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TXU Energy Retail Complaints 110

4:04 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Outrageous Wattage

Okay, here we go. For the past two months my bill has increased. Here's the story:

I live in a one bedroom apt, no bigger than 800 sq ft.

December, I received my bill for $128.00 (rounded), which was normal.

January, I received my bill for $248.00 (rounded). My bill w/TXU never raised over $150.00 so I gave them a call. Of course I got a foreigner who I could barely understand. She told me that I was using more KW's. I told her my usage was the same from the month before so I'm wondering what's going on. She also told me to go and read my meter again. Now, the way they teach you to read the meter is absolutely not understandable. I then decided to use less energy. I had my windows and doors resealed with new weather stripping, I unplugged appliances I wasn't using, switched clocks to battery operated, unplugged my TV, wireless router, computer and radio at night and replug it when I returned from work the following day. I made sure when I left a room I turned the light off. The heater was off during the day and I even had my two yr old son watching tv and playing with his toys in the dark.

Here comes Feburary's bill. I'm thinking I got my bill down, but the joke was on me. $342.00 (rounded)! ARE YOU SERIOUS! ON A 1 BEDROOM APT, ARE YOU SERIOUS?

I called again, again they told me to read the meter. I told them the weather is bad now and to read that meter is impossible. I were told they could send another tech out to read the meter but I would be charged. I was so pist, I began cussing and fussing. I then took it upon myself to email corporate. Not long after I get a call from an AMERICAN REP located in my city and guess what she told me, "READ THE METER AGAIN!" Knowing she is local (judging my by the area code of her return phone number), she full well knows it is freezing and raining. I returned her call and guess what, I got her voicemail. She called back, I couldn't get to the phone I was in a meeting, but you would not believe what the message said, "READ THE METER AGAIN!" OMG! I called her back, got her voicemail and told her that I'm considering switching to another energy company. Ambit is low but I've read some disturbing info on them. Relient and Green Mountain is the only other energy companies in TX.

If there's anyone out there who knows of an energy co., that is any good, please let me know!

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Roebuck, US
Dec 13, 2010 4:50 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We service Green Mtn. customers. Your rate will be stated clearly after you enter your address.
You will need to enter on this first page Teresa Long id 119094 to proceed.

I hope you'll be happier with the service!

ps: many can save more on electricity by unplugging things when not in use. You'd be surprised how much it adds up just to have the micowave sitting there on but not in use, same for heaters other electrical items.

For states other than TX, PA, NY, NJ, MD, MA, CT visit
After choosing "market/rates" your state, your current provider, your rates are on the page you sign up on if you choose to. Variable or Fixed rates are listed for you to choose from.

Dallas Gal
Dallas, US
Feb 09, 2010 3:07 pm EST

I'm with Green Mountain and I just got a HUGE bill too! My roommate and I share a small 2-bedroom apartment in Dallas and thought that our bill was going to be really low (she even works for an electric company). It jumped from $180 (on the extremely high side of normal for us, only when we use the AC/heater) to $250! Not quite as bad as your $350, but I get what you're saing. We tried to read our meter again (hey, the guys reading the meters do occassionally make mistakes, but usually it'll even itself out the next month), but like you said- absolutely freezing outside, so didn't even attempt that. A couple of things that we found out when going through this whole ohemgee process:

1. What rate are you paying? There's the actual price per KWH and then there should be an total price per KWH on your bill. If your total price per KWH is more than 13 or 14 cents, it could be your rate plan. If you're not on a term plan (meaning no cancellation fee), see what other plans they have out there. I've shopped around and there are some really low rates, but they're "variable" meaning that the company might say it's 8 cents, but they have the option to raise that whenever they want. Make sure you're not fooled by these! The good thing about TXU is that they don't have variable rates; I was able to find a Green Mountain one a few months ago that was also low and not "varaible" so just make sure you shop

2. The temperature for the last couple of months in the North Dallas area has been REALLY cold. We just thought that our apartment was well-insulated because we had the heater set on 70 but our apt never got below 76. So we thought that our heater was on but not working. Makes sense, right? No. Apparently just having the heater on makes a difference, even if you don't think it's running.

So long story short, re-read your meter again if you want (it's supposed to snow on Thursday, so I don't recommend it!), but the people who read the meters are the same no matter which billing provider you choose, so the whole consumption thing and KWH usage shouldn't change no matter who you use. As long as you're paying a reasonable rate, it really just is the consumption and given how cold it's been and how many freezes we've had, 2, 000+ KWH is probably about right (that's what we had that we thought was completely outrageous). If you think your rate is high, shop around for another rate plan, just make sure you don't get stuck with one of those plans where the company can raise the rate at their discretion.

11:20 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Billing Overcharges

I have called TXU numerous times since I took back my home from a previous renter in July 2017. Each time I complained tht the meter was not working correctly and that the bill was too low (between .26 and $19/month. They finally came out to check it out in Dec. I have now received a bill for $3000 for the 6 months. There is no way we spent $500/month in electric. When the service person came out to the property, they told my son the utility company could not determine the usage and that they would charge the maximum they could for the 6 month period. Who can I contact to complain?
Alexandra Everist

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Billings, US
Feb 16, 2010 5:06 pm EST

We had signed up for new service at a house we just bought. The previous owner had disconnnected service for 8 days prior to our taking possession of the house. We had new service turned on on the 10th of Feb. We had service for 5 days, then TXU cancelled the service. Would not say why, or how, but only that we never had signed up for service. It has been a complete nightmare dealing with these people, and I might add, not one english-speaking person among all of them that I could understand. Are there no Americans working anymore. I will never use TXU again, and I will do my best to persuade others not to either.

Houston, US
Apr 05, 2009 11:43 am EDT

Switched my electric company without my consent, sell person came to my house, I told him to leave me the information and i'll look it over later. Next thing I know he switched me this legal ? how do I get out of it ?

Nov 06, 2006 12:00 am EST

The highest in the land - as hot as it is here in tx!
My electricity was cut off today (of all days). I called txu to see if they would grace me by turning it back on until i received my check on thursday, 10/19/06.
I was told so graciously by the rep. That i would need to get a cooler and put my food in there, this is after explaining to the rep. That i was laid off my job 2 to 3 weeks ago and just recently got a new job on 10/11/06. I also explained to the rep. That i have 2 kids - one 13 yrs old with asthma and an infant. She repeated to me to either pay without compassion and/or to call 211. I asked the rep. Would she want me to tell her that if she were in my situation? She wouldn't answer! Which pissed me off even more because we are all human and each one of us has at one time or another has unfortunate situations happen to them! I disconnected the line. Txu:

Thanks a lot txu for helping out the "little people" the single parent mothers who work - not on drugs, actually working, and not on welfare or trying not to be... A mom who is trying to hold it down for her kids!

Your representative(s) were rude and inconsiderate of another person's plight - it showed in their attitudes - a team is only a reflection of the company they work for!

We see they work for you money hungry greedy shareholders who are only concerned with the $ - the bottom-line. The customer service professionalism that your reps. Discuss so dearly and want praise for is fake - because they are not allowed to do all they can -

Txu customer service is not geared to nor are they able to do really do all they can for the working class or single parent households - we are paying your checks, your christmas bonuses, and keeping txu in business! But we get no respect, no perks, no sympathy when we have a problem.

Get a better program of guidelines! Stop taking people for granted just because you think can!

You can't take your riches to heaven nor hell!"

Husain Hamza
Plano, US
Jul 03, 2009 1:35 pm EDT

I have lived in my house since 2017, when I pulled my credit report it showed that I owned that I owed TXU $839 - Upon my challenge they did not clear my account but instead changed to "Charged Off" this is hurting my credit score. I want TXU to clear my account or show me why it cannot be done.

Nov 07, 2008 7:23 am EST

Long time, never late customer. Nearly 2 weeks of no service due to Ike. Next bill is "estimated" and way more than reasonable. TXU, when called, said just pay half and we'll work it out next cycle (they could not read the meter because of storm). Fast forward to next month. They charge a late fee, threaten to cancel service if not paid, and say on statement that the extension was my idea!

