Richard Weller hired apartment manager LB Gibson is a gambler, he embezzled money from tenants, and he ripped tenants off.LB rented to child molesters, sex offenders, prostitutes, crack addicts, drug addicts and gamblers.LB rented to Jesse Hadley who is a child molester, Kim a vietnamese woman with a gambling addiction and a gambling problem like LB Gibson, Isaiah Mack a crack addict who smokes crack and threatens tenants with a knife.Juanita "Shotgun"Wright, Heidi Schneider, Dorothea Faine are prostitutes who smoke, drink and knock on your door asking for money to buy cigarettes and alcohol with your money.Krista Rodenkirk lie to your face and swindles your money by not paying it back.Frank Kelly is a registered sex offender and Sheila Boyd knocks on tenants door at 3 or 4 in the morning asking for sugar and cigarettes.Yvonne Czajkowski let anybody move into her apartment without signing the lease.Richard Weller and Craig Z hired Apartment Manager Carlos Hamilton asks tenants for money to get his insulin filled, Because he's a diabetic, He buys beer and cigarettes with his own money and don't take of himself.Do not trust these apartment managers because they will rip you off.