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CB Unauthorized Charges Clear Breeze Solutions

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On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Clear Breeze Solutions's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Clear Breeze Solutions, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Clear Breeze Solutions. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

12:38 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I was contacted in May of 2008 with an opportunity to take 'first steps towards financial freedom'. The telephone caller offered ways to save me a minimum of $4000 with an accelerated payment schedule and promised reduced interest rates on my outstanding credit debt. The cost would be $900 on my highest debt holding card, and then they would contact credit...

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1:17 pm EST

Clear Breeze Solutions mis-information

I was initially led to believe that I was speaking to my credit card co. They then got my credit card info, saying I was eligible to have my interest rates lowered becaus I pay all my bills on time. I asked if this would cost me anything and was told "no". They are paid by the credit card companys. I was very unsure of this and discussed it with my children's father right as I hung up. He said to call back and cancel. I did so immediately, but was told they had no cancelation policy. I quickly called my credit card and was told they had already charged my card, $990. I was told it was not fraud because I gave them the credit card number.

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10:23 pm EDT

Clear Breeze Solutions Fradulant Charges

Clear Breeze Solutions called my grandfather on 9/23/08 with a "lower your interest rate" offer on his bank of america credit card. He has excellent credit already and they told him "we did not get your name from a phone book, we got it from bank of america". How scary is that? Obviously, they got his account info from Bank of America, because they told him what his balance was. They had someone on the line that was supposed to be from bank of america, told him what his current balance was, and promised him that they could lower it his balance by 2, 100 if he would authorize them to charge 990.00 to his credit card immediately. Of course, trusting them, he did.

The next day, he called them (after thinking if it's too good to be true - it PROBABLY IS) and told them he didn't want their services, to void any previous agreements. They said they would send him out a packet of info and he told them he wouldn't be signing and returning anything, he didn't want it!

He called Bank of America, they said they had never heard of the person (Paula) that was supposed to be on the line from Bank of America. They gave him a phone number to report fraud. He called Clear Breeze Solutions, explaining that he was on to them and that Bank of America told him they weren't affiliated with their company and once again told them he DID NOT WANT THEIR SERVICES!

I (granddaugher) called Clear Breeze Solutions today, 10-30-08 and tried to explain that he cancelled the agreement the day after THEY CALLED HIM. The representative Laola, told me that he authorized it and she could play me the tape. She also said that if I tried to despute it with the credit card company that they would just call them and they'd play them the recorded authorization and the client would LOSE! I told her that he wasn't disputing that he originally agreed to the authorization, the point was that he followed the 3 day right to recission law and he needed a refund. She argued (of course) with me and said that they didn't have a CANCELLATION POLICY, she would have a supervisor Mark Sherman to call me back. He hasn't as of yet. I told her it was wrong to solicite a senior citizen on a fixed income. She said, "he sounds like he's of clear mind to me".

I will be calling them back tomorrow, but this company is a joke. Anyone who is thinking about signing up with them - reconsider. I am sure there are other companies out there who will be able to help you. Companies like this give legit ones a bad name.

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John Gosswein
Kearney, US
Jan 26, 2009 4:07 pm EST

I, too, had a $900 + charge for services that would supposedly reduce my credit card debt by $4000. When someone finally did call me to help arrange the reductions in interest (and that call came after I sent several e-mails asking when something would happen), he did nothing more than connect me with the credit card companies and ask me to ask for reductions in interest. Then he invited me to make fraudulent claims about my income to American Express in order to gain a cheaper rate card.
Now I am trying to contact the company and can't get connected by internet, and phone lines have 'service operators are currently busy'.

Jane Koster
Nov 06, 2008 10:51 pm EST

This company called me at home...promised me a savings of not less than $4000.00 on my credit lowering my interest rates...for this service they billed my credit card for $1895.00...they also told me I would receive a $500.00 gasoline card and other gifts. I haven't received any such gifts. Now, they were the only ones that I have ever given my credit card information to...and I have never used that credit card to purchase anything. This all took place 10/17/08...on 11/01/ credit card was used to pay two utility of $634.15 in GA. The same State this company is located. I live in Kansas. I called my credit card company...they are investigating the 2 utility bills charged to my account...I also called Clear Breeze told them about the charges to my account...I told them I wasn't returning any information about my credit cards...that I didn't trust them...and I wanted them to refund my $ far all I get is the run around. I really can't afford to lose that much money.

Got Taken
Nov 06, 2008 7:44 pm EST

This company will give back your money if you fight for it. CALL< CALL I big lesson learned and alot of wasted time to get them to refund your money, don't give up keep at it and you will get your money back. I did and I'm glad. I will never take the word of anyone over the phone again.

