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CB Travel and Vacations Extended Stay America 3421 E Elwood St, Phoenix, AZ, 85040, US
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Extended Stay America
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Extended Stay America

3421 E Elwood St, Phoenix, AZ, 85040, US
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1:23 am EST
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Extended Stay America - Do not rent

On 12.27.2022 after booking through Agoda at an extended stay in Phoenix upon arriving I was informed I was placed on a do not rent list. I never had any situations arise that would warrant being put on a do not rent list. However a few weeks prior to that the manager had become very rude and tried to charge us $200 for the service animal. After stating that it was a service animal and that I was told that they did not need to see the certificate the night before. I offered to show her certificate but she refused. After she called me sir and I asked her not to call me that as it was disingenuine she got louder with me. I told her that she was discriminating against the service animal that was against the law. But she wanted to argue her point. And we left after that. Did not create any scene did not yell do not become belligerent or disrespectful. Simply held my ground which is my right by law. On the 29th of December 2022 I had again rented at a different extended stay through agoda. Upon arrival I was shocked to find out I was on the do not rent list. I did not understand that do not rent list meant the entire state or possibly the entire corporation. This extended Stay I also too had never had any issues with anyone. I'd originally stayed there because US Vets had put me in there. And I very much liked the staff. This very much upset me as currently I do not have a place of residence and I am a veteran. And so when I pay money that is hard to come by I expect to have. This put us in a very bad situation. any attempts to find out why I was put on the do not rent list have been thwarted. And no one has been forthright. I do not know what outcome I want. This is already out of our hands. And is being investigated. However an apology will not suffice as we have suffered from not only discrimination but being treated rather cruelly and poorly at various extended stays throughout phoenix. We even had a manager enter our room one time after we had paid for another day. We were sleeping and the manager entered the room because I had not gone downstairs to rekey the keys. Wanting to comply and not cause a scene I went with her. At which point she told me that we needed to pack our things and leave. This was after we had paid for another day. At another time we were forcibly removed because we were not paying by 11:00 even though we were paying it wasn't done by 11:00 which by the law there is nothing that states that it has to be paid by 11:00 as long as it's paid that day. And we had been at that place for 5 weeks which would have put us at a tenant landlord law not hotel laws. Nevertheless those laws were violated and broken by the again manager. I was charged for a stay that I never was supposed to be charged and I was supposed to be compensated and repaid for that but I never was as well. So I think at this point compensation is what would suffice. An apology will not do.

Desired outcome: Compensation

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Update by Shinobu
Nov 09, 2023 4:32 pm EST

Knowing the laws and how they apply would save both the hotels and guest unnecessary trouble and possible litigation lawsuits and breaking the law of firing of employees and whatnot. But don't expect that the staff there will be cooperative if you quote the law because again they don't know the laws themselves and they have no real official experience in managerial for most of them is their first time ever being in that type of position and it really honestly goes to their head because I think they have some sort of power you know they totally abuse it because they're irresponsible but they don't have any real power at all the power is knowing the laws. And how they apply to you. For example if you stay at a hotel longer than 4 weeks you go from under the transient lodging laws to the landlord tenant laws so therefore things like entering your space doesn't apply the price you pay changes the set of laws is completely different a lot of hotels don't want to tell you that they might know that but they're not going to say anything to you and that might be the only thing they know about the law. Because the state of hotel and have them try to charge you for a service animal which is against the law because they fall into the American disabilities act and when you're telling the person this they're trying to argue with you about it they even challenge you to make a report and when you ask them are you sure they say yes. And then you make the report and then a few weeks later they're getting hit and then they're like oh they were serious. people should not be in those positions unless they have any official training at all if you've never been a manager for say a fast food restaurant or you know I don't know the bush of Alaska where you work with eskimos so you know people well and have a lot of experience with people should not be in those positions because the law states that they are supposed to remain calm objective and and diffuse situations these hotel staff did nothing but antagonize the situation that's what the law states so again recommendation is know your loss so you know you're right and don't expect them to agree with you but at least you'll know them so you know how to file and if need be file lawsuits.

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Katherine guardarrama
Jul 20, 2023 3:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was placed on the do not rent list after my boyfriend got into it with the manager while I was off property..I wasn’t informed. Now I’m seeking to book and have been rejected at every property. What can I do

Author of the review
Phoenix, US
Nov 09, 2023 4:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Office of the attorney general. Here's the thing. Is know your laws when it comes to the transient lodging laws here in the state of arizona. It's not referred to as lodging in that sense it's Transit lodging knowing the laws will really help you they cannot put you in a do not rent list unless you've done something that was a violation of you know of policy of some kind like you know you may threats to the staff or you were you know a threatful to the to any guests and whatnot you damage the place things like that of a serious nature any type of drug activity and whatnot. The thing is that there's not a lot of policing when it comes to the hotel industries here in Arizona so these people are kind of left to their own devices. In addition these managers and whatnot don't have any official training as far as handling customers customer relations and whatnot. They are basically hired from within without any official training. Which makes them ineffective because they don't know people. They shouldn't be in managerial positions as far as I'm concerned. Without going through at least a two-week course on managerial skills and people skills and conflict resolution. Furthermore this policy they have of you have to pay before 11:00 or check out at 11:00 that's a personal hotel policy the law does not state that the law states that as long as you pay within that 24-hour period they cannot evict you. Furthermore the police cannot have you move they cannot make you move because even if you were squatting in there and hadn't paid it is a civil matter not a criminal matter so the police can't make you do anything. Only a judge can have you removed. My experience with the hotels here in Arizona has been absolute nightmare. And has bittered me and soured me. I stayed at places like The Phoenician in high-end places. I wasn't accustomed to stay at these low and dirty little places. Where staff enters your room when you're asleep just because you hadn't gone downstairs to re-key your keys even though you had paid. And after you paid because you did not rekey your keys they're telling you you have to go. That's the kind of crap that they pulled at extended stay and worse.

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