The Mentor Network / NeuroRestorative does not investigate Abuse, Neglect and Theft from clients in their care and allows it to continue. Staff that reports it is retaliated against. In one instance, the Program Manager hired her Best Friend and made her a Supervisor. 2 weeks later they hired the Supervisor's Uncle — who also happens to be the Program Manager's neighbor. A number of Staff — AND CLIENTS — reported this man was inappropriately touching clients/a Molester. In response to these allegations, the Program Manager began allowing him to take our least functioning client TO HIS HOME and called them "One-on-One" outings and ordered the Staff "Not to Report" on this man. Staff that continued to voice concerns was retaliated against. There are many instances like this including the Program Manager allowing certain Staff to smoke marijuana and watch pornography at the group home/CBRF. THE MENTOR NETWORK CORPORATE OFFICE DID NOTHING!
Also, the Program Manager stole from a client. The Mentor Network Corporate Office refuses to address that — and other — issues and is trying to cover everything up.
There have been State and Department of Justice investigations. DoJ findings are not yet available, but the State had 23 PAGES of findings against this company and 7 violations... including the Program Manager stealing from the client. Despite these findings, The Mentor Network Corporate Office refuses to do anything and continues to 'protect' the Program Manager.
I made 2 videos with legal Open Record State investigation findings. I don't know if I can post the links, but if you google "The Mentor Network (or NeuroRestorative) State Complaint" it will come up. The videos are on youtube.
Here is a link to one video. The other video is on the same page/channel.
It is the same all across the country, isn't it?
I can be contacted at:
Please contact me if you have information you'd like to share.
I am sharing this person's complaint as well. If you read the comments, you will see that The Mentor Network/Neurorestorative is embroiled in a $356 MILLION DOLLAR Sex Abuse Law Suit pertaining to the sexual abuse of children at one of their facilities.
Families First - Atlanta, Georgia LOUSY Adoption Agencies — INCOMPETENCE, CORRUPTION & SEX ABUSE
Today is 12/13/22 that staff CB went to Walmart in Millville NJ later that day I help bring foods in the house, The staff CB yell at me in the kitchen she said to me you put my food in the car park in the house later I came down stair kitchen I tell Landlord Dominique Rozier said to me you tell grading from state of New Jersey, but that state of New Jersey is [censored] up that neglect that not nice at all. I went back my room I started to cry I said I want get flu shot I don't want to get sick, but some people don't get flu shot because they will get sicker and the go to hospital that staff in nasty group-home Millville NJ. That [censored]ed up they abuse me in group-home I don't like being stupid group-home. that neglect and they made me sick and tired and that pate of [censored].But I want to move back my old place in Morris County area my old apartment in the town of Parsippany NJ I like Parsippany NJ the bast i do what to-do I work in recycling center in Dover NJ. That recycling jobs pay money.
Today is 12/17/22 Saturday later that day TB start acting up again in Livingroom that stupid staff tell me get up stair now! she yells at me, and SJ go to your room now I don't like black [censored] staff too bully she take drugs from her doctor I don't like bossy staffs that tell me what to do That [censored]ing stupid group home That [censored]ing TB teaing me she said to me you going to mad house, but TB tell lies all the time I don't TB is trouble [censored] her TB stealing staff CB's shredded cheese package from kitchen down stair that TB call [censored] in living room in down stair that trouble maker TB cussing a lot she said to me you are [censored] I don't like that TB call me [censored] I hate TB in her room she follow me around in down stair I don't like [censored]ing TB from psychiatric hospital in Bridgeton NJ she is acting up [censored] up that stupid place in Millville group home I want to move back my old place in Morris county in north jersey I like north jersey b better I want move out stupid group home I want to get my own apartment in Morris county area . I don't like [censored]ing bully nasty mean and abuse that staff abuse me and mark on me I wish that black staff get fired from jobs I don' like that staff to hurt people in Millville group home they hurt patients in in their room in up stair .