11:53 am EDT

Clear Breeze Solutions wrong full charges

When i was phoned at my home in july/08. I was told that they would be finding me the lowest interest rates. To combine all my credit cards two one card that they would be sending me. Now I just recevied a bill for over $700.00 to my other credit card. I have not recived anything from the people that had called themselves My ex banker. Not Cleaer breeze solutions, who is that any way. I've heard of my ex banker but not this company "Clear Breezr Solutions". I have enough bills already, not to pay for something that does nothing but take my hard earned money.

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Ellen Kaplan
Saugerties, US
Feb 25, 2009 8:54 pm EST

I was told they could get me lower interest rates, long story short all I get was a folder full of crap and charged $990.00 is it at all possible to get my money back

La Tonia
Trenton, US
Feb 11, 2010 4:20 pm EST

Same thing happend here I also contacted the Atlanta BBB and so far I'm still paying for the charge. Did anyone get the $990 reversed to their credit card

Champlin, US
Mar 30, 2009 8:13 pm EDT

I too was taken. If anyone can point us in any directions, it would be appreciated.

Also, their website has been taken down. My advice is avoid at any cost

Nov 05, 2008 3:24 pm EST

i recieved the same call. i signed up with the company also. I think they acomplished what they said they would do for me. i mean, my rates didnt get lowered over night, it took several attempts. but the point is they really do keep calling your banks back. as for what the previous writers have stated, you can do lots of things by yourself but we dont. why? becasue we need help/support. example: you can defend yourself in court, but most ppl get a lawyer. not becasue they CANT do it themselves but becasue they want someone who has experience. i think they did what they said they would do. and it has helped my family get our finances stabalized.

Sep 17, 2008 4:10 pm EDT

disputed with my card company also...$990. they removed it, but 6 months later they put the charge back on. clearbreeze disputed the chargeback with supporting documentation. I've filed a complaint with the atlanta, ga BBB. please file a complaint with
i've also filed complaints with our states attorney generals office and with the fcc for violation of the do not call registry.
I hope all will follow the same to get their attention on this matter.

Good luck, and thanks.

got taken
Sep 16, 2008 5:12 pm EDT

I was taken also. I was promised $4000.00 reduced from my credi t card. I have tried to get this company to refund my money. They flat out refused to do so. I am having this charge disputed with my credit card. I hope that I am able to get this charge removed from my account. They have not saved me anything. They just added $990.00 to my current debt. They also stated that they have a recording of me giving them the ok to place the charge on my account and would distroy my relationship with my credit card company that I have been a customer with them for over 15 years. I will never, ever talk to another telemarketer again. This is a hard lesson but one that I will tell others not to fall for such a line of bull.

Aug 14, 2008 6:41 am EDT

Same thing happened to me. Called my credit card company and put in a dispute. They wanted me to attempt to contact Clear Breeze which I did. The one gal I talked to got really beligerent with me, told me I had a contract, told me someone would call me back and hung up on me. No one hangs up on me. Called back and talked to some guy who also told me I had a contract etc. and could not cancel. Informed my credit card company. They attmpted to contact Clear Breeze and got no response so they reversed the charge. After the credit card company had reversed the charge, Clear Breeze finally credited my account. It takes a little time but it is definitely worth it to get this charge off your card.

Sprey S
Brighton, US
Aug 12, 2008 12:32 pm EDT

I did receive a call too. Sounded interesting. Decided that if they could reduce interest rates it would be worth it. I completed a profile on line with my credit card information. A consultant followed up with me and made the calls directly to my credit card companies with me on the line. They were able to reduce 2 of my cards by 1%. I believe I could've done the same thing without paying Clear Breeze $800. If they could've reduced several of my cards then the $800 would've been a wash. I asked a lot of questions and found them to be of a credible nature. Given the opportunity again, I would just handle this myself.

Aug 01, 2008 11:53 pm EDT

in the same boat. what should we do...gotta do something!

7:56 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Clear Breeze Solutions Unauthorized charges

Hope everyone enjoys this, its quite interesting. Sitting at my desk going through paperwork and bills, i notice an odd looking charge on one of my credit card statements. Its in the amount of $990.00 from a company called I call the number thats on my statement and tell them my story, they tell me that I authorized the charge(of course). This goes back and forth for awhile, then they tell me they will call back in a little while so they can gather my information and proof of me authorizing the charge. During this time I report the charge to my credit card fraud department because I already know its a bogus charge.

Well guess what?!? Clear Breeze never called back and its now been over a week so I am not sure if they realized the charge was really bogus/fraudulent. Or if they were/are trying to record my voice to make a tape stating that I authorize this (that seems a little far fetched but is definitely possible with today's technology).

