The Massage Therapists here, the two ladies that are at this massage center everyday, DO NOT take any type of info, medical history, the clients name or anything on any of their massage clients. They just bring the client through the door and straight to the massage session room. They DON'T get the client to sign anything for consent to massage them or anything. This massage center is very unclean and junky, they have their personal belongings in the session rooms and their personal lounging area in view and in the same area as they service their clients with their belongings all over the couch. They don't wash their hands before a massage session. They use the disposable bag liners for the foot bath bucket for multiple clients. One therapist double dips her hands in the vaseline for foot massage, placing germs in the jar from client to client. Their restroom smells of strong urine with a mop and bucket in the restroom that looks hideous and brown. The break room is nasty, I wouldn't be surprised if they have rodents. The crock pot and toaster they use looks like it's never been really cleaned. They only use bath towels for the massage table. I don't think that they own a sheet what so ever. One of the therapist wears high heel shoes. Plus they don't have a computer in this place. They also leave the session room door cracked a little so the other therapist can peep in while the other is in a massage session. STAY AWAY FROM Q MASSAGE, KENNESAW, GA - BARRETT CROSSING SHOPPING CENTER!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
This is a comfortable place, so you feel completely relaxed. The staff is great, the services are very effective, and the prices are very reasonable.
I will bet that the staff here preforms happy endings. They have violated ever other code of ethic, moral, and massage law. These positive reviews through-out are written by the staff, Francis and Joe are the two massage therapists in question. Allow your clients to rate you, not yourself...This place is a mess!
I called Massage Q today for a 30 minute massage. She tells me it's $30 and we set a time for 1:30. I arrive (45 minutes after I spoke with her) at 1:30 and she has no idea who I am and knows nothing about my appt. She tells me the price for a 30 minute is $40. Whatever, I said ok. She had me pay first. She wanted to give me a full body massage but I needed it on my back and neck since I was in an accident yesterday. She actually gave me a good massage. I thought the place was fairly nice, clean and a nice scent. I figured since I had basically been overcharged $10 I wouldn't tip. As I was walking out the door she told me they normally receive tips so ok, I tipped her $10. There is definitely a language barrier here.