Ordered Bzees shoes which are a great brand, paid $54.44 and received a counterfeit cheap knock off. Contacted Customer Service who sent me instructions to return product with tracking - to China.
No information about the company except a long address, cost me $26.04 to return via Auspost. Can only deal with Fruugo customer service which do not respond so NO CUSTOMER SERVICE at all.
Sent the information and tracking number to Fruugo and haven't heard from them since.
Initial purchase 26/08/23, returned 15/09/23, Tracking confirms delivery 01/10/23 and it's now 27/10/23.
Multiple enquiries which do not appear in my account despite being completed in their portal.
So $80 out of pocket to receive a refund for around $50 and haven't even received the original purchase price which would have left me out of pocket for the return postage and initial delivery.
NOT HAPPY to say the least; will take to Ombudsman and Fair Trade if no contact but disgusted in this company.
Desired outcome: Refund for the full amount this experience has cost me for no item and lots of pain.