That stupid group homes some staffs that tell me what to do too bossy me around those [censored]ing nuts [censored]ty nasty bossy house [censored] that program supervisor Dominique Rozier said to me you sit down I said you do tell me what to do [censored]ing [censored] that group home staffs are bossy and neglect, abuse I don't like live in [censored]ing group home in Millville NJ that [censored]ing [censored] state of New Jersey, and bossy staff Chistine Bank tell me in MD's room upstairs my friend Maryann her room and she talk to me don't talk about Tracy B. and staff Chirstine Bank yell at me in Maryann D's room she said don't miching in her name they hear that I said about Tracy B is liar and she broke the tv in Livingroom down stair. And my staff said stay upstairs room stay away from Tracy B. and she is dangerous person she will hit you. And stay away from dangerous Tracy B.she is very mean and nasty person in her room' I want to move back to my old place in Parsippany NJ in north jersey My apartment back and I take care myself my own
Today is 12/29/22 Thursday that staff tell me what to do that bossy me around in the [censored]ty [censored]ed Millville NJ group-home mean landlord DOMINIQUE ROZIER said to me they have rule in Manter network, and she said to me you no foods allow in your room thy have [censored]ed rule in this house, and I'm poor i have not much money in my baby bottle in my bag in my room but I'm poor now that stupid landlord Dominique Rozier in the kitchen down stair nasty group-home Millville I was upset outside and eat my foods outside I need flash air outside I like cold .but cold weather is good for me that make less sleep. in hot weather make people morn sleep hot weather make people lazy and tied and sleepy that blood thinner that why make lot of people sleepy and tied I hate heat in house that too hot for me anyway I take my clothe off in my room but my room too hot I don't like heat I sweat from side effect form my medications from my doctor [censored]ed medication's side effect staffs are bossy nasty to me thy cussing at me in the kitchen in down stair today. that nasty staff Chirstine Bank that she tells what to do in kitchen today is.
Staff CeCe hit me in living room down stair, but she is doing to play her daughter 99 she is4 years old staff CeCe said to me don't say that word pussy staff turn around again staff said joke I said to my staff CeCe, you don't hit people on your job, and you will get fire your job 'you can't do that on your job the boss don't like the staff CeCe hit people that me I talking to my staff CeCe, you be nice to me, please be nice to me in nasty Millville NJ staff ladies how to learn to nice to patient in any group home in New Jersey that state of New Jersey law any staffs don't hit another patients, in the down stair living room the staffs are sleeping on chair in tv room in living room of Millville group home, I TOLD staff CeCe and don't do that to me and my girlfriend never hit me because I don't get hurt by staff hitting me that abuse and you will get fired for your jobs .in mead office Mantor network program boss will get fired from her job by the skinny staff with 4 years old daughter sat on staff chair with her mother my brother joe from Australia said staffs in Millville group home every staff member you don't hit people on your job no abuse me .
In this morning the staff tell me get dress I said no I wear my clothes I want, and [censored]ing [censored] bossy staff tell people what to do. And the bossy staffs that tell me [censored]ing what to do. I take care my seif the bossy Millville group-home [censored] that caused trouble because [censored]ing landlord Dominique Rozier put mixed recyclable in trash dumpster that dumpster said no recyclable in red dumpster that dumpster said trash only because it's holiday last Friday, they pick up recycling because Christmas and new year's holiday last week. this picks up all mixed recyclable in this Friday I can't wait to move back to Parsippany area, and I take care myself I always clean I'm not [censored]ing stink I'm not small at all I pent I take shower in 45 min I wash hold body I wash tits and pussy and my [censored] I always take myself I get my own apartment myself I don't [censored]ing bossy staffs in Millville group-home [censored] .I don't like bossy landlord Dominique Rozier the didn't steel desk chair with arms and steel bookcase for top my desk hutch with three shelve I need for my stuffs and dolls.
