Some time ago i ordered two products from Aliexpress (Shop1102611031 Store), but the products had a very bad quality, so I asked for a refund. For the first (small) product, the shop provided the refund very quickly. But for the second (big) product the seller asked me to send the product back to China.
The seller agreed to pay for the refund ,AND pay for me shipping back the product. But even though he admitted he received the product back from me, he refuses to pay for the refund and he also refuses to pay for my costs of shipping back the product. So the seller Shop1102611031 Store owns me 23 euros for the refund, and 26 euros for the costs of me shipping back their product.
I contacted Aliexpress through their agents twice, first time, few weeks ago the agent told me he was going to contact the seller personally and let me know. He didn't. Second time, last week, they sent the complaint to the administration, and the administration wrote me an email that the issue was resolved and closed
Claimed loss: 49 euros
Desired outcome: please refund or provide store credit