Aaron Jacob Greenspan is the owner of the website www.plainsite.org. He posts personal and private information on his website. He refuses to take down the information. I am a victim of domestic violence and my personal information is NOT suppose to be online per court orders. Aaron Greenspan refuses to remove my information from his website. He disrespects the law.
I begged him to remove it because I don't want my ex to find me. He refused to remove it. My ex found me and children in our home were harmed and I was beat up to a bloody pulp after he found me on Aaron's website www.plainsite.org.
Aaron Greenspan doesn't care about hurting children. He posts the locations of children whose mothers are hiding from abusive relationships.
He refuses to remove the information. He profits from watching people suffer and get beat up to a bloody pulp.
He runs his website out of a rented apartment all by himself. He's a lonely man. He hates people, so he uses his website to hurt them by posting their personal and private lives.
Aaron Jacob Greenspan is a bad person. Here are his other websites.
Here is the address which was taken from California San Jose Secretary of State website.