this company collects real estate data and publishes it along with personal information including current and past address without the subjects consent. this company is exposing the people who's data they publish to unwanted calls, inquiries, identity theft and stalkers at a minimum. this company should not be in business and i hope someone can do something about this.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
These people are bottom feeders. Go ahead, send a note to Scarlett and see what happens. She'll tell you to bugger off. Keep calling them and sending emails until you get some satisfaction. Don't stop. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
This company has published illegally my address and private information and I am on the "witness protection list". My address is not public information so I don't know how they got hold of this data. They refuse to remove it from the website. is a complete invasion of my privacy and puts my personal safety at risk. While they say "it's public record." I have the right to give my consent or not to blast to the world via the Internet my personal information. This site needs an "opt out" or to be shut down.
Agree, have had a similar concern, particularly since my name is unusual so the Blockshopper info is more easily seen.
Yes-- what I meant was, is it legal for someone to publish that record when you ask them not to.
I bet this isn't happening to celebrities...let's check. NOW we have a lawsuit.