Calling support (Philippines) was not a customer-friendly experience ("supervisor"). Refused to even apologize saying it was "out of their control" - what a way to make a custoemr furious! I'll be moving to another vendor ASAP. TXU=Totally Clueless Utility

oscar andujo
Nov 07, 2007 12:00 am EST

I have been fighting arguing with TXu for the past 8 months. Probably Ill say that I have called them at least 60 times with no success. Every time I call and ask for a manager they will say: they are in the other line and will call you back which never happens. I have waisted a lot of time, efforts to resolve this issue and nothing. My account was sent to collection because when I closed because of the "terrible" service there was a 3.95 dls convenience fee which I was aware of and they decided to sent me to collection. My credit was good and now because "the charged off" status of TXU in my credit report my credit score went down quite a few points. The only thing I can say is don't use them because you will have your worst nightmares ever!

i hate TXU
League City, US
Mar 21, 2010 5:39 pm EDT

TXU is Horrible- STAY AWAY!

I was a TXU customer for 7 years, but in 2017, I only received 6 bills from TXU. I called and reviewed my account online at least once a week because I did not understand why I was not getting billed. I did not want a balance to snow-ball into a huge amount. Each and every time I checked my balance, both online and via TXU customer service, my balance was shown as $0. Now that I moved in November of 2017 and changed companies, I received a bill for over $1620 from TXU. I was told many different stories by TXU customer service without any satisfactory results. I FAILED AN INFORMAL COMPLAINT WITH THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION. While they agreed that TXU had billings problems and that I had paid in full every bill that TXU had sent me: however they say TXU had a billing problem. Now, in March of 2017 I am required to pay for TXU's mistake? I am now filing a formal complaint and writing to my state representative to hopefully get better resolution of this issue- I SAY STAY AWAY!

Houston, US
Aug 25, 2009 10:54 am EDT

I received an electric bill for over $700 in July which is about double the amount that we usually pay. After we talk to TXU and find out they are charging me a much higher rate but they have a so call cheaper plan that I can switch to. I don't understand what this is all about “a cheaper plan”. They can not just raise my rate and then create another plan so they can rip you off without you knowing it. We initially switch to TXU from Reliant Energy because of their better rate. Now I know once they got you they will try to fool you. I recommend if you are with TXU you need to check your plan periodically and watch they closely. You don’t know when they will pull this trick on you again.

Oct 15, 2009 12:07 am EDT

My husband was laid off so we were two months behind with our bill. Our disconnect notice was received and 5 days before, we called to make a payment. We had to pay the two months plus a reconnect fee and a deposit. We were promised our electric would be on that day. That evening we called back as we still had no electricity. We could not get into our home due to the fact that we use our garage door opener to get in & out. Our little dog was locked inside as well as my son's medication he needed. When we called that evening they finally informed us that due to our electric being off over five days, they had taken our meter. We would now need an inspection from the city. When I told them they were wrong and our electric was turned off that morning, they called me & my mother a liar. I offered to let them come check my fridge and then they slandered me by saying that we must have tampered with our meter. I wouldn't have a clue how to "tamper" with it and I never did. Two days later, we are now waiting on the city and have no electricity. I am so worried about my dog with no food. I cannot believe a company with humans working in it can treat someone this way. HORRIBLE customer service! HORRIBLE company! Stay away from them! They only want your money.

Frazzled Consumer
Tyler, US
Dec 21, 2009 2:59 pm EST

I put this on a comment to another complaint posting, but I wanted it here for everyone to see and read. Bottom line...the customer service for TXU is incompetant and lacks the understanding required to resolve disputes with this large corporation. Every time I call now, which seems necessary almost every month now, I get someone in Guatemala or Manila or El Salvador. These people do not even understand my dispute and tell me one thing when I call this time, only to hear that the information given during the previous call was incorrect when I call the next time. I have learned to document each call, the customer service personnel's name & ID number, as well as where they are located, and the outcome of the call. However, it apparently does no good and means nothing to the company. When you call back to find that the previous call was not handled correctly on their end, there are no repercussions administered to personnel who are not fulfilling their job requirements--only an apology that I was given the wrong information. I ask to speak with a supervisor and am told they must call me back. Of course, I leave my name and contact information but never receive a call back. Wait! I did receive one callback...on a Saturday! I have been in a dispute regarding a balance that came out of thin air on an unknown account number, of which they applied payment for my current account to this other untraceable account. They could not even locate the account my payment was posted to or explain the reasoning behind it! It was like I had never made a payment period! I finally got the issue resolved, so I thought, after three months of calling and making "good-faith payments" on a current account, only to have it show up again now in November. I have made at least nine calls over this past month regarding this dispute, with no resolution to date. They tell me it is a balance on my "old" address, which they call out and I inform that the address they are referring to is my current address. Then, they review the payment history and find that it is, in fact, not a balance owed by me on my current account so it must be from a prior address, of which they cannot even identify and give to me! I am burdened with the time and effort of disproving the balance to be from any prior address at which I had service with them. Thus, I request copies of bills from my previous address in 2017, and they are unable to provide them (due to the system change). They send an itemized list of my prior residential dates of billing and amounts due each month. No record of my payment history can be sent so I must pull financial statements going back two years, which costs me time and more money. I inform them that I did not receive any notice of an unpaid balance on any account and, thus, request copies of any outstanding or overdue notices from a prior account that would have been sent to me. Again, they cannot verify this with paperwork. The last move I made was in May 2017, where I transferred service to a new residence. At that time, they took my transfer order and then never even turned my service on. I had received a letter thanking me for service with TXU energy, but my new landlord showed up at my home demanding to know why I had not established service for the residence. I called TXU and was given the explanation that the order was placed but never carried out. "That's odd. I don't know why it wasn't turned on. I see the order right here." There is no mention of any discrepancy on my prior address that may have interrupted service to be turned on at my new residence. They apologized and turned it on immediately. By this time, almost two months later, shouldn't I have received a notice if I owed a balance on the prior address or did not pay the final bill from then? How come I never received any notices regarding this "so-called" past due balance and then it shows up out of the blue in December 2017, when I receive a notice in my name with an address I have never lived at, in addition to an account number that cannot be traced (although they credited payment to the unknown account number)? Now, we are back to square one with the same issue in November 2017, of which they have transferred this balance to my current account. Again, I presumed the issue to be resolved as I have not received any further notice of discrepancy from resolution date of April 2017 to now, six months later. I get the letter about the transfer to my account and call the number on there three times. It never goes to a person. You must also leave a message to be called back. I do this to inform of the past resolution, but no one contacts me and the amount is transferred to my current account. Finally, I get through to someone (today) who tells me I must go through the research process again, as it was not resolved. In the meantime, they will not remove the balance from my current account until I prove their error, and they charge me late fees when I pay only the actual amount due. This results in an error on my payment history, which will cost me more money to change companies now since I cannot obtain a letter of good payment history to avoid deposit fees. I will be changing, though, and pay a deposit if necessary. It will be worth it! I hear over and over that their system is not the greatest, that they cannot pull any information regarding accounts from the "old" system in place before the merge of TXU SESCO to TXU Energy, and that the consumer must prove any error on TXU's part. How can they keep doing this? What are my rights as a consumer, or where can I go (that doesn't cost me more money) to find out my rights? Dealing with TXU displays an unrelenting cycle of incompetency and very poor customer service. Furthermore, I would adamantly deter anyone from obtaining service from TXU! If you do, you will more ways than one!

4:12 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail incorrect bill and disconnect

First of all, after some construction at my house, TXU kept sending me bills for a temporary pole and meter that was no longer there! Now you tell me, how there can be a reading on a meter that is not there? This took them 5 months to correct, after countless phone calls, during which, they threatened to disconnect the temporary pole! I kept telling them, YES, PLEASE DISCONNECT IT! Idiots!
Fast forward a few months - now, every month, my bill says something different and when i call to ask them about the charges, they are unable to explain to me why it is different than the last bill. Also, they have cut off my electricity twice in the last 10 days, for "nonpayment" - with no notice! When I call them they tell me they sent the notice, and I should talk to my postmaster. On the last occasion, the bill said due on Feb 1, and on Feb 2 the power is cut off. I have already ordered service with a new provider, I can't take any more of TXU's crap! BUYER BEWARE!

