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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Last Chance Resolutions. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Last Chance Resolutions.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Last Chance Resolutions's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Last Chance Resolutions, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Last Chance Resolutions. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

12:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Last Chance Resolutions total theif

James Jordan is a total liar. I got letters in the mail that the home I was renting was being foreclosed on. Then I got a package with several pieces of paper from last chance resolutions saying he could help. Jim Jordan came and met with me, I explained the situation and James Jordan left with some information. James Jordan came back the next day explaining that he was buying the home from my current land lord and James Jordan would be my new land lord if I could come up with 6 months of upfront rent, but then my rent wouldn't' be due again until the 7th month. What could I do, My 3 kids were in school and I couldnt move them. So I paid him the 9 thousand dollars.

Less then 2 weeks later the sheriff was at my door throwing out my belongings. When I told them that I had just paid 9, 000 dollars to Last Chance Resolutions they immediately told me that I got scammed. It turns out he NEVER contacted the current land lord, NEVER bought the house, and just took my 9K for NOTHING. James Jordan literally rented me a house James Jordan didnt own. Of course James Jordan won't call me back and neither will anyone at Last Chance Resolutions, if that is even a real company. Apparently this is how Last Chance Resolutions operates and James Jordan has done this to countless other families in need.

Now I am out 9000 bucks, My kids had to miss school, we had to crash at a friends house while I looked for a new place, which was hard to get because I didnt have money for a security deposit. What a night mare! Stay away from James Jordan.

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Oct 14, 2015 8:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is James Jordan, and whoever placed these blogs did so to defer my character and slander my name, I have the suspicion that it was James Trost Jr. Who started this and countless other blogs simply to smear my name. I have helped over a thousand homeowners keep their homes and have helped families stay in their homes without losing them at sheriff sale, unfortunately I do have about 6 to 9 unsatisfied customers who believe that they did not receive adequate representation from me for the fee they paid, but unfortunately every case outcome is not the same and the final decision to stay in the home by being granted a temporary stay of said sheriff sale date by the appointed judge lies solely on that judges decision over the facts in the case. All I can do is ATTEMPT to postpone each individual sale to give owner/occupants the chance to remedy their situation giving them more time and options to do so, the complaints in this blog aren't even legitimate complaints and these situations were falsified to sensationalize this blog into getting its readers to believe its contents, my number has remained the same and even after all of the time that has passed I haven't received I other complaint against me or my company, since the negative effects that these blogs have made on my name and company name and reputation I have been forced to no longer help people who really need and deserve my help. Even after a bogus news report there has not been any additional complaints, if this blog and its contents were in fact true I would have had hundreds or even over a thousand customers come foreword with similar complains, so if you are truly a believer of this blog you have been fooled by the perpetrators who created it and misled. If you have done business with my company you are most likely living in the same home you were once losing and know that this blog is fake, God Bless.

8:07 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Last Chance Resolutions SEAN NEILL




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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Oct 14, 2015 9:37 pm EDT

