Using Deceptive Advertising Practices, this Boiler Room Operation is officially under Federal Investigation. Over 300 complaints from the NAAG and FTC prompted this action. Craigslist Fraud Center created several decoy ads with phone numbers included, to see which businesses would solicit them against TOU policy. Sunshine Promotions scanned these Craigslist ads, phoned the telephone numbers in the ads using Spoofed numbers, and solicited Vacation Packages. Although 42 inch Plasma's, $2500 Cash and a brand new Lincoln Navigator were also being given away, no single attendee has ever won anything, in fact of the over 300 complaintants, they all were scammed into believing they had won something, but were aprised of fees associated with travel, subpar travel lodging and timeshare solicitations. This company's owner has been bouncing around for several years, stealing from others, using deceptive practices and fraud to steal honest peoples money. The Federal invesigation with assistance from Craigslist, NAAG and the FTC began April 14, 2010. Criminal charges from 318 separate victims have been filed today in court.
Please advise the FBI or IC3 if you have also been victimized by this scam.
Sunshine Promotions, LLC Response – FBI Investigation
August 5, 2010
Sunshine Promotions, LLC, would like to take this opportunity to respond to the April 14, 2010 posting on the Complaints Board alleging that Sunshine Promotions, LLC is under FBI Investigation. While we initially did not respond, despite the inflammatory nature of the posting, we have begun the process to better understand how we as a company can dispute such allegations. First and foremost, Sunshine Promotions, LLC, operating in Washington, DC since 2006 is not and has never been under FBI investigation. It is never the practice of the FBI to publish a current or existing investigation in a public forum such as Complaints Board.
FBI Washington, DC Local Contact Information:
601 4th Street NW
Washington, DC 20535
Phone: [protected]
Fax: [protected]
In our own cursory initial investigation we found other prominent and both highly visible and highly regarded companies such as Washington Gas and Pay Pal to have complaints alleging that they too are under FBI Investigation on the Complaints Board site, with no basis of truth.
In addition, we have filed a complaint with IC3, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, which is an agency designed as a partnership between the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) and the Bureau of Justice Assistance. In our complaint we at Sunshine Promotions have expressed our sincere concern that the damaging nature of such a slanderous posting (as the one of April 14th) which is completely unfounded, has untold ramifications as well as being potentially damaging to our reputation as a legitimate business in Washington, DC. The entire April 14th posting by an anonymous author is false and therefore it is our intention to continue to pursue the identity of the author, and take the necessary legal and civil action to have the posting removed and the author brought to justice. We have retained the legal services of a prominent law firm in DC, to ensure that we maintain proper marketing and sales practices at all times.
The Complaints Board is a social networking consumer website to which anyone can post comments regarding a company or business. Under the Complaints Board Legal Information portion of their website, they make it clear that they do not take responsibility for these postings, nor do they investigate their validity and view it as a free forum for consumers to openly share their complaints.
Also, Sunshine Promotions, LLC nor the owner/operators or staff are facing criminal charges. Again, another very damaging, false and libelous accusation. Further, Sunshine Promotions is not under any formal investigation by organizations listed in the postings such as through the Craigslist Fraud Center, NAAG, or the FTC.
We openly encourage and welcome the opportunity to address the concerns of all that attend our presentations and those that make the decision to join as a travel club member. It is unfortunate that the author of the April 14 posting has remained anonymous, not allowing us the opportunity to assist them or to contact them regarding their service needs. We also welcome the opportunity to address any concern from those that may require our assistance in the proper forum.
Customer Relations Department
901 31st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007