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Hewitt, US
Dec 09, 2014 10:34 am EST

I want to know why my online bill states $110.00 something and the PAPER bill they send says $80.65?
When I ask the person on the phone why does it say two different things she says. "The $80.65 is your past due balance."
I then asked her very sarcastically, "You didn't even listen to my question did you?"

8:34 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.


I have attempted to settle a situation w/ the TXU representative numerous times. I have spoke to management at TXU as well. In January of 2009 I called TXU and requested services. I requested the average billing plan at this time. I did not receive the average billing plan, instead I received a commercial account and a huge bill increase. I assumed that when I requested average billing that is exactly what I received. I continued to pay the lesser amount on by TXU energy bill assuming that, that amount was the average billing amount. This was not correct. I am now so far delinquent in my account that I am unable to catch up the past due amount. I did however set up an installment plan. This months bill had a total increase in kw of 2035. The TXU representative stated today that “this is not right.” I also have told TXU that I have NEVER been a commercial customer but they have my paying the commercial rate plus $12.90 per month over the past year for commercial fees. I disputed this on 10/30/2009. I was told at that time that I would have a response in 21 days. I am STILL waiting on the response. My dispute was…
1. Average billing since 1/2009
2. Commercial rates on my residential account
And I will now add the kw increase from last month to this month. My bill totaled $195 last month and now totaled $478 this month. My usage has NOT changed from November to December by this month. I have tried to come to a resolution w/ TXU several times. I can’t understand what is being done, or not being done on my account. This is unacceptable and should be reported to a higher authority. I know that my meter reading are not accurate, I know that I am not a commercial customer, and I also know that I requested average billing at the time that I set up this service. It’s almost like I call to request things on my bill and whomever is on the other end of the phone line takes it upon their self to do un-requested things to by bill. I am desperately trying to settle this dispute w/ TXU. I hope that a resolution will happen quickly since it is WELL after the 21 day mark. Thanks in advance for you cooperation in this matter.

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8:14 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Poor customer service

I heard a new billing system has resulted in many billing errors and disatisfied customers receiving billing for services from many months ago which are not even correct. I was billed for over $500 usage at an apartment I never rented after turning down a job and informing TXU that I was not moving in after all. Since they would not contact the owner or apartment manager, the burden of proof was on me to get an apartment manager I do not even know to fax a statement on my behalf. I have accrued over $25 in fax and $5 in mailing fees. After closing my account 5 months ago, I received a final billing invoice and paid connect fees-only but was billed for no usage since I never moved-in. Now 5 months later, I am being billed for 5 months on electric usage. I have spent hours of my time and my own money having to prove I never lived there, prove I actually called and cancelled services in spite of having a final billing invoice and proof that I live in another State. Customer service is being provided by uneducated and incompetent people in foreign countries and an automated phone and e-mail system with no competent person responding even at the supposed Executive Feedback Center where you get a series of e-mail responses that your e-mail was not properly processed or received-reply again in this space etc. and then your e-mail keeps getting sent back-more roadblocks to customer service. Customer service workers are living in another country-working on Thanksgiving and 24 hours a day 7 days a week, did not even understand why I was shocked that they were working on Thanksgiving until I realized they were in another country and time zone. I was told that I could not prove that I called so I had to remind him that as a T-Mobile customer in the US, I have access to detailed billing statements listing all of my phone calls which I can prove. I always get excellent customer service from Americans at T-Mobile by the way. But the burden of proof for correcting a biiling error should not be on the customer. I had to explain that in America, you are innocent until proven guilty. I have 20 years of excellent credit but was being questioned as if I was a criminal saying well how do we know you really called TXU and cancelled your service, you could be living in 2 states and it is on you to prove yourself or pay or we will report you to all 3 credit bureaus etc. Three of the customer service workers knew nothing about the law, consumer rights e.g. do not understand why I wanted a physical address so I could send certified letter or serve papers on TXU Energy to protect my good credit rating legally. They say just call or fax-which does not hold hold up in court and then they can keep questioning if you really called or faxed to get you to pay. Just sending proof of out of state residence, utility bills from another state, a final TXU invoice of account closure was not good enough for these incompetent, less than minimum wage workers called investigators. TXU must think they have consumers over an oil barrel. Boycott this company and require them to hire US citizens to work and not 24-7 or on Thanksgiving. Make them uphold consumer legal rights or do not patronize their services. They need a good class action lawsuit to shut such practices down. TXU business practices reflect what is wrong about what is happening in America-losing our rights and having our jobs sent to foreign countries and our hard earned money extorted by corrupt billing errors. I have already contacted the Texas Public Utilities Commission and next will contact the Attorney General. Hope it gets resolved soon!

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Frazzled Consumer
Tyler, US
Dec 21, 2009 2:24 pm EST

I agree that the customer service for TXU is incompetant and lacks the understanding required to resolve disputes with this large corporation. Every time I call now, which I have to do almost every month, I get someone in Guatemala or Manila or El Salvador. These people do not even understand my dispute and tell me one thing when I call this time only to hear that the information given during the previous call was incorrect when I call the next time. I have learned to document each call, the customer service personnel's name & ID number, as well as where they are located, and the outcome of the call. However, it apparently does no good and means nothing to the company. When you call back to find that the previous call was not handled correctly on their end, there are no repercussions administered to personnel who are not fulfilling their job requirements--only an apology that I was given the wrong information. I ask to speak with a supervisor and am told they must call me back. Of course, I leave my name and contact information but never receive a call back. Wait! I did receive one callback...on a Saturday! I have been in a dispute regarding a balance that came out of thin air on an unknown account number, of which they applied payment for my current account to this other untraceable account. They could not even locate the account my payment was posted to or explain the reasoning behind it! It was like I had never made a payment period! I finally got the issue resolved, so I thought, after three months of calling and making "good-faith payments" on a current account, only to have it show up again now in November. I have made at least nine calls over this past month regarding this dispute, with no resolution to date. They tell me it is a balance on my "old" address, which they call out and I inform that the address they are referring to is my current address. Then, they review the payment history and find that it is, in fact, not a balance owed by me on my current account so it must be from a prior address, of which they cannot even identify and give to me! I am burdened with the time and effort of disproving the balance to be from any prior address at which I had service with them. Thus, I request copies of bills from my previous address in 2007, and they are unable to provide them (due to the system change). They send an itemized list of my prior residential dates of billing and amounts due each month. No record of my payment history can be sent so I must pull financial statements going back two years, which costs me time and more money. I inform them that I did not receive any notice of an unpaid balance on any account and, thus, request copies of any outstanding or overdue notices from a prior account that would have been sent to me. Again, they cannot verify this with paperwork. The last move I made was in May 2008, where I transferred service to a new residence. At that time, they took my transfer order and then never even turned my service on. I had received a letter thanking me for service with TXU energy, but my new landlord showed up at my home demanding to know why I had not established service for the residence. I called TXU and was given the explanation that the order was placed but never carried out. "That's odd. I don't know why it wasn't turned on. I see the order right here." There is no mention of any discrepancy on my prior address that may have interrupted service to be turned on at my new residence. They apologized and turned it on immediately. By this time, almost two months later, shouldn't I have received a notice if I owed a balance on the prior address or did not pay the final bill from then? How come I never received any notices regarding this and it shows up out of the blue in December 2008, with a notice in my name and an address I have never lived at, in addition to an account number that cannot be traced (although they credited payment to the unknown account number)? Now, we are back to square one with the same issue in November 2009, of which they have transferred this balance to my current account. In the meantime, they will not remove the balance from my current account until I prove their error, and they charge me late fees when I pay only the actual amount due. This results in an error on my payment history, which will cost me more money to change companies now since I cannot obtain a letter of good payment history to avoid deposit fees. I hear over and over that their system is not the greatest, that they cannot pull any information regarding accounts from the "old" system in place before the merge of TXU SESCO to TXU Energy, and that the consumer must prove any error on TXU's part. How can they keep doing this? What are my rights as a consumer, or where can I go (that doesn't cost me more money) to find out my rights? Dealing with TXU displays an unrelenting cycle of incompetency and very poor customer service. Furthermore, I would adamantly deter anyone from obtaining service from TXU! If you do, you will more ways than one!

