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CB Furniture Stores Rent-A-Center 9610 17th Ave SW, Seattle, WA, 98106, US
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Rent-A-Center company logo


9610 17th Ave SW, Seattle, WA, 98106, US
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1 complaint
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10:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
1:38 pm EST
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Rent-A-Center - vehicle damaged by rent-a-center driver

On 10/15/15 I was returning home from an appointment in downtown Seattle. As I was driving north on Western Avenue, A Rent-A-Center box truck traveling north also, passed me on the left, striking my driver's mirror, pushing it forward. The driver stopped a few feet ahead, I asked him to pull over as he had struck my vehicle. He did so, acknowledging he had hit the mirror causing what appeared to be minor damage. He contacted his store manager, relayed he had hit my mirror with his passenger side mirror and facetimed the damage to his manager. The driver provided the company insurance card (which was expired) and provided a number to call his store. The police were not called as there were no injuries, the damage appeared to be minor and the mirror was able to electronically return to the proper setting. I contacted Rent-A-Center the following day and was unable to speak to the manager as he was "out". The following week my husband and I attended our son's wedding and left town for a prescheduled work assignment. During that time, my husband returned for a brief assignment in Seattle and was able to obtain an estimate for repairs to the mirror. As it turns out, my late model F150 HD edition truck's mirror cannot be repaired, it must be replaced. I once again contacted Rent-A-Center and asked for a fax number to which I could fax the estimate. The estimate was faxed, I asked for a return call as I wanted to schedule the repair upon my return to Seattle. No call was returned. I called Rent-A-Center inquiring as to receipt of the estimate and was told it was received, they didn't contact me as they did not have my number. I provided my number again and re-sent the fax, which did indeed have my telephone number listed. When I called on November 20th, I was given an adjusters name and phone number. I contacted the adjuster who asked a minimum number of questions and told me my description of the incident did not correspond with the Rent-A-Center driver's version. She refused to provide me with any details though she said she would contact the driver and clarify. When she returned my call, she stated my claim was being denied. I stated that was ridiculous as the driver immediately pulled over, admitted to damaging my vehicle, apologized for damaging my vehicle, provided his company's insurance information, contacted his store manager and began the call with "I just hit this lady's mirror". The adjuster said he did not say that and that an apology is not an admission of guilt. I explained he apologized after admitting he struck my vehicle. My last statement to him was "We are clear on who is at fault and we do not need to contact the police, right?" He stated, "Yes, I caused the damage". I said fine, I'll contact your manager tomorrow. I believe the problem arose once the amount of damage was provided to Rent-A-Center. The driver had immediately assumed responsibility, his manager provided information for faxing the estimate. Once the estimate was received then the driver's story changed. My insurance company is unable to do anything as it is his word against mine. As I chose to believe the driver's acknowledgement of responsibility and did not feel the need to contact the police at rush hour over this incident. Though I am certain there were witnesses, the damage appeared to be minor and only involved our two vehicles which did not impede traffic. A accident report has been filed this incident. I want my vehicle repaired, a Rent-A-Center employee was responsible and admitted such. Rent-A-Center's insurance is the responsible payee. Multiple calls were made to Rent-A-Center, not one phone call was returned to me. I'm uncertain as to how or why the employee was persuaded to change his story, I believe it has to do with the fact that an insurance claim must be filed. Had I called the police and waited, Rent-A-Center would have received a ticket for the expired insurance card, of which I have a picture.

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