Well, to conclude my story iI am not exactly sure if this company does this to many people and hopes that they either 1) Don't see the charge on the credit card, or 2) Not really care and just not deal with the headache of fighting it. Or I'm wondering if someone else just gave them false information (my information) to see exactly how the company operates. Either way they are putting up a struggle with me and definitely not friendly staff.

Read full review of Clear Breeze Solutions and 24 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Rebecca F. Declie
Burbank, US
Oct 21, 2009 1:55 pm EDT

I receiveda solicitation call me promising me alot to take care of my credit card debit. I was cautious with the very kind talking understanding Anna Dixon who continue to make me beleive her caring and understanding spiel. I CONTINUE TO SAY NO. as Anna Smith even promised me a gas card for 500.00 which I never gaught after following instructions and the compnay moneyworks promise dto send it out, never happened.I had to make and keep appointment calls. The girl never called me as I would go home to take the calls that were by certain times only and they were on the east coast. I then gaught another timesd date adn another rep. I could have done what they did call my credit cards and aske for promotional rates or to lower my rate as loyal on time customer. I called alot and complaint but always an operator stating no one is in and every operator is a supervisor. I called so many times to get my money back they would stall me and not give my calls to a real supervisor.

I am out 1, 200. The initial caring understanding Anna Dixon who told me I COULD CALL HER with any concerns was nowhere to be found again inteh company. I went through a Jacarah, Catrina, Ryan, Lydia, Lyndette and then the regular Ryan Smith.

This is an outrage and so wrong what these companies in America are doing to our country.
They need to be stop. Their numbers are not in service and no way to communicate or get a ligitimate Supervisor.

j ran
San Antonio, US
Feb 15, 2009 5:13 pm EST

I received a phone call in April 2008 that they could lower my debt and would refund my money if they could not help me with a $4, 000.00 savings. They could not reduce it not even half this amount and I have thir paperwork to prove it. I have sent them numerous e-mails and made many phone calls to this company and get the same run around each time. I have written to the Attorney General of Texas and have filed a complaint. I have the names of each individual that I have spoken to at this fraudlent company everytime I have called. They are running this business in Unfair and Deceptive Business Practices. They do not help but put you in the hole even more. They initiate the calls and lie about everything.

Mar 02, 2009 12:11 pm EST

I was contacted in May of 2008 with an opportunity to take 'first steps towards financial freedom'. The telephone caller offered ways to save me a minimum of $4000 with an accelerated payment schedule and promised reduced interest rates on my outstanding credit debt. The cost would be $900 on my highest debt holding card, and then they would contact credit companies to reduce rates and work out payments over a 4 year period or less. This initial fee was arranged and paid within the weekend.

I submitted material, but heard nothing from the company after we filed the initial forms (indicating credit companies and debts). After making one phone call in late summer, early fall, someone arranged to call me and negotiate with several credit card companies. In calling Discover, we found that I was already at a lower interest rate and merely adjusted the amount that I could put to the card. He then proceeded to arrange an American Express new card for me, but asked me to lie about my income level so I could get a better interest rate. I didn't, and hence didn't get the AmEx better rate.

Since that phone call, I have had nothing change on my online report with ClearBreeze, and have not been able to contact them by phone. The BBB has not had any success, either.

I would like my money back, but certainly want to warn others of this rip-off credit consolidation scheme.

Fairborn, US
Jun 25, 2009 8:48 pm EDT

Now that I’ve calmed down a little, I’d like to share my story. My husband answered the phone to the Clear Breeze people while I was at work. We are on the do not call registry--this is a violation. The “gentleman” on the phone explained that he could lower our finance charges and save us $4, 000 over the next year or refund our money. My husband asked the man if he was a representative from Chase Bank (who held our credit card). The man said YES, I am. He went on with his pitch and again my husband asked if he was a member of Chase Bank and got a YES. My husband said okay. They already had our credit card number, our balance owed, everything. (Is this identity theft?) I checked our account before heading home for lunch and noticed a $995.00 charge to Clear Breeze Solutions. I asked my husband about it and called the bank immediately and told them to dispute the charges--they were no help. I called Clear Breeze and asked them what was going on. They do NOT identify themselves, give their names or anything. They don’t have a web site or e-mail. They mumble the name of the company when you ask them who you’re talking to. They want to be anonymous. They told me that they would send paperwork for signature and their terms and policies. I told them I wanted my money back and that I would pay off the card before I wanted their help. I did not receive ANY paperwork, NONE! I paid the credit card off within a couple of months (borrowing money from my husband’s retirement to do so). I called them and said okay you cannot save me any money, you did not call the bank to get my interest lowered--(they never even attempted, although they have several dates when they said they called; my husband works second shift, I work first, the phone is almost NEVER unattended and we have an answering machine, and my phone records all incoming calls, answered or not-they weren't there)--I told them I paid off the card, send me my money back. The lady stated “YOU WILL NEVER GET A REFUND”, the terms were that you had to pay the card off within 10 days for a refund--what terms? I DID NOT get any paperwork from them. What happened to the $4, 000 savings or my money back? These people are COMMON THIEVES. They HAVE to be stopped. We need to write to our president, congressmen, Oprah, Dr. Phil, 48 hours, anyone who will listen. I urge my hard working fellow Americans to STOP THESE PEOPLE! It’s fraud and a scam. Needless to say, the people they are hurting are the poorest of us that can’t afford to sue anyone. I BEG everyone, help us end this. I cried for a week over my hard-earned money being stolen from me and I do not want this to happen to anyone else!

