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CB Grocery Stores and Market Dillons 3211 S Seneca St, Wichita, KS, 67217, US
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3211 S Seneca St, Wichita, KS, 67217, US
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2 complaints
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Working hours
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
2:07 pm EST

Dillons - 31st and seneca dillons

I was shopping there this morning and when I went to use the restroom I went to grab a toilet seat cover when I was jabbed by a dirty syringe! The syringe was stained with blood or some thing dark! I am totally mortified! I don’t have health insurance so going to er is going to be a pain in the [censored]! But I’m order for me not to get. Diseases I have to go! I had to take off work and I’m just really scared and grossed out! The manager who took my complaint seemed like he cared but I’m still worried if I contracted something I’m going to the ER right now and I just hope I can have Dillon’s pay for the visit! Again I’m really scared and afraid this might cause an infection deep in the bone or worse and contract some disease :/ how do I go about communicating with Dillon’s on this type of situation? Any body out there that can help me would be great 😟

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7:43 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more

Dillons - Pharmacy

Hello I'd rather not be named incase this gets back to a. l certain person I am complaining about. I always come Dillion's for my medicine. I have for years upon years as my parents and grandparents. everyone has been kind and respectful because an Indian lady which I'm not sure of her name. the other day I always come through the drive thru. so the other day I waited a good 15 minutes in the drive thru before it was my turn and I also don't mind the wait I totally understand! A new girl by the name Danny (couldn't see her or name until I came inside btw).. was helping didn't even say hello she was rude said on the tone of she hated me type of voice she said "name" I thought to my self wow that was rude. usually they said hello what can I help you with or something kind ya know. I give her my daughters name and date of birth which she didn't ask for until I gave it to her. I also told her I had a medicine and she seems annoyed and said okay name. So I preceded to give it to her I said I have it a good rx and she rudely said then "Yeah your going to have to come in I'm not taking the over drive thru" I got a little upset and said "I always do it through the drive thru" she then said "well I'm not your going to have to come in" I drive off then came inside. Inside I spoke with Roxanne which was so sweet and helped me and apologized for the girl.. I couldn't see her face or her name until I came in but when she turned around I happened to see her face and name and then It hit me. I knew exactly who she was and what type of person she was. I have a friend that worked with her at Wendy's (will not say name) was a manager and I would see her in there. She would come to work drunk and how she would spit in peoples food and all different things about getting high outside of work then coming in.. so I told that lady I did NOT want her to have anything to do with my medicine or know my information because I knew the crowd she runs with and that she isn't a good person also she was rude. I thought hat Dillion's should know the type of people you are hiring.

Desired outcome: She needs to be fired

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Sep 01, 2021 9:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Try not to be too hard on her. It was a single incident, after all. She's new; So, she might have not have been trained on taking in new prescriptions, yet. The other staff members could have been otherwise engaged with other customers: Not free to assist a new girl with something she wasn't yet trained to do.

Try to focus on the 2nd person you dealt with. The one that was extra nice to you, and apologetic. Things worked out okay.

If you just focus on the good, rather than trying to get someone fired over a single poor customer service experience, you'll find yourself in better spirits. I promise.

Sep 01, 2021 9:44 pm EDT
Replying to comment of BeeTheGood

I never asked for your advice. Mind your own business. You must be the rude girl who i dealt with. You made me so angry that I punched my daughter in the face. I got a visit from CPS. My children are currently in foster care. They say someone who got my licenses number reported me. It must have been you.

Sep 01, 2021 9:46 pm EDT
Replying to comment of BeeTheGood

I lied about her. I just want her fired.

Sep 01, 2021 9:48 pm EDT
Replying to comment of BeeTheGood

I lied about her because she saw me slapping my child and reported me. Now my kids are taken from me.

Ter t
Sep 02, 2021 2:40 pm EDT
Replying to comment of BeeTheGood

I agree. Also she is acting like a 2 year old. She has a lot of nerve to call a grown up a girl .If she can legally drink she is an adult. The only one acting like a kid is the customer.

Ter t
Sep 02, 2021 2:42 pm EDT
Replying to comment of BeeTheGood

How is she a minor if she can legally drink.

Author of the review
Sep 03, 2021 12:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of BeeTheGood

This email below aren’t me it’s this weirdo [censored] dude that keep stalking me. his name was kiek at first.. thank you for the advice.

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