First off, I still use MTE's work. I have had a lot of great progress with NARP and I appreciated the world of somatic healing that her content helped introduce me into, in a digestible and convenient way.
I once joined one of her closer cohorts called "super-thriver." Basically it was a 12 month intensive, 8 hours for 3 days, for 3 weeks, then an 8 hour session once a month thereafter. There were some great breakthroughs there, but we also got to see some of the inner workings, some of which were interesting, some of which were... funny.
First off, she unfortunately lost her voice on one of the weekends, and so wasn't able to conduct the live healing sessions she purported that this superthriver would give to us. She switched into "conducting silent sessions", so for a couple of days, the healing would be just us sitting in silence and her, i guess, thinking the guided meditation and that was supposed to have the effect on us. She ended up rescheduling it on a day that I didn't have planned to be off work, and so i and I'm sure a lot of people there in this group, wouldn't be able to attend and would have to watch the replay. I reached out asking if we could add any supplemental days or do a poll of some kind to see if we can do the rescheduled session on a day that the majority of people would be available.
The a member of her team, was, no, they weren't going to make any changes to accommodate in that way, but this is what was said, and I'm copying and pasting from the email:
"Any belief you have that the healings do not work so well in replay is something that can be addressed in your NARP modules, as it is just that - a belief. Time is a human construct and everything happens in the moment of now - so every time you enter the group healing space, everyone is there who ever has, or ever will access it."
I giggled. There was a money back guarantee after the first 3 months, like if you didn't like it you can opt out and ask for your money back. I definitely knew i was going to do that, but I stayed one more day just to make sure.
That session, there were some great things going on, until one of the ladies came on, living in Finland, asking about her children and how NARP can help her be a better mother.
What MTE said to her took my breath out of my body:
"Well it's good that you're raising your kids in the Finland and not like Australia or the US, where all they teach kids is transgenderism and critical race theory."
I didn't know you could feel *ICE* inside a zoom call. The woman stammered, trying to counter her, then she sort of doubled down on it? Oh it was madness. I couldn't believe it--well I could, actually, I think all spiritual healers have that sort of fatal betrayal quality about them. Hers was just...idk a susceptibility to fascist rhetoric? I dunno.
Needless to say I got my money back. But soon after, one of her senior moderators/team members quit. Now this woman was *DYN*amite. Almost sort of like the caboose, the real juice of the operation. She had incredible insight, she was kind, empathetic, sweet, quirky, and fun, and was a ray of sunshine (and often a smoother-over of things) in the few super thriver sessions we had.
A post was made about her departure by the administrative team on the message board that NARPers (people who are in the thriver program, but not the super-thriver program) have access to (it was a cool space..for a time, but anyway)--they said that she had left, but the way they described it, I felt was very unsettling...whoever wrote it basically made it seem like this woman had transgressed them, acted dramatically, and, you know, was the aggressor and all that, they just really egregiously victimized themselves over this woman. Nobody bought it. There was so much support for her despite attempts to make her look bad. MTE's program, her social media and youtube, etc etc, really just hasn't been the same since. It's been emptier, less sincere...
Just last week she put out some new recordings for NARPers to be able to use, that were quicker, "speedy shifts"--lol, you can hear, like, editing discrepancies, like the mic cutting off abruptly and things like that--it just sounded thrown together. So, my heart goes out to the program and to her team, as well as her despite that horrific comment...but yeah, even though I still believe in the principle of her work, it's definitely something to engage from a distance.