9:11 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Billing Scams and Poor Customer Service

I heard a new billing system has resulted in many billing errors and disatisfied customers receiving billing for services from many months ago which are not even correct. I was billed for over $500 usage at an apartment I never rented after turning down a job and informing TXU that I was not moving in after all. Since they would not contact the owner or apartment manager, the burden of proof was on me to get an apartment manager I do not even know to fax a statement on my behalf. I have accrued over $25 in fax and $5 in mailing fees. After closing my account 5 months ago, I received a final billing invoice and paid connect fees-only but was billed for no usage since I never moved-in. Now 5 months later, I am being billed for 5 months on electric usage. I have spent hours of my time and my own money having to prove I never lived there, prove I actually called and cancelled services in spite of having a final billing invoice and proof that I live in another State. Customer service is being provided by uneducated and incompetent people in foreign countries and an automated phone and e-mail system with no competent person responding even at the supposed Executive Feedback Center where you get a series of e-mail responses that your e-mail was not properly processed or received-reply again in this space etc. and then your e-mail keeps getting sent back-more roadblocks to customer service. Customer service workers are living in another country-working on Thanksgiving and 24 hours a day 7 days a week, did not even understand why I was shocked that they were working on Thanksgiving until I realized they were in another country and time zone. I was told that I could not prove that I called so I had to remind him that as a T-Mobile customer in the US, I have access to detailed billing statements listing all of my phone calls which I can prove. I alway s get excellent customer servuce from Americans at T-Mobile bythe way. But the burden of proof for correcting a biiling error should not be on the customer. I had to explain that in America, you are innocent until proven guilty. I have 20 years of excellent credit but was being questioned as if I was a criminal saying well how do we know you really called TXU and cancelled your service, you could be living in 2 states and it is on you to prove yourself or pay or we will report you to all 3 credit bureaus etc. Three ofthe customer service workers knew nothing about the law, consumer rights e.g. do not understand why I wanted a physical address so I could send certified letter or serve papers on TXU Energy to protect my good credit rating legally. They say just call or fax-which does not hold hold up in court and then they can keep questioning if you really called or faxed to get you to pay. Just sending proof of out of state residence, utility bills from another state, a final TXU invoice of account closure was not good enough for these incompetent, less than minimum wage workers called investigators. TXU must think they have consumers over an oil barrel. Boycott this company and require them to hire US citizens to work and not 24-7 or on Thanksgiving. Make them uphold consumer legal rights or do not patronize their services. They need a good class action lawsuit to shut such practices down. TXU business practices reflect what is wrong about what is happening in America-losing our rights and having our jobs sent to foreign countries and our hard earned money extorted by corrupt billing errors. I have already contacted the Texas Public Utilities Commission and next will contact the Attorney General. Hope it gets resolved soon!

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12:36 pm EDT
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TXU Energy Retail Wrong Address

TXU Energy Residential
Executive Feedback
P.O. Box 650764
Dallas, TX [protected]

To whom it may concern,
I am writing this regarding the bad mistake I made to return to your company after many years. I was happily receiving my bills and paying them from Reliant Energy when your “salesperson” came to the door with her wonderful story about TXU and how it has changed and wants our business back. We were willing to try again and signed up. We verified our address and information not only with the salesperson, but TXU called our house and got all of the correct information. We were told that we would expect a bill in a few months, as the exact date we would move to TXU was not certain. No problem right?...WRONG! We signed up in June, so a month goes by and I receive a full bill from Reliant as expected, so I paid that. July, I receive another full bill from Reliant, they did say it may take a couple of months, so no problem, pay that bill. August, another full bill from Reliant, paid. September, no bill from Reliant or TXU. Hoping it will come some time during the month.
September 29, 2009, get a call from the security system company that morning that power has been shut off to our house. Hmm, maybe we are having a power outage. Come home, no power. Call TXU, we have been shut off due to no payment. NO PAYMENT? We have not even received a bill. Well the bill is going to some place in Boca Raton, Florida. BOCA RATON? I have never lived in Boca Raton but my husband did over 5 years ago! He has lived in Texas for the past 5 years. Did it ever at any time cross your mind to maybe send at least one cancellation notice to the residence WHERE THE POWER IS BEING SHUT OFF just in case your records are wrong? So your customer service apologizes and says it was their mistake. Fine, please turn our power back on. Well that may be tonight or tomorrow? WHAT? It was your fault! Why can you not send someone over right now to turn it on? I have an asthmatic son that needs breathing treatments. My husband and I are employed full time as well as college students and have assignments to work on. My refrigerator has been off all day and you are telling me it may be another whole day? So, I spend the evening going next door to use the nebulizer for my son and sitting in a dark house with two children.
September 30, 2009 we are told it should be turned on by the end of the business day…SHOULD be turned on? Are you kidding me? What is going on? Do you just not care what you are doing or who you are affecting? I have to replace a whole refrigerator and freezer full of at least $500 worth of food because you cannot find the time to send someone out to flip a switch? I have an asthmatic son who has to walk next door to do a breathing treatment because you made a mistake and are not in any hurry to fix it. I am a reasonable person and when you admitted you screwed up, if you would have sent someone to turn our power back on right then, end of story, mistakes happen. But no, we are treated as if we are unimportant. I know you really are not concerned with this, but at least pretend to care about the money and inconvenience you have caused me. I am so upset right now and I am trying to keep my composure, but my husband informed me our power is STILL OFF.

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Clute, US
Oct 14, 2013 6:37 pm EDT

Any time anything like this happens call the Public Utility Commission of Texas, file a formal complaint, then call the company and tell them that a complaint has been filed. You'll be amazed how fast they care after that. I had a similar problem with Just Energy and it was fixed several hours after the complaint was filed.

9:18 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Double Posted a Payment