Today the bossy staff tell me [censored]ing what to do in up stair staff LA 'Teana tell me you put your clothes on you stop tell me [censored]ing what to do, LA 'Teana Johnson. She said to me staff LA 'Teana said to me I will put you in dumpster outside. Staff are bossy I don't like the staffs tell me what to do that not my mother. That [censored]ing hate Millville group home, the staff LA 'Teana Johnsson said to me you not going anywhere, I said hay you do not bossy me around I don't like it [censored]ing the group home staffs I want to move to my own apartment in Morris County in north jersey I don't like [censored]ing group-home they abuse me and neglect in any group-home that not nice, I told my brother Joe albert on group home's phone my brother Joe from Australia and I told my brother Joe everything the group-home staffs did to me that the staff abuse me they hurt me in my room today I tell the staff stop tell me what to do that make me sick that bossy staff LA 'Teana Johnson, she has three daughters that staff LA 'Teana always said to me I will put you in the dumpster.
Today that [censored]ing bossy staffs that tell me to do I don't like it that noise and stupid Millville group-home. That [censored]ty group-home abuse patients. I Dominique Rozier is nasty landlord that she is bossy me around and she was a troublemaker Tracy B. eat all MD's and SJ's foods, for girls their lunch for program every day and the new staff want talk to me don't about Tracy that cause trouble. the troublemaker group-home staffs. my brother Joe from Australia and he will come see me and i want to move out stupid group home they tell another girl what to do this morning the staff tell me said you go down stair kitchen and take medications and vitamins, I say you stop tell what to do that noise. and everybody talk about that Tracy B . stealing another people stuffs.
I went to down stair I saw stupid landlord Dominique Rozier I need order steel desk chair for me, and Dominique said, and don't you say hi and she said to me I'm not order no desk chair for you. Dominique is neglect [censored]ed [censored] that Dominique is on Steet drugs, but she takes druggy that nasty mean. No druggy allowed they will get fired from job and that Dominique will get fired for job and you can't do that on the job at Mantor network .and [censored]ed neglect to me that make me cry hurtful my feeling. The stupid landlord Dominique Rozier is nasty [censored]. I need [censored]ed steel desk chair now! I will be calling 911and that my [censored]ed money, buy my own stuff myself my own. I will report her that Dominique is not nice to me that right. and [censored] nuts and nut [censored]. that was a stupid landlord, Dominique Rozler.
this morning Dominique said to me you come here and talk to you now! she yells at me, and you don't touch my heat! you open the window and the staff said come to store staff said you don't get upset this morning Dominique threat to attack me in Dring room down stair and Dominique talk about me I don't like it that staff said you want to go program I said no and not make ANY MONEY AND I'm poor that neglect. the not nice. That Dominique that hurt my feeling
today this morning The Dominique Rozier said to me I want you talk to you now! and you don't touch my heat in this house! but Dominique yell at me in this morning. The staff said you come with me she says. I say to my staff, and I say that Dominique is not nice that she yelled at me, and that Dominique hurt my feeling. Landlord Dominique is dangerous person that hurt Tracy did last time. the group-home staff hurt girls in their group-home today. I can't wait to move back my old place in Morris County in north jersey and Dominique said you giving [censored] Dominique is very mean Landlord that owed this house. That not nice to me Dominique treats me badly and abuse me in their way that not nice. I don't heat that my blood thinner and sleepy and tied. I want to get my own apartments in north jersey I can't wait to move out I get it and my brother Joe Abert from Australia, and I will tell everything they did to me in stupid Millville group-home, and they abuse girls in this group-home today that not nice at all.
this morning Dominique Rozier said to me you give me [censored]! and she yelled at me that make me cry and hurtful my feeling that not nice, I Wisk Dominique get fired from job people can't do that on job don't come work and hit people on job supervisor landlord Dominique Rozier not order steel desk chair for me you are [censored]ing poor Dominique Rozier hit me in kitchen down stair today I will get rid Dominique Rozier. Dominique Rozier is dangerous person in this house. Dominique Rozier attacks me in kitchen today.
