I ordered some bikes for my triplet toddlers from here 4 weeks ago. Although two bikes arrived in two weeks, the other is MIA. Try explaining that to three 2-year olds who know have to share two bikes. It is ridiculous! Even after the customer service team looked into the matter, they couldn't get it straight. I was provided a tracking number and was told my item had shipped but one week later, there is still no tracking information. This was an expensive purchase, which makes their carelessness extremely frustrating and unacceptable.
I order 5 items from zulily and I haven't received my order yet. They took the funds out on the 25 of March 2014, but I haven't received anything from them yet, and here it is April 9, 2014 I would like to know where is my order or I want them to refund my money.
This company has taken over 3 weeks to deliver a special gift to my daughter. I have called many times to no avail no hope or help. Do not order from this company. Toke my money immediately . Wow no gift. This is nonsense.
Don't do it
I orderd a Christmas gift for my daughter on November 29th and haven't received my order as of 12/16/2014. I have been told they have missed placed my ordered . Now they toke my money with no problem. I mean that minute. So I say DO NOT OREDER from this company.
Going to keep writing bad reviews to I receive my Christmas gift...
Actually I will put this on Facebook . Don't order from this company.
Ordered three tunics the first time. Received two of them and the third was on its way but got stopped because it did not have a complete address. To my surprise and because I had already done business with a company outside of the US, the blouse was coming from China! Horrendous experience when I ordered, knowingly, from a company in China for a dress for my son's wedding. You can imagine my feelings when I found out Zulilly was sending me products from there! I now have two additional blouses (ordered before finding out the China thing) coming to me. In the words of our illustrious (sarcasm) president - SAD!
Zulily is a total RIP off