Hi I had my grandson Draven in for a haircut. (he is a regular). He has me come in with him due he doesnt remember and social anxiety and has panic attacks! So I go in explain his haircut and let them do it! If I see there cutting too short or anything, I bring to attention Nicely, and move on... So yesterday, 1/17/2024. As always We walked in and waited our turn... He sits and I explain to the girl Forgot her name but, you can look that up. I say Hi how are you, ect, I then explain how he wants it cut, clippers dont know if 1 or 2, scissors that thin the hair out where the bulkiness is, regular scissors and the trimmer afterwards and round the neck not straight across around the ears ect... showed a picture and everything! She proceeds to pin hair up to use clippers and says I will be right back. Comes back 10 mins later and says change of plans. Asks my grandson, Draven, did you like how it was cut last time and he says YES. So I go too reading my news on my phone, about 5 mins later, Im wondering why she isnt using clippers? She says he likes it last haircut im not using clippers because she didnt use them last time! I said yes she did! and she says he likes it the way she did it last time. Soo Im not using clippers and proceeds to use reg. scissors. and says I can show you the video and I said no you dont have too, I have all of it right here and tryed too show here! Im listening too Draven! I pointed out he was a minor and im speaking on his behalf because he forgets and Im not being rude! She refuses too listen and says she is cutting how she wants too! I say ok listen even if you have a video this is how we want it cut PLEASE. Even though she was wrong I wasnt arguing! Its a school and Im all about learning! So of course Im gonna help out! So I say hold on, please im gonna speak to the manager. So she can help this girl out! Manager comes over and I say sorry we wanted clippers ect... and she wont do it. Tells the girl Im gonna cut and the other just stands there.. I felt sorry for her! I tried explaining to her how he wanted it cut.. manager says he never uses clippers? I said yes he does. tells me to be quiet, Then look at my grandson twice and says I CANT REMEMPER DO WE GO AROUND YOUR EARS AND STRAIGHT ACROSS THE BACK OF YOUR NECK! Seriously! But, she tells me never used clippers? My grandson is so embarrassed and started saying its ok grandma.. meaning help me! Manager then says Im going to to kicked out and Im being difficult? I said what? I said im trying to explain a haircut im not at all being difficult and would NOT listen too me! I tried showing pics of last haircut w/ clippers, trimmers and she kept saying those are trimmers! yes in this pic but not these, I then said here is the back of his neck its been clipped/electric clippers, all down. any shorter it would be bald! Manager states I do not want to look at your pictures! and uses scissors! Refusing too listen! Again never raised my voice. tried to change the subject. she humiliated my grandson! I just kept quiet after that! I waited for manager too go too front desk and politely smiled, went out of my way too do soo! and asked her if I could speak too her around the corner, she states sure, yes just give me a minute... 10 mins go by and she isn't coming. My grandson comes up then I walked over to where they were at the check-in. And I said look all I wanted to say was She wouldn't listen and I was going to ask you. I get cut off saying intimidating the students and there scared of me? and that I do it every time I come in.. I said look thats not true and I m trying to explain! and she says I'm not listening this is a school and although you think its cute. Im not a manager im a teacher! and you need too leave MY establishment! and not return. Dravens welcome but you are not! I tried once more to explain. she was rude raising her voice Infront if everyone standing there, I had asked her to go around the corner. she said nope leave I don't believe you! I cannot help my facial features! If im not smiling I look mean, If I talk in a normal tone I sound firm and from the bronks... now she is belittling me for my normal tone! She thought I was being mean! She also said, that when they the students see me that no one wants too deal with me! Thats not true we have fun laughing ect.. and these students that are working on my grandson are graduating, by the time he gets back for a haircut, and we ask for that person there gone and moved on there class is over! So manager lied threw the whole thing lacy is pregnant and rude that day! I've been in there when Dani is there, she is so sweet! I'd like to be able to come back! I feel I am being discriminated against! All because of the way I speak! My grandson is on medication and that's all he can afford for in a social environment! He almost had a panic attack in the car! and I'm wanting her disciplined for her actions! and of course I'm sure all that were sitting around us will be on her side, the students! I have people there that were getting there hair done that will defend me too! I'm asking to be able to return w/ my grandson and look twice at her job! or a formal apology! Please consider this! She called me a liar! I'm so sad. I'm one that they can do anything too my hair if a mistake it grows back! Teri [protected] thank you!
Claimed loss: A free hair cut for both of us and to say sorry and discipline for her actions.
Desired outcome: see above..sorry
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