today that nasty new staff turkey that tell me funking what to do that too bossy that [censored]ty Millville group home and My brother joe from Australia he worried about me that Dominique will hurt me. staff in the group home. Hey, I'm not dog, I am human I told staff Turkey, you stop tell me what to do that Innogy' . I hate group home they they help you NO I don't need any help me I take care of myself I'm grown woman I'm not handicap nothing wrong with me I'm healthy strong girl. stupid Dominique Rozier that harm patients in her house and Dominique Rozier harm Tracy B in kitchen last time and last year 2022and I want to steel desk chair and steel bookcase myself and I take care myself and always clean and healthy. I will ignore Tracy B. that Tracy B hit people and Tracy B dangerous persons.
Today is. that night staff stary tell what to do. you not allowed to be sat on staff chair. and staff say you. go to upstairs room! now and I will throw. water at you [censored]ed [censored].and the staff Stary. say to me I'm call a cop on you. staff Stary will report you. and tell Sandra J's sister Kat on me I don't like you being bossy me around. And I don't like Dominique Rozier but she dangerous person. But that Sandra Johnson is lazy. but she didn't wash right. in shower in this morning. I take care myself. Staff Stary treat me badly in downstair Livingroom. The staff Stary is too bossy. And I wish that Stary will get fired from job in this Millville group home NJ and that nasty mean to me like that is not nice to me that nasty to me in kitchen that staff Stary say to I'm call the cops on me.I say to the staff. Stary, you do not call cops on [censored]ing [censored].you [censored]ed Spithead's don't like Stary. I can't wait to move back to my old place. in Parsippany NJ and my brother Joe from Australia in March.
today that staff stary that tell me what to do [censored]ing [censored] to me in [censored]ing group home In Millville NJ [censored] is be in the stupid Millville Nj [censored] the next door. people at the house next door said don't your trash in my garden. the guy come staff door. the guy said you give middle finger. at me he says I said [censored] you to the guy next door I'm not do that anymore the don't want to get any trouble. I'm good person good worker I don't like stupid Dominique Rozier that hurt me last time.
that today troublemaker staff [censored]ed [censored] Brittary B tell Sandra J's sister ion me that cause trouble in this morning later that day I was upset on me was not i8n her bathroom in upstair.But that Sandra Johnson is lazy. another staff C.B is upset because Sandra J. always lazy. because she smells that staff will smell her in her room her room is stink and smell really bad that not good at all for another female people in this stupid Millville group-home that nasty to me like that. I need to move back to my town Parsippany NJ and in March and my brotherJoe Albert. from Australia and my brother Joe is worried about me that group home staff abuse me in down stair kitchen and [censored]ed [censored] Brittary B said to me I'm tell Sandra J. sister on me she not my sister that Sandra 's sister and I'm not being to friend anymore and I WILL MOVE OUT STUPID GROUP-HOME! I don't like being [censored]ed home. That [censored]ty group-home staff black [censored] Brittary Batha sticks middle finger. at me in kitchen and she talk to me like that said [censored] you and staff cussing at me I can't wait I will tell my brother Joe from Australia and all about these reports Mantor network at Rem New Jersey but my brother. Joe worried. of me that group home staffs abuse me and hit me on these jobs they will get fired from their jobs and the boss don't like nasty staffs on these jobs
Today is starting that again that new staff Dominique's friend Jeram tell me what to do. in the kitchen then that staff black lady in kitchen she said that veggie burger that not your I say hey that mine veggie burger is mine with my own money I'm vegetarian I don't eat animal meats that animal prodet that make people sick and heart disease and cancer from animal meat, and I take care. Of myself my own money myself I will get my old place back in Parsippany NJ.