Once again this is James Jordan in response to yet another fraudulent and slanderous complaint against me and my reputation in an attempt to get people to believe that these fake blogs and it's complaints are real and/or from credible would be victims of myself or my company, I'd like to point out a few things about the last "Compaint" on this blog to discount it's false claims and validity. One, look at the PERSONAL implications of the complaint and how it starts off implying that I receive WELFARE illegally, I in fact DO NOT nor have I EVER received WELFARE in my life, and if you were a previous client of mine that doesn't know me personally why or how would you even imply such a thing? The starting comment and implication of such a personal slanderous comment proves that the fake complainant in this blog is someone that I know personally that is trying to gain credibility by adding false personal accusations simply to try to gain some sort of other false negativity to attach to my name as revenge for something personal not even relating to my past business. These blogs seem to serve as a platform for ex's and ex's family member to vent and attempt to cause controversy, well I have news for you whoever is posting these false complaints, the past clients who have posted above their support and positive comments are real and true to form, I've gotten hundreds of calls from past clients voicing their support and have all given written testimonies to my past business practices and the favorable outcome of their cases due to my diligence in their cases. Even clients who's cases weren't favorable have come forward showing their support due to the way their cases were handled. So I say this also to you D.B and T.B (yes I know who you are;) next time you attempt to post another false comment leave out the PERSONAL implications, if you are a past client why would you make such a personal last ditch attempt to defer my character personally with such a thing that if you were a past client would have absolutely no way of knowing if I did or did not get a welfare? (Which I clearly DO NOT). So once again whoever is reading this phelonious blog and it's fake comments/complaints there in fact is about 6 or 7 complaints against my past company that gathered over a period of 7 years, I've dealt with over a thousand clients in almost 7 years in business which resulted into a legal case against me based on the number of complaints, this in no way means that I am guilty and the case is still ongoing in court, I am 100% confident that I will be exhonorated in this case, unfortunately not every case that I've handled had a favorable outcome like others and the homeowner sustain a loss of their property through no fault of my own, I could only ATTEMPT to delay the sheriff sale of my clients property to avail additional time and options to remain in their homes, all final decisions were made by the courts and the sheriffs office in giving additional time to the homeowner. My phone number has remained the same and as of this day I haven't received and additional complaints or concerns from past clients. If you are a past client that feels you were not represented properly by me or my company please feel free as I've stated in past posts on here to call me directly and voice your concerns. And for the record I haven't gotten any calls in the past. Thus proving that these complaints are fake, even the email addresses attached are fake. Thanks for viewing my comments and your opinion of this is soley yours. God Bless

Conned victims of James Jordan
Philadelphia, US
Mar 02, 2015 6:21 pm EST

James Jordan is nothing more than a con man, thief, liar, and all around criminal. He has the nerve to con welfare like he needs it and innocent people out of their homes and money. If you have been ripped off by him like so many of us his never ending postponement of his trial is just an attempt of his to avoid jail.He actually thinks people will get tired of. Showing up only for the trial to be delayed. Well it's kind of good for anyone who hasn't filed a criminal complaint against him and last chance resolutions.the more victims the more time he gets behind of today his trial is July 30 2015 . You can call the a Phila D.A. at [protected] Matthew Perks in charge of his case in economic crime unit. Or the main number at [protected] they are well aware of JAmes JOrdan and his criminal ways. Let's put this ### behind bard where he belongs.he had no problem getting us kicked out of our homes by the sheriffs because all the money we gave him to save our houses he kept .He lives large off our money driving big yellow hummer, girlfriend black hummer, vacations, Rolex watches, dinner at the best restaurants posing as a rich man with stolen money. Biggest liar one could ever meet and any nice comments on these pages are from friends of his making bogus claims he's a great guy, saved their houses and he claims just call him, it wasn't him someone else in his company, but will never clall you back, Newscrew came to his house to talk to him and like a coward he wouldn't open the door. Not something an innocent sorry businessman would do is it... Like To know where he gets all his money to pay his hi priced lawyer from us he conned . Our money is representing him. Remember James Jordan is a no good thief...

Philadelphia, US
Oct 16, 2012 6:04 pm EDT

I have known James Jordan for numerous years and know him to be a concerned and thoughtful individual and from what I can tell a good father and provider to his family. I can't comment on others complaints. I can only say that my sister's house was up for sheriffs sale and somehow James was able to stop the sale of her home, thus allowing her more time to apply for a loan remodification which she is in the process of getting done. Otherwise my sister would be out on the street . James charges for this service as any business would as their are legal fees involved .My sister has been grateful to James for the slack he has given her as money has been tight. She is glad to still be in her house because of his knowledge and ability in this area.

Philadelphia, US
Oct 10, 2012 7:58 pm EDT

My name is Colleen McCullaugh from Port Richmond, Phila. I have to say that everything that I have heard about James Jordan on these sites makes me very angry! I saw the site that directed me to this and several other sites trashing the reputation of James and it really surprises me that nobody is looking into the allegation that these things that are said negatively are made up by someone with a very vengeful and personal score to settle with James Jordan, I can tell you all this that James helped me keep my home and my pride in 2009 by walking through the fire with me in order to safe my home, I had just lost my oldest son to a terrible tragedy only months before leaning that I was losing my home, when I got the packet in the mail from James's company I was pretty much out of hope, out of work and out of time, what he did for me was a miracle, I have since sold that home and moved into a smaller more affordable one but would have been on the street if not for last chance resolution, I read everyone's comments on this page and for all of the people who James helped we should all send in letters to someone showing all of the good he has done, and to hell with the people who are trashing his good name, so sorry such a good person has to endure such bull! We all know what good James has done and support him and don't believe anything bad insinuated about him!

