Dear sir
I am 55 am dislexic. This is the worst agansy I have ever worked for. I had troubles filling out time sheet I asked in the office for help in the factory I was at that made me feel so small and umelated. So I asked a work freand to sort it for me which he did but for the first 13 days I was not paid as my time sheet was late. Then a week or two later my friend not in work so I asked afford office to sort it for me and that did but not I got the feeling that not happy about it as not there polasey and yet again I feat not good. My wages have been delayed again and not paid on time. Am upset at the whole thing as a result I have not gone into work and contract as been cancelled I have no work now.. my question to you is this what happens if I have no laptop phone or to shy to ask for help how do my timesheet get done and me get paid. To me it's almost disrimanashon against a dislicx person. What help do I get. [protected]