HostMonster Customer Support [S-2340993]
I write to inform you that the support provided by your technical staff for issue [S-2340993] has been substandard and did not resolve my issue. The issue was instead resolved serendipitously by an unrelated team resolving a different issue.
The following technicians were in contact with me via email:
Joyson P
Vinayaka P
The problems I have with your support are:
1) No one in the list above ever seemed to understand my problem despite providing many screen captures and problem details
2) There was no consistent support contact. Every email was answered by a different person
3) Reliance on what I call an "Email Script": assuming without facts that something is blacklisted, blocked due to spam scanners, using an unsupported software, or some sort of virus. No one seemed to really research and follow thru on the problem
4) No one bothered to check my other outstanding trouble tickets or they could have seen [S-2335069], nor did they ask about any other issues that could be related.
The other services we use at have been reliable, but your support is sadly lacking.
Desired outcome: something better