Dear Yahoo,
Thank you for your service although I am dismayed at the news articles that are negative and disrespectful of President Trump that appear when I open my Yahoo page. I will continue to ignore them or change my page to something else. You would be well served to be more politically fair and present fact, not attitude and bias.
Best regards,
+D. Tufaro
Politically fair? As he screwed tens of thousands of Americans out of health care? Do you think Jesus would have denied health care to needy Americans? Yahoo doesn't care, America doesn't care and you're a hypocrite.
And you call yourself a man of god. How could you support a fake christian like trump. Do you treat your wife or sisters like trump treats women? How about your parishioners? Do you grab them by the pu$$y?
Anita shame on you! Mr trump is a lot smarter than you that is why he is president. The good reverend does not deserve abuse. I am a woman and a Canadian at that. Be glad your living in the USA and being kept safe from Muslim extremist. Yes I find it appalling how negative the news is on Mr Teump. He deserves respects he cares about the Americans.
Are you really that naive? You don't live here, so you really don't have any room to say a damn thing.
Trump cares about no one but himself. He's been in the public eye for 30 years, and he's been a despicable human being for all those years I have seen him. Do you know why everything is negative, because there is nothing positive to report. Since you're so intelligent, tell me his successes. And before you say business, ripping people off and then claiming bankruptcy is not being a business success.
And good reverend?
I don't know any "good reverends" who have been charged with harassment. So I guess it makes sense he supports trump
Well gosh Anita, Obama screwed me out of affordable health insurance so I can pay for everybody else's. Now I can't afford to get my own medical treatment. It was a $25.00 co pay for everything and then Obamacare kicked in and my insurance went to a $2000 deductible and 20 % back bill. I'd be willing to donate what I can afford to help people with their medical treatment but don't make it mandatory so I now I am screwed. If you want to help everybody else then you take my share so I can have my surgery.
Still waiting to hear of Trump's successes. Don't blame Obama, he's not president anymore Benito Cheeto is supposed to fix everything...and has fixed nothing.
Good reverend? No comment?
Darlene, not going to defend the good reverend anymore? Maybe you'd like him to abuse you too?