While in New York with only my Ecco lace-ups for shoes, I was horrified to discover they the left heel had shredded itself at some point during my stay.
I've read some of the complaints here and since I'm certain my shoes are more than one year old, I won't even bother attempting to deal with what has been universally described as uncaring customer service.
My main problem with the shoes is that they were quite pricey yet have self-destructed more rapidly than any other shoe I've owned in my life (running shoes excluded). The heel system is SO fragile, that even the heel that did not blow out felt vulnerable to a similar fate. My DocMartins also had air cushion soles and NEVER fell apart, even after much more use than these Ecco's.
Thank goodness they were the only pair I've owned as they are certain to die as the last pair I will ever own.
When you read the complaints on the web you realize that everyone is having the same experience; the heels and soles disintegrate. Why is this company still in business?
When you check the various websites you find that the vast majority of compaints about Ecco shoes are the same; the heels and soles disintegrate in a short time.
Why is this company still in business?
As you can see from photographs of my seldom worn Ecco shoes I have experienced the same defect in manufacturing most of the people on this site have. A couple of bad things come to mind, first I have in the past recommended this company to friends, second, I have other Ecco shoes and have no confidence wearing them out in public.
My shoes came apart at a very large function early on in the evening and gained much attention as staff had to be summoned to clean up the mess I made tracking crumbling foam or whatever is in the heels all over very expensive white carpet.
This is not my first experience of soles disintegrating on Ecco shoes. The first time I just thought it was a
Flaw with the style I bought however it is obvious everything Ecco makes has serious problems. I have Johnston & Murphy shoes that are twenty years old that look like new and have had more wear than these Eccos. I could not get my photos to upload here.
Wow, some interesting reading after our dinner and theater show last night I noticed while setting during the intermissions that there was black stuff all over under my seat? How strange since the theater is always clean and why is it under my feet only? Looking around for a source I realized it was from my shoes and when I raised them up to look closer I was shocked to see that both my heels were gone and the soles were separating also. I had a long walk back to our car...would these Ecco's make it... a sad thing to know that they keep selling these shoes knowing the outcome is complete failure...no more Ecco's!
I Love my ecco shoes. I was very disappointed this morning when put them on the sole and the heels just disintegrated leaving a trail of black on the floor. the leather tops are in perfect condition...