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CB Automotive Fueling and Charging Casey's 219 S Grand Ave, Lyons, KS, 67554, US
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219 S Grand Ave, Lyons, KS, 67554, US
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1 complaint
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2:05 am EST

Casey's - area supervisor

The new area supervisor at caseys general store 1890 is being unethical. She is very rude to the employees and even to the management team of the store. Half of the employees have either put their two weeks notice in or they have simply walked out because of the way that tiffany chooses to address things. She degrades the employees and talks about the employees to other employees of the store not the management team like she is required to do. I believe that tiffany like sadie needs to lose her job she isnt the type of person who is corporate matieral nor a store supervisor. I had to inform her about state issued tribal ids being a type of government id and has to be accepted as such. I mean if she doesnt know that she shouldn't be supervising anyone let alone corporate. She didnt even know half the policies at all and barely knew parts of the ones she claimed to know

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