New York Mills, US
May 16, 2009 4:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am another sucker whose life has been turned upsidedown from this. $1295 was stolen from me ... but I am not giving up getting it back.

ATTN: Michigan Man ... if the FBI had the total of all the monies taken from all of us ... maybe the amount would be big enough to get them involved. Maybe we can put together a class - action to make them deal with this and all the monies stolen from us.

Here is my story as I wrote it today to send to the various agencies I was told to send it to:

On January 27th of this year I received a robo-call telling me my interest rate on a credit card was
going up and if I pressed a certain # I would be connected with a company who could help me. I pressed the number and was connected to a Toni Lester from the Financial Protection Center. This is just ONE of the names this company calls itself. They also go under the names of Money Works, ClearBreezeSolutions and others. Here is just one of many websites where you can read a listing of complaints people have about this company:
Clear Breeze Solutions — Unauthorized charges.html#c166432

They promised a $4000 savings in interest and finance charges within the first 30 days. They then told me I wold be debt free 3-5xs faster without any increase in payments.

I made the mistake of succumbing to their very HARD sell and the next day called to cancel the transaction, especially when I read what other people had to say about them. They would hear none of it and would hang up on me. I called Bank of America to explain my dilemma because they had told me only the company could give me the credit. The customer service rep tried contacting them and got hung up on also. When he called me back he said he would stay on the line while he connected me with them and then he heard for himself, that they hung up on me. He issued me a credit immediately. See enclosed letter – specimen A

I thought this matter was finished but apparently it wasn't. Mr L Schwartz received a package of materials from the company on Feb 6th ... mailed on the 4th, a full 5 days after this transaction was canceled.

I was in the throes of several health problems and I was going for Medical tests several times a week starting February 17th and during the entire month of March. I was told later by Bank of America that a letter was sent to me on March 19th. I never got that letter. I recently found out it was addressed wrong. I remember getting a phone call from a rep from Bank of America, asking what my address was because someone had called complaining they were getting my mail. But I was never sent the letter nor told of it's contents by anyone from Bank of America until after the fact.

Around the end of March Mr L Schwartz received a phone call from Bank of America telling him to send back the materials this company sent to him and we would be issued a credit. Mr L Schwartz told me that at no time was any deadline date given to him. He wrote a letter to enclose in the package on March 30th, then called me to ask me if I wanted to sign the letter, which I did. So he brought in the materials to me later that week and I signed the letter. Now I regret doing that since this company now has our signatures and might perpetuate further fraud.

On April 3rd Mr Schwartz received a phone call from Beverly Sharad telling him if he didn't send in the materials right away the $1295 would be charged back to the acct. He told her I had the materials and she called me and told me to send them back immediately and fax her proof that I did. I went to the post office immediately and did what she requested.

I followed up with a phone call to Bank of America the following week once I knew the package was picked up and signed for. I asked if this was the end of this problem and was assured that it was.

But I was wrong. On April 17th the $1295 was put back on the acct. I called Bank of America to find out why this happened. They said it was because I didn't get the materials back to the company by April 2nd. I told them Ms Beverly Sharad only called me on the 3rd to tell me to send them back immediately, which I did. They said that the deadline was April 2nd and I said how was I to know that since I never received the letter stating that.

On May 15th I spoke with April Hawthorne from Bank of America and she said they legally could not reverse the charge but she faxed me a form where the company stated they would be happy to reverse the charges once they received the materials back. (See enclosed Specimen B) So I called the company at the number on that form and reiterrated what they put on this form and was told since Bank of America 'awarded' in their favor they would not be returning my money. I reminded them I no longer had the materials to continue with the phony program they sold me. They didn't care they said they had my money and would NOT give it back to me because Bank of America gave it to them fair and square.