Dear Sir or Ma'am

I am writing today to advise you about a recent experience with your company. I wish I could come out and say that my experience was great or even average. Sadly, that is not the case. This is a complaint about the way a situation was handled and how I, as your customer, am being handled.
The experience started about two weeks ago. I called in to your customer service line regarding the balance on my account. I wanted to see if it was possible to make an extension on the account. I talk to a gentleman who was nice and polite. He set up an extension for me in the amount of 188.02 to be paid on 9/18. He advised me that at the time my new bill would be due and that I would need to set up another extension at the time. I advised that wouldn't be a problem.
The trouble begin on 9/18 when I called in to make my payment per the arrangement. I originally tried to make the payment of a $189.00 on your website, I called in to customer service to advise that I had made the payment and to set up an extension as advised by the gentleman I spoke with earlier. The woman that I spoke with was not only rude but I could not understand a word she said to me. After getting frustrated about not being able to communicate, I finally understood that the payment I made on the website never processed. I checked your website and realized that I never received a confirmation number. I explained that I made the payment but didn't receive a confirmation number. The women advised me that no payment was showing and if I wanted to keep my service from being interrupted I needed to make a payment with her. She informed me that since I didn't receive a confirmation number the payment didn't go through. I checked my bank and it didn't show the payment was pending. So in order to keep my service, I authorized a payment of $188.02 to be taken on the same debit card that I made the payment with on the website. After receiving the confirmation number for the payment I made on the phone, I asked about setting up a payment arrangement for the new balance. The lady placed me on hold and then came back and informed me that she was not able to set up a payment extension at that time and I needed to call back on Saturday, 9/19 to make that extension.
I called back on Saturday and while listening to the IVR, I realized that it said my balance with TXU was $6.02. I knew that was wrong because my balance with the new bill was $383.05. I hung up the phone and logged on to my account on My account showed that two payments had been applied to my account. The one for $188.02 that I made on the phone and the one for 189.00 that I tried to make on-line and was told wouldn't go through. I checked my bank and yes both payments did come out of my account. Since, both payments had been taken from my banking account, I was now overdrawn by $150.00 and had payments that were about to post to my account. I immediately called my bank to see if I could reverse the payment I made on-line. I was advised that since the money had already been drafted by TXU, I needed to call TXU and ask them to release it since it hadn't cleared yet. I called TXU and spoke with Flavia. I was advised by her that the only payment that was applied to the account was for $188.02. I tried to explain to her that both payments had been taken out of my account. She advised me that no only one payment was applied to the account. She stated that she could research the other payment but I would have to fax in copies of the cleared charges on my bank statement and if it was found that an additional payment was made to the account in error then a refund check could be issued. I asked to speak with a supervisor at the time and was promptly hung up on.
I called back immediately and received a rep by the name Julia ID 87261. I asked to speak with a supervisor and she connected me to Alex. I explained again the situation to Alex regarding both payments coming out of my account. He explained to me that he was only showing one payment in my system and wanted to know if I could tell what account the payment made on the internet for 189.00 was applied to. I advised that it was applied to my account. He again stated that he didn't see the payment. I explained that the payment was holding through my bank and that my on-line account showed both payments being made. Alex then asked me if I had a confirmation number for the payment that was made on the website. I explained again that it didn't give me a confirmation number. I advised that when making the payment, the screen just kept saying processing please wait. Alex explained to me that more then likely what happened was that the payment was trying to be processed through the website but for some reason it wasn't able to complete it. He stated that it placed a hold on the money in my checking account but wouldn't actually complete the process because there was no confirmation number. He stated that he was going to send an inquiry over to the department that handled the website and ask them to investigate the issue. He took my name, my call back number, and my email. He stated that it would take about 24 hours and someone would call me back. I checked my account on Monday and both payments were still pending.
This morning, Tuesday 9/22, I still hadn't received a call back. I checked my account and saw both payments did process and clear through my account. Having not received a call back, I called back into your customer service number and spoke with a Flora #8943. She advised me that there was only one payment on my account. The payment for $188.02. I explained to her that two payment had been made to this account and cleared my bank. She told me that only one payment had been made to the account and if another payment had been made then it would show implying that I was lying regarding the payment for $189.00. I asked if I only made one payment for 188.02 then why were two payments showing on my online account. She stated that she did not know. That was not her department and she couldn't tell me. However, all her systems only showed the one payment and there was no way another payment was made. I again asked why both showed on website and that both had been taken out of my account. She stated that if I wanted to speak with someone regarding the website then I would need to speak with that department. I asked to be transferred there.
I was then transferred to Cami. Cami advised me that two payments had been made to my account. One is the amount of $189.00 and one for $188.02. I thought great finally I was going to get some help with my issue. However, Cami informed me that the payment for $189.02 would not be refunded to my account because it was money owed on the account for the new bill. I explained that I understood I still had a balance on the account but that I had spoken with a gentlemen about two weeks prior to set up arrangements. I explained that I was suppose to make the payment on the 9/18 and then set up a new arrangement. Cami stated there were no arrangements on the account and therefore there was nothing she could do. I again asked to speak with a supervisor. I was transferred to Diane #80581.
I thought my experience up to this point couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. When Diane came on the line, she advised me that she could not help me. She stated that she did see both the payments were made on the same day with the same debit card. She first told me that there was no payment arrangement on the account for any place this month. When I questioned that because the other reps I spoke with had seen the extension, she stated that she saw there was a payment arrangement on the account for me to pay 188.02 on 9/18 but nothing after that. I explained that I did make the payment on 9/18 as she could see. I advised that at that time the rep I was speaking with was not able to set up a payment arrangement. I had to call back on Saturday. I advised that when I called back on Saturday to set up the payment arrangement I noticed both payments had been applied to my account and that is why I was speaking to her. Diane stated that there was nothing she could do because both payments had been made and a payment arrangement was not on the account. I admit at this time I was frustrated. I advised that no one other then her and Cami were seeing both payments. I asked why no one else could see the payments. Diane advised me that the reps and supervisor I had spoken with earlier just didn't look into the account because they had the same access she did and the payments were there. However, she couldn't help me because there wasn't a payment arrangement on the account. She stated that the ticket or inquiry from Saturday, 9/18 was open and I would have to wait for that to be resolved before anything could be done. I explained that I was advised that would take 24 hours. Diane advised that the supervisor who told me that lied. Inquiries take 5-7 business days. I explained that the inquiry was for the missing payment which she saw and couldn't we resolve the issue. Diane advised me that she didn't have the power to do that. The inquiry went to the mid department or mid section and they were the only ones who could do anything about my issue. She stated that the only thing she could do was submit another inquiry because she didn't have the authorization or ability to do anything else. She stated that they would call me when a resolution was received in about 5-7 business days. At this time, I disconnected the call because I had to go to work.
That bring us to now. As of right now, I have spoke to five reps and two supervisors. I have been told that the only one payment was processed to my account and then told that no both payments are being applied to my account. I have been advised that the reps I spoke with before lied to me and I have been accused of being a liar regarding the whole situation. I was told that the situation would be investigated. Only then be told, there was nothing that could be done because there wasn't a payment extension on the account even though I tried to set one up. I have been hung up on and shuffled to different departments only to be told they cant assist me. Out of all the people I have spoken with, Alex was the only one who showed any empathy and any ownership in trying to help me correct the problem.
I take partial responsibility for the double payment. I would normally have waited the 24 hours after trying to make the payment on-line to make sure it didn't clear my bank. However, because I was being advised that I had to make the payment right then to keep my services on I made the payment. Where is the accountability for your company? All I have been told is no. It is isn't our fault. It is handled by some other department. I have manager say under there breath it isn't their issue and how they cant believe this lady. I have worked in the Customer Service field for years as a manager. It doesn't take an experienced customer service rep to realize this is just flat out horrible customer service. While all this is going on, I have incurred $105.00 in overdraft fees with $35.00 being added each day. All I know is that I will receive some resolution in 5-7 business days. In the mean time, TXU gets to hold $189.00 of my money. Yes, it was applied to a balance on the account. However, I did my part to try and set up arrangements with your company to keep my service active and in good standing. I admit that I am not most stellar client but I was loyal. I have been with TXU since I moved to this location. I pay my bill. Yes, I have late fees but I do the best I can. I don't call in complaining about late fees or such. Except for a mix up at the start of my service, I haven't been disconnected or interrupted. I would like to think that I am the valued member you stated I was or that I deserve the excellent customer service your company prides itself on. However, I do not feel that way. I realize that all this is probably mute and by the time the issue receives a resolution, I will be making another payment to your company. However, I am the one who has to deal with the repercussions of trying to do what I thought was best for both of us. I appreciate your time.


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Jan 11, 2011 8:52 pm EST

I had the misfortune of having the same exact situation happen to me. My bank showed the payment deducted twice from my account but TXU could not find the duplicate payment. After disconnecting me, they conveniently found my "second payment", but applied it to the disconnection fee charge. They are liars and thieves. Very corrupt and unaccountable !

greenhouse 797
Nov 07, 2010 5:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If you are looking for accountability from TXU, don't hold your breath.
I too experienced a double billing from TXU, the difference being, they combined two separate account totals and pulled that total from my bank account twice.
I completely understand the frustration of talking to someone you cannot understand.
It is only comparable to talking to someone that seems knowledgable, then finding out, as you did, that you were not lead in the right direction.
I am locked into some contract until July...I thought I was talking to a rep that actully had a solution to the problem. Instead they just hooked me.
I have dealt with TXU on three occasions now and I have come out the loser each time, with really no recourse.
I am also have a problem with the overdraft charges I am stuck with, it was not in my budget!

