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California Recovery Systems, Inc.

California Recovery Systems, Inc. review: Threatening, verbal abuse 6

Author of the review
11:49 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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On May 1, 2009 I was contacted via telephone by Maia Lampkin from California Recovery Systems, Inc. She stated I owed a balance on a MasterCard credit card from the year 2000. I told Maia I did not remember having a MasterCard in 2000. We talked and I agreed to make payment arrangements. I told her I was laid off and my husband is a teacher and does not get paid during the summer and any payments would have to made after my husband started back to school in September. I agreed to pay $50.00 per month in the beginning, starting in September, and after a few months I would be able to pay $100.00 per month. I asked Maia to send me an email with a letter saying I owe the debt and her contact information. I explained that I had been a victim of fraud and I had no idea who she was. I also asked her to mail me a letter to my home. Maia did send me an email; however I did not receive a letter in the mail. On 9/02/2009 I received a call from Kelly from California Recovery Systems, Inc. Again, I told Kelly I did not remember having a MasterCard in 2000 but I would make arrangements to pay the bill as I had done with Maia. I explained to Kelly I was laid off and about my husband being a teacher. I told Kelly I could pay $25.00 per month and that is when she became very nasty. She stated she would not accept $25.00 per month and why did I not pay the $100.00 I agreed to in May. The tone in her voice was belittling and she was yelling. I told her I did not like her attitude. She stated she did not like my attitude and said "why don't you just pay your bill lady". I said to her, if I do owe this money do I owe it to her personally. She stated "It doesn't matter who you owe the money to. Just pay your bill lady. You are the reason the country is in the shape that it is in." I really got made at this point and told her to just keep talking because I was writing everything down. I told her she was not following the fair credit and collections practices act of 1978. Kelly stated "its 2009 lady, just pay your bill." She further said, "I will go after your husband's wages". I told her my husband and I were not married in 2000. She stated, "It does not matter, I will do it anyway." I asked for her name and Kelly said, “you should have written it down when I first called”. I told her to just keep talking because I was going to report her to Tallahassee. Kelly got mad, I guess, and hung up. I will be happy to pay this bill if I owe this bill. Apparently I do owe the money because they have my maiden name and contact information. I have had the same telephone number for 9 years. I will be happy to make arrangements with them but I will not be spoken to like I am a criminal or a dead beat. Kelly had no right to tell me I was the reason the country is in the shape that it is in and she had no right to threaten to take my husband's wages. She does not know my husband's name or where he works and my husband and I were married in 2001. We were not married and did not live together at any point prior to 2001. My husband did not sign anything. Again, I will be happy to pay this bill but I can pay as much as I can pay, not what they want me to pay and I will not put up with their indignant threats and poor attitudes.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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browsing user
sacremento, US
Mar 31, 2010 2:54 pm EDT

I do believe that after a debt has been on your credit report for 7 years it is considered null and void. check into that.

Apr 01, 2010 3:01 pm EDT

Also, they have to validate the debt in writing and you can send them a request for all written and signed documents relating to this debt. However once you make a payment, you are admitting that you DO indeed owe the debt and the full amount that they are claiming so I would not sign anything, and now their new thing is to get your account information so they can debit your account anything they want. There are a lot of free debt attorneys out there that help stop the credit harrasment, soon they will start calling everyone you know and harrasing them as well, you need to send them a cease and desist letter that states to only contact you in writing, and if they do call again, try to have a recorder near by to record the conversation.

misc person
Apr 09, 2010 5:28 pm EDT

People should be aware that this company regularly files personal information such as social security numbers, birthdates, and other information as public record when they file suit. They have no limit to what they will do, and no respect for the laws governing collections. If you are contacted by them, call a lawyer at once, preferably someone like Fred Schwinn, who specializes in dealing with dishonest collectors like this.

Derek D
Salem, US
Dec 10, 2010 7:29 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is funny about there practices. I actually just paid a bill off with them but they overcharged me. They actually charged me twice and I immediately contacted them to be reimbursed. For two weeks now, I have been on the phone with them and sent 4 faxes to them showing them the charges. They have hung up on me several times and also promised to debit me back the money that was overcharged. Today was the last straw. The "CEO" came on the phone and told me to just be patient and hung up on me again. Hmmmmmm...I hope they take a look at this situation and turn it around when they are trying to collect. I have been patient and understanding this entire time but THEY have been giving me the run-around. Funny how things work when the shoe is on the other foot.

Lewisville, US
Feb 01, 2011 10:13 pm EST

Hey Derek... do you have the fax number?

Derek D
Salem, US
Mar 30, 2011 5:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please contact a lawyer if you are dealing with these people. I did it it helped!