Don’t buy Cuban cigars from It stated on their website that the cigars were real and were delivered from Cube, but it was lie. They sold fake cigars and it was scam. Their address was on Cyprus and but their customer services were located in America. It was strange and they replied slowly as well. I got the cigar and could be 100% sure that it was fake. I knew a lot about cigars.
I've places several orders from and all were authentic Cuban cigars. Boxes were sealed and cigars were identical to cigars I've purchased in Cuba, Grand Cayman and Canada. Delivery to the US has taken 3-4 weeks, depending on time boxes spend at US Customs.
I don't believe they are real Swiss Cuban cigars I notorious scammers
Their cigars are counterfeit. They claim to sell “Authentic cigars”. Notice, they never claim to sell “Authentic Cuban cigars”. Be careful with their wording. Also, you can no longer pay with a credit card on their website. Amex, Visa and Mastercard have all suspended their accounts due to customer complaints about counterfeit cigars.
Their cigars are counterfeit. They claim to sell “Authentic cigars”. Notice, they never claim to sell “Authentic Cuban cigars”. Be careful with their wording. Also, you can no longer pay with a credit card on their website. Amex, Visa and Mastercard have all suspended their accounts due to customer complaints about counterfeit cigars.