Alliance of Milwaukee LLC and Anchor of Milwaukee is now dissolved and defunct since January 9 2018. Berrada Properties acquired Alliance of Milwaukee on January 9, 2018, because Richard A. Weller does not repair and Take care of things in his apartment buildings and He does not take care of bugs, roaches and mice in his apartment buildings! He hires apartment managers to embezzle, steal and gamble with tenant's rent money and Hires apartment managers to ask tenants for money and to charge tenants money to get things fixed inside their apartments. Richard A. Weller and Craig rents to bad, crazy black tenants who cause and to do harm to good tenants and make good tenants uncomfortable! Richard A. Weller and Craig were doing bad business at those apartment buildings. They evicted good tenants who call the police on bad tenants who like to threaten good tenants! Richard A. Weller and Craig like to see bad things happen to good tenants in their apartments. That's why good tenants move out of Richard A. Weller and Craig's apartment buildings!