Philadelphia, US
Oct 09, 2012 3:28 pm EDT

I saw the report on this company and when I saw it I got a sick feeling in my stomach because I knew 100% without a reasonable doubt that Mr. Jordan would never do such a thing, a few years ago I received a knock on my door by a person named JAMES TROST, the person someone else mentions on this site, he said that he saw me on a published list that showed that my home was listed for sheriff sale, Mr. JAMES TROST informed me that he could help me, I let him in and he asked me a bunch of questions and afterward informed me that for a lump sum of money that he could help me, I gave him a check but he kept insisting on cash, needless to say he took the Check, he made me fill it out to Last Chance Co. He left with my check only to return the next day demanding cash because he said his bank wouldn't take the check, so I went to my bank and withdrew the cash and he came back that evening and I gave him the cash in place of the check, (I still have that check) on the back it is signed JAMES TROST and LAST CHANCE, after a week I didn't hear anything back so I called the number he have me, a person named James Jordan answered my call, I told him what happend and he informed me that he didn't remember talking to me or coming out to my home, he asked me the persons name that came out so I looked on the back of the check and gave him the name JAMES TROST, he asked me to describe him so I did, he was tall, slightly chubby and had dark receding hair, Mr. Jordan informed me that the person I mentioned didn't work for him and that I may have been scammed, Mr. Jordan at that point looked up my address on the computer and informed me that a sheriff sale on my property was scheduled in 5 day from that phone conversation, he asked me if I could meet him at city hall on that Friday which was the next day, he explained that he would have to put me in front of the judge to delay the sale date, I told him that I had no more money and I was surprised to hear him say and I'll quote him "Sir I am not worrying about money, I'm more concerned with you losing your home than money at this point" those were his exact words, he told me what to bring with me as far as paperwork and I met him there at city hall on the 4th floor, he was a true gentleman, everyone practically in the building and on that floor knew him and seemed to really like him, he knew them all by name as they knew him, he took me into a big room and he did a lot of paperwork and asked me to sign, I did and he paid a filing fee, not sure how much, then we went into another room just up the hall and he filed everything and got me a date to see a judge on that Monday a day before the sheriff sale, that Monday I saw a judge named Panepinto or something like that, I was granted 60 days extension and was relieved but still confused, I called James Jordan and asked him what I should do next, he told me to get in contact with my mortgage company right away and ask for a modification, I did and needless to say I didn't get a modification but they put me on a program that has me back on track, it took some time but it all turned out, So when I saw the report and followed the links online I read all this crap and was surprised at how Mr. Jordan was being attacked, and to be honest after reading all of the things above it seems to me that whoever posted these negative things is trying too hard to make him look so bad, and it sounds a bit personal like someone else mentioned above maybe someone should really take a closer look at all this nonsense and I'm sure that there may be some credibility to what someone else wrote about this being personal in nature rather than it being what it's made out to be, I was ripped off by a person named JAMES TROST the other person mentioned in this site and NOT Mr. Jordan, and I'd like to say to Mr. James Jordan THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR ALL THAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME, God be with you through this and if you need me for a reference you can call on me any time, Mr. H.B

Philadelphia, US
Oct 08, 2012 3:39 pm EDT

A couple of years ago i was losing my house and James Jordan saved my house. I would not be in my house if it wasn't for him. my kids would be homeless and i probably would of lived in a shelter. Last Chance Resolutions was a great company. To this day i still talk to James he calls and checks up on me and my kids to see if we are OK. 2 years ago i was going through a hard time and he gave my children a beautiful Christmas. I think some people are just spiteful and evil trying to ruin his name and they should be ashamed of themselves he is caring concern person. no one ever mentions how he helped a lot of other people save there homes as well. I was very happy with my services Thanks again James Jordan its shame that people are doing this to you. God Luck..