2:43 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Overcharged me with a false read and refused to retract it

TXU energy ripping customers off and have poor customer service:

I have a place that was damaged by the hurricane. I had moved out but left electricity connection in place in anticipation of fixing it. The walls have since been gutted, breakers turned off. I stopped receiving monthly bills shortly after the hurricane and did not receive a bill again for 10 months. I called to verify there was no charges to my account. I was told there was a credit. Within the last few months I started getting summary statements for the previous unbilled months. Many of the months read 0 kilowatts which made sense with what I was told on the phone. Then one bill summed up the last previous 3 months claiming I used 11, 000 kilowatts of energy and totaling over $1800. I called multiple times to have someone look into the matter, since it was impossible! I spoke to two supervisors who gave me the run around. The final supervisor I spoke to said “It doesn’t matter what makes sense, the final reading was reported by the technician and therefore you are liable, no matter what reason.” I asked about what was done to investigate the meter was even working correctly and could not get straight sensible answers. Seeing as obviously the company would not correct the matter, I filed a complaint to the Texas Utility commission. Thank goodness they exist. They sent me a letter back saying the company did not have the equipment available to verify their final read claims and must retract back the claimed 11, 000 kilowatt usage. Great news, however now I am dealing with trying to now get the money they owe me, since I should have a near $300 credit now. The supposed date of retraction was 8/20/09 and it is now 9/14/09. I called today and of course the call person reports there is no corrected bill yet or mention of one pending. He directs me to a “high priority” call line…which is a voice mail that is full! I called back and this time am told I need to call back Friday and maybe the reported changes to the Texas Utility commission might actually be in the system since he did not see any of those reports yet. Anyways bottom line is I think they are greedy crooks and you should avoid choosing them as your provider. If you do have problems, contact the Texas Utility Commission.

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2:54 pm EDT
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TXU Energy Retail Charged me twice for the 400.00 deposite

I called to set up service on june 15th 2009 and on june 17th it still wasnt on so i called back and they set up my neboirs electric who already had service in her name and put it in my so, I was told to call and disconect the previous service and start over.I called them a fifth time to see how i could fix it and they put me on hold because they couldnt find my account, at this point im out raged so i asked to speak with a manager and some how they find my account and the laddy asked could she fix it without transfering me, i told her i didnt care just wanted it fixed asap.We go threw the whole process agin the rules and regulations that i already heard 5 times before she told me she would have someone out that day to cut on service, they did cut it on but i wasnt told i would have to pay for what my neibor used witch wasnt my mistake and have to pay the 400.00 deposite agin

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5:44 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Tax adjustment made for Travis Co. Resident, AFTER I ENDED SERVICE


To summarize, I moved from Austin to Virigina. I cancelled my service, TXU was going to use part of my deposit to pay my last bill- ok. Understood. My refund approximately $67.00. Fine. They'll mail it to my address in VA. Great!

Not so great, that I forgot about the check- which my family in VA had told me had arrived, but by now is to old to deposit maybe 3 mos. Anyway, I call TXU today (the first time) I am put on hold 15 minutes by a guy just trying to find my account. I think he did find it only didn't want to take my call- after he saw what the next young lady pointed out to me.

Tammy, a very kind and soft spoken American- answered almost immediately. I waited about 3 hours to call back. :-/ She was very helpful, and after locating my account says- "you have a credit of $1.00 and some change." WHAT!?!?! I'm expecting almost $70.

She politely reviews all my information, notes etc. Then comes back and tells me- "there was a 'tax error' and you're new credit balance is $1(+)." TAX ERROR? I asked her politely, to explain. Is there any documentation of this adjustment to my account? She replies "well you are the first customer I've seen with this problem." Really?! How convenient! (might I mention, I hated TXU the entire 5 years I had service with them. I said "You're telling me that for 5 years your business has been billing me incorrectly, and they didn't notice it until after they mailed out a refund check?!?!" Her only reply was yes. I demanded she send me something in writing explaining this whole "billing error". She offered to send me a copy of my last bill. What is that going to do? I don't want an outline of charges, I want a description of what I'm being billed for, and if it was a county wide thing then how many others may have been affected. And I want to know, why TXU didn't send anything out about it?!?

In the end, I'm expecting a check for $1.00, a copy of my last bill, and she says she will mail me whatever she might find on what caused the debit.

I asked her before hanging up, "So if I had cashed that check TXU mailed out to me three months ago for $67, you guys would have BILLED ME AGAIN for this MAGIC TAX snafu?" Her answer was yes.

STAY AWAY. Their billing is crazy, customer service sucks if you get a foriegner, the American CSRs want to help but don't know how, fees are outrageous, and every expererience with them has been the worst.

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6:38 pm EDT
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TXU Energy Retail liars

well when i signed up they told me i was to recieve a 75 dollar visa card and well that never happen. I called to ask about it and nobody could help me. I believe they gave me a false advertisement they should complete with there offer..

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Temple, US
Oct 16, 2009 11:07 am EDT

They should follow through with what they say, but those offers are small scams in themselves. Yes, over a period of time (like $25.00 per quarter), you can get your $75.00, as long as you pay every month on time, and follow any other rules that were in the fine print, but it's never as it sounds. I can tell you of a company that will do what they say. They are Ambit Energy, and I am a consultant for them. We offer low competitive rates (up to 30% savings off TXU, sometimes more), travel reward points, and Free Travel (2 night hotel stay) just for trying our service. Plus, you can get FREE energy For as long as you have the service just for referring a few customers one time. We are a fantastic company. We have 3 month, 6 month, & 1 year term plans, or month to month rates. There is no cost to switch, and you don't even have to tell your current provider...we do that for you. Just go to: and sign up, or call me @ [protected], and I will help you.

Kelli Sellers

5:11 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail Billing & Customer Service

Oncor Electric reads my meter for my TXU bill. They started me out on the wrong meter number on May 1, 2009 when I set up the service at my new apt. It is almost August, and the problem gets worse every day. Today I received 2 more "corrected" bills from TXU. One stated I owe them $147.00; the other stated I had a $42.00 credit. Both bills were dated 7/27/09, and NEITHER one had my correct meter number or meter reading indicated. The customer service people are absolutely worthless...I have received at least 30 eaqmils stating my dispute would be resolved in 1-2 business days. It has now been 33 dyas since I filed my dispute!

Avaoid this company at all costs...they have absolutely no idea how to fix even a simple clerical error!

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RippedOff Texan
Nov 26, 2016 8:56 am EST

.It's time for this stuff to STOP;We went with TXU because we thought they were the best as far as versatility is concerned. We paid our 300.00 deposit knowing that if we paid our bills on Time; and had a good HISTORY then we could get our Deposit back.. To Our Ignorance.. TXU told us they had an insurance product for 29.99 that covers our in Home TV etc if their is a electric spark or lightning strike. Which we said SURE WE need the coverage ...
They added the insurance to the bill ;we paid the insurance separately on a Credit card and was told "you are good to go". Then we were told the insurance was not paid because the payment went towards the following months Bill and when we paid the following months bill we had a late charge carryover for the insurance that carried over from march Now we are in November and we find out the insurance was never paid (29.95) for the yr.and our deposit was Lost because we were late on the insurance . AT this point we feel like going Postal at TXU and walking out with our 300$ ..How crooked is That.. we are as you could guess looking for a new Provider...they can keep their 25$ Credit Card Refund Now we see how they do it..

K.A. Taylor
Wichita Falls, US
Nov 19, 2014 11:57 am EST

Thank you for this information. TXU has threatened to turn off my mother"s electriicity even though she made arrangements with them for the umpteenth time to pay when she got paid at the end of the same week. Some non-English speaking foreigner had the nerve to call her at work in spite of the notes in her file and demanded she pay the balance of $71.42 or risk having her lights turned off. Ive had to help her because of this and it is wearing thin. I am getting info on the PUC. Thank you again.

McAllen, US
Sep 22, 2010 2:44 pm EDT

I turned TXU into the Public Utilities Commission today for the second time this year. They returned a check saying that due to the number of returned items received from my mothers bank, she was now on a cash basis. The date of their letter was 09/16/2010 and the due date of the bill was 09/13/2010. They also mentioned in the letter that mailing in a money order may not avoid service interruption due to mail delivery. I sent the PUC a copy of a letter from my mothers bank stating that her account was in good standing and that there was no record of any returned items to TXU. I have found from filing previous complaints, that you get a much better response from TXU if you first file a complaint with the PUC.