They initially called me from Georgia but apparently the company is in California, at least that's what Bank of America told me where their bank is. This company needs to be put out of business immediately and while Bank of America gave the company 45 days to respond, they only gave me 10 days to get the materials back to them, and didn't even send the communication of this to the right address ... so how could I have possibly known what to do? Bank of America said it's hands were tied because this is Master Card's policy. I have no way of contacting Master-card directly to explain what happened and have them reverse this charge, without merit, from a fraudulent company. Could you please help me immediately?

Cumberland, US
Apr 21, 2009 1:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been dealing with this outfit too - they also go by the name Moneyworks at same address but Ste# 332. I have been trying to get the refund for 2 months now. They tell me I have been authorized for the $990.00 refund and it has been reissued but, still no dough. I am so fed up with these sleazy scumbuckets. They have only been rude one time - 2 days after the initial solicitation I wanted to cancel and the bimbo (a supervisor) told me I had to go through the whole rigamarole. I explained that in Rhode Island I had the right to rescind within 3 days and that I would contact the Attorney General and she told me they had my voice recording telling me I authorized it. I got nowhere there and in case you didn't know Rhode Island is about totally worthless as far as helping out constituents goes.

I am still at their mercy - they didn't even come close to reducing my interest by the $4000 claimed and this is a total ripoff. I only hope I can keep somebody else from these con artists.

michigan man
Cheboygan, US
Apr 04, 2009 12:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

went through the same thing with my elderly Mom, she got scammed for $990 also. Trying to resolve this with Clearbreeze is impossible! We disputed with the credit card company, they sided with Clearbreeze. Clearbreeze response to the card company included a phone number with instructions and codes to access their alleged "recording". tried several times and guess what? no recording, it just says "good bye" and hangs up on you. Obviously the card company did not take this step in their "investigation". Went through a back and forth debocile between Clearbreeze and the BBB. No solution after a couple months of this. I submitted a complaint to our states attorney generals office (MI), took a couple months, clearbreeze stated to them as of Jan. of this year they have refunded the money. Of course, they were lying. I have just submitted a complaint today to the OCC (comptroller of the currency), who is the federal administrator of national banks
( ) to perhaps get the credit card company to act right on this. As no services were provided by clearbreeze. I have even contacted the FBI regarding this, they can't help because the dollar amount isn't large enough. I have also filed complaints with the FTC and the FCC (for violating the do not call registry).
It's been a year since clearbreeze scammed my Mom, I don't want to give up on this until she gets her money back. Please, if anyone has any success stories getting their money back, I would like to know how they did it. I believe they are still in business going by another name (or two). I am ready to call in the media on this one, they really need to be exposed.

Oct 24, 2008 10:12 pm EDT

I am sorry to say but I used to work for one of these companies. A company called RCC or Resolution Center. They operate in Orlando, Florida off of Orange Blossom Trail (OBT) and southland blvd. suite 101. in that office we done fulfillment and customer care sometimes they would allow sales rooms to come in after 6pm. Altogether they have about 5-7 rooms that sale for them. We were always taught to “Rebuttal” the clients or keep them enrolled in the program so the company would not have to refund them even if it meant lying to them. When I first started I still did not have a real idea of what was the business actually did, until the customers calls started coming in and we started to hear some of their complaints about how they were charged twice, how they were hung up on by other reps, how they felt pressured into the service and even if the client called within their allotted time to cancel the reps were told to “Rebuttal” them so the client would go through with negations and the company could possible she the client a $2, 500 savings so they wont have to refund the client. I have a lot of inside information on the company so if you want to ask me they go ahead and I will reply with a full answer.

John Smith
Oct 13, 2008 9:54 pm EDT

I got a call tonight They sadi the name of the company was Financial Protection Center. How ever the [protected] came up on another complaint about Clear Breeze. They are now charginh 1400. When I was on hold I called my credit card and told them to place a hold on my card.

Oma Jill
Sep 23, 2008 3:18 pm EDT

They lie around every turn. Today I called to complain about how they misrepresented the facts. They told me that they got my name from the credit bureau because of my excellent credit history and to reward people like me. The customer service rep said that that was impossible as Clearbreeze Solutions does NOT call people. People call THEM for their services. Again another lie. As you can see we all were contacted by THEM, not the other way around. She thinks I bought her bologna story. It was a hard lesson learned. STAY AWAY from CLEARBREEZE SOLUTIONS they are a glorified scam artist. I can't believe they can get away with it.

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