Denver, US
Oct 07, 2012 8:19 am EDT

One AGAIN, James Trost has attempted to do it again, it has become clear who exactly made up these fake web blogs and put all of this FALSE and SLANDERING material in the form of FAKE complaints on this and a handful of other sites to try to satisfy a sick and mischievous attempt at tarnishing someone's name and reputation, this and all or any other page that exists with this kind of FALSE derogatory information will not be tolerated, the person/persons putting together these blogs think that they will gain something by posting these things but I can assure you that when all of this comes to light as to the TRUE nature of this that JAMES TROST and his accomplices will be prosecuted and sued for Slander, deformation of character, Fraud and a laundry list of other charges, And at GOODGUYBOB who supposedly posted on this blog (if you truly are a real person that did business with Last Chance Resolutions) I really doubt that if you put a call into this company that your call went in answered, this comment leads me to believe that GOODGUYBOB is another FAKE complaint name made up by JAMES TROST again, so again if anyone has a LEGITIMATE complaint or concern do not hesitate to call [protected]. The company is no longer in business but still can be reached if their is a dispute with past services, you will NEVER go unsatisfied if you TRULY have a dispute or legitimate concern, Don't believe everything negative you read about someone or something and never believe anything you hear unless you confirm that it is ABSOLUTLY the truth, it is becoming easier and easier for people with PERSONAL matters to post things of this nature to try to get revenge on someone by posting FALSE negative things like this about someone, maybe if someone were to counter a person doing this to someone by doing the same to prove a point then the person doing it would understand just how annoying such a thing is. Maybe. SO AGAIN, IF ANYONE HAS A REAL DISPUTE OR CONCERN PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE CALLING [protected] I'm sure that If your dispute or concern is legitimate in nature it will be resolved in your favor.

Philadelphia, US
Sep 07, 2012 12:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That is complete ###! I have been trying to contact James Jordan for a long time for a refund and most importantly an explanation as to why he did what he did to my family.

I was not in court for all of this. I will definitely be contacting the police. Maybe they can get my money back!

Philadelphia, US
Aug 28, 2012 9:59 pm EDT

He was in court on Monday for a stealing. He refuses to give any money back to any of them. He has made people homeless, He steals from people that need help. He is a complete ###. check out the pictures... do nice people behave like that? check out the court documents, do honest people behave like that? He is a liar and a thief.

He helps no one. He steals from people on welfare while he is on it himself.

Instead of watching people argue on the internet check the court documents yourself at search philadelphia dockets sheets his name is james jordan and his date of birth is 4/21/1971 it starts with shoplifting when he was young and he has been stealing from people ever sense. He also likes hitting people and endangering children. clearly a [censored]. You might be able to see his court summery here 32 pending charges... and I know he is getting arrested AGAIN this week for at least one more person.

if you or anyone you know got ripped off by this ### contact mark winter at [protected]. The more victims that come forward the longer he will go to jail for. No one has any chance of getting any money back as he blows it all on drugs and prostitutes.

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Last Chance Resolutions
Philadelphia, US
Mar 13, 2012 12:57 am EDT

Dear viewers, I am updating this blog and would like to report that as previously stated in my last notes in November where as I offered to resolve any matter or matters that anyone had in regard to our business practices and/or any dis-satisfied clients or past client complaints if any in fact did or do exist, I am pleased to inform ANYONE reading this blog that I have tried several times to contact the SO CALLED Complaintants at the top of this blog to attempt to resolve any issues they may have had and in the messeges sent I offered to positively resolve THIER matter or concern, as suspected those complaints were false in nature and we did not get a response back from neither Complaintant, if in fact you were hurt in some way or sustained any loss due to myself or my company and wanted to resolve such matter why wouldn't you respond or contact me? The offer still stands for ANYONE that has done business with me or my company, if you are unsatisfied in any way or feel that you did NOT recieve the service or services that you paid for I will resolve the matter or REFUND whatever you paid to me or my company if I cannot prove that what you paid for was not provided to you, I take pride in my company and business practices and will ATTEMPT to find a favorable solution for EVERY client that we do business with, My telephone number is listed above and I can be reached any time 7 days a week, I will never turn a client away even if they cannot afford my services, I will ALWAYS try to help as best I can and always offer FREE advice in trying to point you in a helpful direction in resolving your matter if and whenever possible, Thank you for taking the time to read and I thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Last Chance Resolutions/James Jordan

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