On June 20th, my wife ordered 2 pair of Women Casual Leather Flats BOWKNOT SNEAKERS through OMGLIONKK.COM . These were advertised on FACEBOOK at 15.99$ USD each but we were invoice at 25.99$ USD each by Salvador Remilyn De Guzman ([protected]@outlook.com) via PayPal. The next day I sent an email to him and PayPal unfortunately I never heard from him since and as far as PayPal is concern they believe this Remilyn De Guzman. I also wrote to PayPal and they seem to believe him rather me. Furthermore, as far as PayPal is concern, it seems that the seller is Got Xpress SDN.BHD. Yet from my researches made, it looks like that they are more of a shipper then a seller and they are the third party.
When we received our order on June 7, through CANADA POST, we were face with another issue. Both pair of sneakers was in an inappropriate packaging, namely a plastic bag. Needless say that both were damaged. I tried through OMGLIONKK to get the issue solved but I was not able. They said that they had no record of my order.
I filed another claim through PayPal this time to be reimbursed. Unfortunately they seem to be lost by this incredible story. They ask me more information so I sent photos with my request. Today I received a message they refused my claim because they didn't received enough information.
For your information, had CANADA POST note been able to deliver to us, they would have to return to YKS Electronic, P.O. BOX 6033 AMF, 211-6500 Silver Dart, Mississauga, ON. L5P 1B2
Definitely this is a company that no one should do business with, and it should be ban from the internet.
This company was selling the reborn baby dolls. I ordered two and 6 weeks later I receive two dolls made of plastic no bigger than a sheet of printing paper. When I contacted them they say they are sorry I am not happy with my order and they refund $3.00 to satisfy me. I paid $55.00 for those dolls. Someone and somehow this person needs to be stopped. I currently have contacted Paypal and waiting to hear from them.