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On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Southern Bridal Registry's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Southern Bridal Registry, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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6:02 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Southern Bridal Registry Stealing Information – Scam

SCAM! I have NO Idea how they got my number as I have not been to ANY bridal shows. I received a call from "Renee" [protected] ext. 230) saying I had won somethign "blah blah blah." I promptly called back to request to be removed from their list, asked to be transfered to Renee and the woman answering calls was THE RUDEST person I have ever spoken to in any sort of customer service field. I was very polite and asked where they got my number and asked to be taken off their list. She scoffed at me and hung up. She refused to transfer me to "Renee." Do NOT call these people. They need to be taken out of business as soon as possible. SCAM.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Southern Bridal Registry Don't get screwed!

Southern Bridal Registry

Wednesday afternoon I got a phone call from a rep from Southern Bridal Registry telling me that I won a free Honeymoon package and my fiance and I have to attend the Bridal Show they are hosting this weekend in Lafayette Louisiana. She gave me a confirmation number and told me this was my 'key' to get in. She also told me that 'Mike' would call to confirm my reservation for the show at the Holidome in Lafayette. I did a little research on them and couldn't find a website for them, but found this website instead and I am sooo glad I did. I have all the information for the times they will be in town this weekend, so PLEASE CONTACT ME AT [protected] if you would like to go and confront them about orders never received and such! Thanks to all of you that posted comments and stories to prevent me from being screwed.

Read full review of Southern Bridal Registry and 44 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Nashville, US
Mar 18, 2015 10:05 am EDT

This is a scam. I signed up at a Nashville Bridal Show. Jordan texted me telling me I won champagne flutes and a honey moon and asked me to call him back to schedule pick up.

I called and texted him back several times and he continued to completely blow me off.

When I asked him if this was legitimate, he said yes! We have been in business for 30 years! But never followed thru to schedule a time to give me the items he claimed I won.

This is a low life scam. Don't waste your time. I'm sorry I did.

McKenzie Green
Columbia, US
Nov 08, 2012 1:59 pm EST

I recently went to one of Royal Prestige Bridal Shows and I was impressed. Initially I did think it was a scam but as I watched the presentation I really wanted the merchandise and the prizes that came along with it. My fiance' and I received wedding flutes, wedding bands, two vacations, a nine piece knife set, and yes we did purchase the 10 piece set of pots at our choice. We were not pressured to purchase anything we liked them so we did. My only draw back was when I went to register our trip to the Dominican Republic the taxes were $472 and thats not what we had been told at the show. Needless to say I was disappointed in that because we travel their often and can stay at a 4star hotel for less than what they were asking for in taxes. The show itself is great but the fine print is not what you think it is. We will be cancelling our order because we can not use the "free vacations" that we were promised. All in all it is what it says it is...

Nashville, US
Aug 30, 2012 6:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was given this website for the company:

Nashville, US
Aug 30, 2012 6:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just got a call saying I won the free crystal toasting glasses and a 3 day/ 2 night trip or $600 credit towards wedding bands. I hope this is real because this would be one less thing we have to worry about paying for! It wouldn't hurt to check it out for 1 hour so Im going. Also, the rep told me not to bring any money or credit cards because we dont have to pay for anything.

Nov 30, 2011 10:42 pm EST

I received my call today, and though I had difficulty getting any information out of them, when I spoke with Priscilla, she gave me some information the other people left out. First off, you have to pay taxes for the nights you stay on their free vacation. Secondly, When you stay in the US it is not all inclusive, so you also have to pay for any meals or activities. Here are the websites she gave me that they are giving out trips and things from. I'm heading to the show Saturday. It may be a scam, but I do not plan on giving out any information to them, and I don't plan on buying anything from them. It may be a couple of extra nights that we stay on a trip we're already planning so the airfare isn't a waste.

This is what she told me:
The resort website is; the wedding bands website is; and the cookware website is The locations for the all-inclusive are 2 in Mexico, one in the Bahamas, and one in the Dominican Republic.

Hope this helps! :)

tucson, US
Aug 10, 2011 7:44 pm EDT

i used to work there and while i can say that it isn't the most fantastic place to work because it is not the most well-run business in the world and it doesn't pay well, what they do is for real. all you do is go to the presentation and you get your honeymoon. seriously. there is no trick to it. you don't have to buy anything. again, i wouldn't suggest working there but i'd definitely go get the free vacation. several of the girls i worked with had gone on the trip and they all said it was awesome. i would have gone but i ended up moving out of state before i got a chance to go to a presentation. the reason there is no website is because the owner is cheap and doesn't understand technology at all. he can't even type.

Greensboro, US
Jun 03, 2011 3:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I received a call on Monday and I got one yesterday for Simplicity Gourmet, I got upset because I really started thinking it was a scam since I won two trips... we'll see but so far I am thinking everything is pretty legit! I asked a whole bunch of questions and spoke to 4 different ladies because I kept thinking of other questions! Good luck to you emjaymhmm, I may see you at the show friday night as long as you are going to Home Wood Suites like me! My name is Diana.

Anderson, US
Jun 02, 2011 1:58 am EDT

I received a call this evening as I was leaving my fiance's work after bringing him dinner and went back in to discuss the phone call with him. He's very skeptical, so we did a little research and came across this page. We came to the conclusion that we'll chance it and go to the bridal show after I get off of work Friday night. It's only a twenty minute drive, and we don't have anything else to do that night anyways. I'll make sure to update either Friday night or Saturday morning. Also, she had given me the website to check out the all-inclusive resort ( I'm still looking into each resort, but it doesn't look too shady.

Apr 26, 2011 3:17 am EDT

I received this call in the past. While I did not go to the show, I did get a lot of information from the lady I spoke to on the phone. I'm one of those girls who asks a million questions! The group that called me was happy to share their business name as well as related web sites - one described their business, one allowed be to view their vacation packages, and one allowed me to look at the wedding rings they were offering. I did not feel like it was a scam, I just couldn't go due to a schedule conflict. I'm guessing more than one group does these kinds of shows. My advice would be to get as much information as possible over the phone before driving anywhere. If they are a legitimate business, they should be very up front and open about their information.

Fayetteville, US
Apr 16, 2011 2:14 am EDT

I got the call as well a few days ago. I am in Fayetteville, NC. I am excited but I will say is this if it is a scam, my fiance is driving 3 hours to come to it. If it isnt then I am gonna enjoy my rings and glasses and continue to plan my wedding.

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