I had an account with the local Snap On tool distributor Shaun Null in Killeen/Harker Heights/Temple area. In November, Shaun told me I had inadvertently overpaid my account by $289.00 and 3 payments. I asked Shaun to mail me a check for the overpayment. Shaun asked me to come see him which I did because I believed he wanted to pay me in person. Upon meeting Shaun in November, he told me that their policy does not permit them to return an overpayment. He said I needed to use it as a credit and buy more tools. I told him I didn't need anymore tools at the present time and a refund would be in order since I have not read nor agreed to any such policy. Now at this point Shaun could have said to me, 'you have been a good customer for over 9 years, you have made all payments as agreed and on time. I know you need your overpayment or you would not be asking for it. Let me see what I can do'. Instead he says to me "we just don't do that, you have to talk to my uncle". I spoke to Shaun's uncle with no success as they still refuse to return my overpayment. This began in November, it is now February and they have made no attempts to contact me or refund my overpayment. I have overpaid other non related accounts in the past, however I was notified of the overpayment and provided a refund prior to making another payment. I have called Shaun and he says they will send me the refund however at this point he is just full of hot air. I would recommend anyone doing business with him to closely monitor your payments with him and do not let this happen to you as he surely will try to keep your money. Snap On Corporate says they can do nothing as the distributors are independent.
If I were to take his tools then not pay for them I would be considered in default and turned over to some abusive collection agency. This is wrong and blatant stealing. The SnapOn distributor obviously thinks I'm a fool however this is only the beginning.
No, small claims will take valuable time and resources. However I will make sure I inform as many consumers as I can and file all appropriate complaints. Word of mouth will spread and hurt his bottom line.
Money has developed barbs in the new Banana Republic of America. Money once received is theirs forever, no matter what. Many businesses will not under any circumstances refund money for overpayment or even for a defective item - offering these "credits" instead. I ask up front what their policy is if it is a big purchase. No clearly stated refund policy that states a cash refund for usual circumstances, I walk. I consider this practice essentially treating me like an imbecile. And there are numerous imbeciles who have no problem with it, so they get away with it and the practice continues to spread..