Fort Worth, US
Jul 26, 2010 11:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Today my electricity was turned off. Not because I didn't make a payment, but because they posted my payment to a previous account I had with them that hasn't been active since 2007. WTF!? I have a wife and two small children at home. It's going to reach close to 100F today in Texas. My wife called the Customer Service dept to get this resolved. First off she couldn't even communicate with the Rep., and a 1/2 hr later when she finally got someone on the phone that spoke a little better, they admitted the mistake and the best they could promise is that the electricity would be turned on within the next 24hrs. This is not the first issue either. You cannot get a hold of any manager to place a complaint and I have never gotten a response from the ones I have placed online. These people are incompetent, arrogant and lazy. I will NEVER do business with them again.


Lancaster, US
Aug 14, 2009 11:41 pm EDT

TXU has the worst customer service ever and my online account balance is ALWYAS different from my paper bill and different again from what they say it is when I call in. They should spend less money sponsoring events and work on the operational and clerical/accounting issues. My first suggestion would be to hire customer service reps that speak English and can understand me when I have to call them...
Or my favorite is when I call the number printed on my paper bill, wait on hold for 15 minutes and the rep tells me they are in Houston, not my service area and can not help me.
And, then I especially love how I can't log into my TXU acct online more often than not or how my kWh usage doubled this month from what I've been using for the last three years every month and they don't think there is a mistake...

6:16 pm EDT
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TXU Energy Retail Service & Billing

I have been a TXU customer since 2006. In January 2009 we moved to another location, when I finally got my bill it was billed to the old location. I called them and asked them to fix the billing address, the next month they still had the wrong mailing address on my bill. Since the mailing address was wrong it was taking almost three weeks longer to get my bill, so by the time my bill got to me my bill was due. I have called them every month for six months asking them to change my billing address. They still to this day have not changed the mailing address. Then last month I got my bill and I noticed that my bill had almost doubled, I checked my last 12 months bills and they where all the same. So I called and asked them about it, they said that they couldn't do anything about it. The only thing they could offer me was $0.14 locked in for 12months. That’s still more then what I had been paying for the past 12 months. So I called a couple of other companies and found one for $0.11 and better customer service. So I put a transfer order in with the new company, they are suppose to take over on July 28. Today I went online to make a payment and the website is still down and has been for three weeks now, you can't make a payment online, but they still want to charge you a fee for calling in. I thought I was done with this company today, and then a couple of hours ago there was a email in my in box from TXU about my new service starting on July 27. I called them and they so nicely confirmed that my move in date to the new address where I already have service at was set for July 27. I explained to them that I was not moving and that I already had service with them. They couldn't tell me what was going on and I talked to three different people, after being hung up on twice. I was done! I finally called my new company and confirmed that we are still on track for the new service. TXU still says that my new Service is to start on July 27 and they wont listen to me at all.

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Aug 18, 2011 4:05 pm EDT

TXU turned my 85 year old mother’s electricity off on 8/17/11 when it was 105 F in Dallas. Her most recent bill said her balance was due on 8/25/11 and there was no balance forward on the bill. It did not indicate that the payment was overdue. After repeated attempts to get the situation resolved, I waited 25 minutes to talk to a supervisor. The supervisor in Pittsburgh said I should get my mother to stay somewhere else, I explained that my mother would not leave her house. The supervisor recommended that I go to her house and ' be the adult" and force her to leave her house. When I explained that I was pretty sure that was not legal, her next suggestion as for me to call 911 and have her taken the hospital. I told her she was not ill and that would be a waste of public resources. The problem was that they had turned her electricity off 8 days before her bill reflected her payment was due. After a few more minutes of discussion she told me she was tired of arguing with me and hung up. These people are rude and do not exhibit good customer service. They will not take responsibility for their poor lay out of their billing invoice and have zero problem solving skills. Change your electrical company if you can.

houston, US
Jan 18, 2010 6:31 am EST

TXU is a nightmare! I have been with them for four years and at my old apt my bill usually stayed between 180-220 at most. Then i moved and dear god its been hell for two years it took them nine count them nine months to stop billing me for my old address and somehow my new address put together in my bill that comes to my current address. They swore this was not the case but explain to me how else i could have a 650 for one month in a 2bd/2bth apartment! I even still had the forward address sticker on my bill from them even though i have done change of address and informed them a hundred times. Then last summer i notice a 100 dollar jump after going through 4 different"supervisors" im told they made an error and that i was supposed to receive a 100 dollar credit but it was a mix up, "sorry and you will see a credit on next months bill" I said weel why cant i exercise that credit this month. They said i had to pay the full amt or lights would be cut off wtf!? Then i come to find out the credit was for a succesful transfer when i moved 3 yrs ago that they forgot to extend for being a good loyal customer and using them! My complaints are endless it amazing me how they remain in business and have such deplorable customer service, not to mention whenever i call i never get someone who can speak fluent english. I swear i had a five minute conversation with a csr that i could not understand a thing. Im so happy come next week i will be rid of them. They exceed my rent 75% of the time

Grand Prairie, US
Oct 08, 2009 1:14 pm EDT

I have been with TXU for 5yrs and my bill was due Oct. 2, 2009 and i paid it on Oct. 2, 2009 @ 6:13am and they came out on Oct 7, 2009 @ 4:15pm and disconnected my service. I immediatly called them to find out what was going on and they said that it was a mistake and that they would be back out no later than midnight to reconnect it. Well i got up @ 7am the next morning and it still not on. They are now telling me that it will be before midnight tonight. I called them back and explained that i have a newborn baby and two small children and they are still telling me that they can come back out until midnight tonight. I cant believe it... Im am currently online serching for a new Electric Company to go with. I wouldn't advise anyone to go with this company. They are unorganized and they have lead me on to believe that my service would be reconnected and it still isnt i had to bring my children and all of my food over to my sisters to keep from buying all new groceries...

Dallas, US
Sep 09, 2009 1:21 pm EDT

I also had a problem with TXU. I called because since I been with TXU, which is about 1 year and half, I have always paid my bills on time and in full. Well I recently moved into a house 4 months ago and have been receiving a bill and still been paying. I called this month to see how much my bill was going to be before I received it and it was 998.00. I was like where did this come from. Even if I tried my bill wouldnt be that high in one month. They told me that it was an error on their part because they hadnt billed me since I been in my house but was still billing me for when I stayed at my apartment. I found that to be very bad service because now I'm stuck with this high bill and I'm on a fixed income. All they said they could do was put me on payment plan for a year. I don't feel that was enough.

Kille, US
Aug 24, 2009 9:14 pm EDT

I called TXU because I had not received a July electricity bill. They told me that I had overpaid the month before and was actually due a credit for about $50.36 towards my August bill. I was a little weary so I looked online and that bill said the same thing. To be extra sure, I called again and talked to someone else and they said the same thing. I couldn't figure it out. Well, in August, I received a bill for $488.52, nearly double any bill I had paid in the past year. Then, two days later, I received an additional bill for another $397.64. According to TXU, they made a mistake and delayed billing for the month of July and I owed them 886.16 within one week. I was floored. I am an elementary school teacher. My power bill was more than my mortgage. Even though I had anticipated a discrepancy in the July billing and saved the money, I was not expecting nearly $900 in electric bills. I live in a modest 4 bedroom/2 bath single floor home(only 1700 sq ft). My bill was higher than my friends with 2500 square ft homes. And get this... No one was even in my house from 7am-8:30pm most of the month! As my students would say: TXU sucks!

6:17 pm EDT
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TXU Energy Retail Can't get them to come out!!!

Rcvd a notice from TXU about possibly saving money by replacing thermostats - called the number and was placed on a list for callback. one week I called 3 times and emailed (thru their website) 3 times that I would like to set up an appt for someone to come and give me an estimate for replacing the thermostats. I had to hang up on the last rep I spoke with because I did not understand what she was saying.

I'm going to shop around this weekend and get some prices and change providers; this company has gone from bad to worse in the 10 years I've known them.

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don won
Jul 14, 2010 11:59 am EDT

its works i guess ...but the internet feature that allows you to control your settings online never worked for me... well it did for about a week and i called 5 times to get someone to come out to fix it and never did and i have had mine for almost a year so other than that it works fine...

Plano, US
May 08, 2010 9:49 am EDT

Does it lower you bill? Sorry

Plano, US
May 08, 2010 9:49 am EDT

Did they finally do it> does it lower your will?

