEDING IS IRRESPONSIBLE ! How is this wanting to see animals die. I'm trying to encourage you not to breed dogs, so that the ones in shelters, sitting on death row have at least half a chance to find a forever home. I'M TRYING TO SAVE LIVES HERE !
What in the ### is the matter with you? You know the more and more you open your redneck white trash mouth, spewing your ###ed up "I'M A DOG BREEDER" bullcrap . . . The more I want to slap the ### out of your face! You need to have that brainless head of yours checked, because you are sounding more stupid by the post.
SHUT THE ### UP YOU LOSER! You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you say, "They say that I sell them for money and exploit them for personal gain. I PLEAD "GUILTY" TO ALL OF THE CHARGES. KNOW WHAT ELSE? I DON'T FEEL GUILTY, NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT. I DO IT. I LIKE IT. I FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT"? You make me sick, you should be put out of your misery lady!
Answer just one question for me please Nancy, and I'll promise to leave you alone and go away. Will you do that for me "Petshack"? Answer this . . . . WHAT ABOUT ALL THE HUNDREDS OF ANIMALS IN SHELTERS THAT ARE DYING EACH & EVERYDAY, WHAT ABOUT THEM ? WHAT ABOUT THEM !
Thank you JDH55! God this Nancy ### pisses me off!
That is my point :)
Vote ### on the back of this back yard breeders head.she needs a washing
forgot the bybs pic..
Zac, you are so correct.Her dogs are not show quality.She is a pet shop, what does that tell you.Her beastly friend Farrah does the same ###, but she still lives home with mommy, and her puppies support her, because she cant get her fat ### out and get a job.Have you seen what she breeds...worse then Pethags.