I was applying for a payday loan when the loan processor directed me to another page. I checked no, not interested to several offers including the USA PREMIER ELITE PLAN next thing I know' there is a page saids You Have been approved GET CASH NOW. I clicked the button and put my name in the box believing I was finalizing loan. I did not check the box that authorizes them to take money out of my account for the benefits card. I never did see a loan amount and the page closed.So I thought maybe they sent it to my e-mail I then open my e-mail and see a new members enrollment plan that I knew nothing about! Could not contact them by phone even though there is a phone #[protected] Can you answer this... Why in the world would I have authorized someone to take more money out of my account when I was applying for a loan to pay my overdraft charges...Oh and at the bottom of the plan it saids you can't print, forward or copy the plan but it doesn't say anything about saving it to my computer so if there is any attorneys out there wanting to help in shutting them down please let me know what to do so they can get a taste of their own medicine and see what it is to be really broke.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
They company is located in virginia beach virginia under the name International Marketing Association.