I found Motorcycle Closeouts online with a good price for the a HJC i70 helmet. I ordered on 7/1/23 the package arrived 7/6/23 including the closure for July 4th. That was all that went well. Upon opening the helmet was missing the breath guard and the warranty/ owner's manual attached to the chin strap. I called and emailed to [protected]@motorcyclecloseouts.com with no response. As I continued to call Will who says he's going he owner said he say the email and this missing items was a warranty issue. I didn't agree and asked for a new helmet to be shipped he decided. After following up for days on the promised parts to be sent I filed a dispute with my credit card company. The missing items never arrived he promised and he advised my email address wasn't working. Mind you I emailed him a summary of each of our conversations. Will appears to be dishonest in his business dealings. I suggest you pay a little more or purchase locally to avoid a nightmare. By the way the merchant name is Rider Approved LLC and the pay for positive reviews for the site.
Order at your own risk.