On August 29th Amanda came out to my house on complaints of child abuse and neglect. She then asked for a drug test. Which I told her no bc it's my right not to per amendment 4. I then told her i had to leave to get my kids from school.she followed me to the school and proceeded to have the school lock my children in a room and refused to release them to me. For no reason.i got a lawyer on the phone who told her she could not illegally hold my children like that. The lawyer proceed to tell her I would summit to a drug test even tho I specifically said no. When she releases my kids I told her the lawyer doesn't speak for me on taking a drug test and that I was not doing it. I left with my kids.2 days later while my kids are at the grandmother's Amanda shows back up with a court order to pick up my kids for the reason I won't comply with Dhr. It's suppose to be voulintary right? So how is that grounds to pick my kids up she lied on her report. Then in her petition stated the reason for wanting a pick up order was on the assessment of drug use (but the allegations are abuse and neglect) but then the next sentence states that dhr has not assessed any drug use at the time so again how is that grounds to take my kids she then went to my mother's house and removed them from her at witch she failed to put in her report and she claimed they were removed from me.since then she has lied on many occasions.she won't return my calls.wont let me see my kids.ecrb told my 8 year old son that he wouldn't see his parents until he was 16 years old.this is ridiculous.my kids should be home. Not separated.ones in Decatur the other ohatchee.our trail starts Monday bc I refuse to give Dhr custody.the court is already taking dhrs side.im sure they will continue.
Desired outcome: Case dismissed my kids home