Richton Park , US
Aug 03, 2009 5:27 pm EDT

Why didn' t you just do it online? I got an online form that let me pick from 8-Noon or from Noon-5p.m. for them to come out. didn't even need to call a number...

10:39 pm EDT
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TXU Energy Retail Deposit Refund

On or about march of 09 I requested services w/ TXU Energy for add. 2714 NW 34th st to be connected by April the 3rd of 09. I was unable to move into this residence due to a foreclosure on this property. I then found another place of residence at 2800 Ennis Ave and, requested my services be transfered from NW 34th to Ennis Ave. Once again i was unable to move into this place of residence due to electrical issues that needed repairs in which the landlord refuse to have worked on. I then moved to WEATHERFORD TX to live w/ my brother Roy Bustos at 1130 A Jameson st. I never moved into either of the two add. mentioned in this complaint, I called TXU requesting my refund on my deposit be sent back to me in the amount of 150.00 dollars i was then told at thattime that it would take four to six weeks for me to recieve this payment . Only that it wouldnt be 150.00 dollars, that i had used 1 kilowatt an my refund was for the amount of 102.64 ( I NEVER MOVED INTO EITHER ADD. PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS USAGE ) Fine i told them just send me my refund . On May 25th of 09 still no check . I continued to wait threw all the runaround on June the 26th still no check i called them asked them to trace this check that they supposedly sent and issue me another one and stop giving me the runaround about my refound that i have already been scamed out of 47.36 just send me the remainder. I was then told that they would and i should be recieving it w/ in ten working days from the 26th of june here it is the 14th of July and TXU still REFUSES to send me the remainder of whats left of my deposit and TXU supervisors and agents continue to give me the runaround as of this date

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9:49 am EDT
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TXU Energy Retail TXU deliberatly cut off power in 105 degree weather without cause.

Unbelieveable. TXU Energy cut off our power in 105 degree weather for no reason. We had been traveling and we paid our bill 2 days past the billing due date. We have never been late. We paid long before any cut off date and only 2 days late of the due date on the bill. We called it into them. They took the payment removed the funds from our account then 3 days later cut off our power.

We called and ask them if they showed the payment. They said they did have the payment. We ask them why they did this. They told us we were being punished for paying late.

They refused to turn the power back on for 48 hours. We had to spend over 600 dollars for hotel room, boarding for our dog and had to throw out all items in the fridge and freezer. The temp in out house reached 96 degrees.

We are suing them under the DTPA rules and we are going to add a very large amount for the mental frustration.

This company SUCKS big time. They are what I consider low level terrorist and anyone that does any business with them is a fool. I refused to let them turn the power back on and went with Reliant Energy who was cheaper and better with customers.


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Plano, US
Feb 02, 2010 4:15 pm EST

This sounds a lot like what just happened to me!

12:07 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TXU Energy Retail incentives to not switch deceptive

June 2, 2009, I contacted TXU as I was preparing to switch to a provider with a lower rate of 10.5. At that time TX offered to lower my rate to 13.9 and waive the cancellation fee
provided I agreed to extend the length of my contract by two years. I agreed to those terms. They did not honor that agreement. They do NOT dispute the fact that
the spoke with me on June 2 and that the representative offered me those terms. Shelly, in the Corporate office of Priority Escalations(would not give me either a last name nor an extension)
stated that the representative was not authorized to offer me those terms. Shelly did locate the recording of the transaction. TXU is using VERY deceptive techniques to LURE their customers into NOT switching then NOT homoring the terms offered simply by stating that the representative was not authorized. In the meantime, I am forced to pay the higher rate for the previous month of June and until I am finally able to make the switch. I did switch today and filed a complaint with the PUC

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Temple, US
Oct 16, 2009 10:45 am EDT

You don't have to call TXU to switch your provider. Simply choose the one you'd like to switch to, and call them. They take care of everything. You never even have to talk to TXU (or whoever your current provider is). Nothing will change for you, except that your bill comes from a different company, and it will be for less money (in most cases). Atleast with Ambit Energy it will be. We offer competitive rates, travel reward points, and a FREE travel voucher (2 night hotel stay) just for trying our service. Plus, through our customer referral program you can earn FREE energy, not just one month, but every single month for as long as you are a customer (just by referring 15 people, one time). There is no cost to switch, so call me today @ [protected], or just go to: and sign up for service. We also have a fantastic business opportunity for those who would like to help people save money on their energy bills. You can see this presentation @

12:52 pm EDT
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TXU Energy Retail Power Outage from storm 26 hours ago

Storm caused power outage now 26 hours ago and counting. The power is still off to 5 houses on our street. I'm new in neighborhood however this happens every storm the last time they say no power for 2 days...
Not unacceptable especially when I call twice today and at 11:07 a.m. they still say they can't tell me when it may be all...why do they not fix the problem this is not satellite this is a/c, food in refrigerator is spoiling... on one side is an elderly couple... the other side of me is a lady in a their no justice this is not New York or the getto this is $100, 000.00 to $175, 000.00 Houses in an residential area this is wrong... if anyone has any suggestions on how to get the power on quicker or on please email me at [protected] I am speaking out for these 5 houses...We need our power we pay our bills and taxes this is not right...Thank you

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Irving, US
Jun 24, 2009 11:41 am EDT

The following is an exert of a letter that I emailed to TXU. I also live in Irving, and it took 2 and a half days to get my power restored. I got horrible service and no credit/compensations for losing 500 dollars in groceries and paying for A/C service when the power came back on.

On Wednesday, June 10, 2009, at app. 6pm, severe storms came through the DFW area, causing several power outages. My home in Yellowstone st, in Irving, TX was one of many homes without power. We did not gain power again until Friday afternoon. At that time, all the food in our refrigerator had spoiled, and we had to call an A/C repair man to replace a booster that had shorted out in our outside A/C unit.

I called TXU customer service to ask what kind of credit or compensations would be given based on the power outages. In our alley way, the trees had not been trimmed from the transformer, and it was the branches that broke from the storm that knocked out our power and transformer. I was told that although I had been a customer for seven years, and had previously not requested any credit or compensations for any reason, that I would not be eligible for credits because the outage was an "act of God". The care associate also cheerfully informed me that, " 'fortunately' your meter isn't running, so we're not charging you because you have no power now."

I'm supposed to grateful that my electric company is not billing me because I don't have power? I pay 13cents per KWH with no contract to TXU and have been a loyal TXU customer. I don't believe in paying 6 cents per, only to have the price shoot up with other companies. I do expect TXU to recognize loyal service, and perhaps not grant me a credit for the outage, but perhaps a goodwill adjustment.

I read the FAQ on what to do in power outages, and the outage surpassed the 48 hour marker to take all precautions for food within refrigerators. I lost almost 200$ in groceries that I had to replace because the outage lasted over 48 hours. I had to drive extra miles to take my children to cooler areas because we had no A/C after the outage was fixed. We are a single income family. In times of government bail outs and recession, it's not easy to replace groceries just purchased or pay 300 dollars to get your A/C fixed within the same month.

Even though TXU kindly didn't charge me because my meter wasn't running during the power outage, I will still pay the same amount as if it had continue to run, because my electricy in my A/C and refrigerator had to run twice as long and hard to get those appliances back to cooling efficiency.

12:45 am EDT
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TXU Energy Retail use of &non-green& plastic bags

A TXU Energy rep gave out free Longstar 60Hz CFL light bulbs at MinuteMaid park on Thursday night, June 4th along with a booklet listing energy-saving tips. My concern is with the way these gifts were packaged. Each single bulb in its cardboard container was handed out in a very large heavy plastic bag. A very "non-green" way to encourage us to improve our environment. Wouldn't a paper bag been a more appropriate conveyance for a booklet entitled "Energy Efficiency & Conservation".

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Overview of TXU Energy Retail complaint handling

TXU Energy Retail reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 16, 2006. The latest review High billing was posted on Dec 22, 2023. The latest complaint txu a/c heat protection was resolved on Mar 23, 2018. TXU Energy Retail has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 110 reviews. TXU Energy Retail has resolved 63 complaints.
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