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InvestorsHub Complaints 16

12:12 am EDT
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Why is my message deleted? JB, You should take the blinders off to see where we are headed. You're focus is obviously on the economics of Plug and not the application of this crucial technology. You claim to be an environmentalist while sailing around in your pleasure boat oblivious to the damage it is doing to the environment. It seems your blinded...

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4:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

InvestorsHub AABB Posts

Everytime I try to post an article like this it was literally removed 5 times today. I will call the SEC as I have friends that worked their both legal and accounting. Its incredibly obvious shareholders are at a big disadvantage. If I dont get a response within a week, I will have counsel with my contacts.

Desired outcome: Fire and get rid of moderators Gitreal Huggy and all the people that hold no shares but talk trash on the company ..I would expect your company to apply great standards of regulation.

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12:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

InvestorsHub Company needs to be shut down

I'm coming for you personally you scamming scumbag criminals.

Desired outcome: scammers end up in a volcano

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12:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

InvestorsHub Free stock comment board abuse by administrator

First let me say I understand the rules of the boards because a few of my posts over the last 12 years have been deleted because they infringed on the rules. That is not the issue. The issue is the abuse of administrator/ authority on I HUB free boards. I'm sure the I HUB free boards provide customers for your paid for services and courses, etc. Specifically, I posted a message on the spyr board addressing the inaccuracy of a post regarding the volume of spyr. That is the function of these so called message boards, information. Sometime ago a person named Televet posted his opinion regarding the volume of a stock called SPYR. I posted an answer to his post using data, demonstrating his position wasn't realistic or supported. This obviously hurt televet's ego. My post was deleted. Guess by who. You got it. Televet, who is a large share holder, which he freely admits and at the same time is a moderator/administrator. He is a cheerleader for the issues he owns and deletes negative input. I'm sure he does this on all boards he's involved with. It's unethical, immoral and crooked. He's using your boards to cheerlead/support his bad investments through bad info. If there's no fairness there's no valid info therefore, your boards have no credibility. Maybe you don't care.
Finally, I started working on Wall Street in the mid 60s eventually running trading departments, trading equities and debt. I have a masters in economics in addition to a CFA. So I have a pretty good grounding in my knowledge of markets, trading and mechanisms for trading. Televet presents himself as an expert and does no one justice. Can this hurt the greater I HUB?

Desired outcome: that's up to you

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2:44 pm EDT
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InvestorsHub Receiving filthy messages on investorhub

This is my fourth try to get this resolved...
John and Linda Balser

21 May 2021, 17:40 BST

I filed two complaints with investorhub and go no results. I am receiving filthy emails from a moderator of the stock AGYP. His name is PEPEOIL. I call our customer service and they told me to send copies of these messages to you. I should not have to deal with this filth when I am on the web ste. Something has to be done about it. You guys are the only ones who can fix this problem. My name on investorhub is JOHNNIEBG

Messages received from PEPEOIL

You are one dumb mother [censored]er and cant pepeoil 05/20/2021 04:12:07 PM
What happened? Did you go piss pepeoil 05/20/2021 07:01:17 AM
are you stupid? Quit posting off topic junk pepeoil 05/18/2021 11:43:58 AM
Dont be a [censored] pepeoil 05/18/2021 11:27:12 AM
What a [censored]ing pussy pepeoil
5/18/2021 11:15:31 AM

Messages back for IHADMI
IH Admin [Tisha] Member Level
Friday, May 21, 2021 11:40:17 AM
Site Admins generally get involved in private messages only when they contain threats of physical violence, spam or extreme vulgarity that is tortuous or sexually-explicit. If you have received a PM like this, then please send a copy/paste of the message to us as we cannot see PM's even when a link is sent.

Otherwise, if you are getting unwelcome Private Messages, click on the link at the bottom of the PM that says "Block User's Private Messages". If you are using the iHub mobile app, you can go to the sender's profile and click on Ignore at the bottom of the screen. That can also be done on the iHub website.

IH Admin [Tisha] Member Level
Friday, May 21, 2021 12:00:30 PM
Since Privates Messages by their very nature are private, administrative intervention is kept to a minimum. Admins get involved in PMs if they are extremely vulgar of a tortuous or sexually-explicit nature, or contain threats of physical violence against the recipient. If you are getting unwelcome private messages you have the option of blocking them. At the bottom of the PM, click on the link that says "Block User's Private Messages".

Desired outcome: Require moderator to stop sending filthy messages to users. I am not the only one he has done this to.

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12:36 pm EDT

InvestorsHub Boards

The boards are so corrupt. The moderators allow outright lies about a stock to be posted and delete honest replies. This allows for stock price manipulation by day traders. In fact many of the moderators are the worst offenders. They also allow racist post by members and the moderators. Since this is otc the sec does not get involved. Very corrupt way of doing business.

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4:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

InvestorsHub constant personal attacks against wnbd ceo allowed by 2 moderators and 2 ih admin.

Please remove the 2 moderators on WNBD board who consistantly bash the company and make personal attacks against Eric, the CEO.
They also pin post that should not be pinned. 2 IH Admin. wink and tolerate the moderator's Biased behavior.

Here is one quote by first moderator Dennisb68
"The only thing Eric has been good at is deceiving shareholders as he has taken company debt and transferred it t0 the back of shareholders with dilution and Reverse Splits that destroyed the value of their shares."

Many Companies issue shares to raise capital and convert debt.
To accuse Eric, CEO of be deceptive is a personal attack of the man.

The other Moderator who is constantly bashing WNBD and making personal attacks against the CEO is InvestorsHub moderator name: doogdilinger.

Here are 2 IH Admin who consistantly allow constant bashing and personal attacks against WNBD and the Ceo.
IH Admin [Tisha]
IH Admin [Macy]

Please clean the WNBD message board up so investors and potential investor can visit without being subjected to the constant allowing of bashing post by moderators.

I have been an avid fan & user of InvestorsHub since Feb2006 and I hope to continue that for a long time. Thank you for your honest efforts in keeping a nice message board site
Rookieman1 : InvestorsHub UserName

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7:22 am EDT

InvestorsHub amlh board

Mods on this board are purposely saying nasty negative things trying to get the price lower which is illegal. They remove alot of positive information. Will not sticky up coming events or announcements from the company. SEC should be notified. THall, samiamsamiam, to name 2 mods specifically. All the boards they moderator are the same price manipulation.

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9:50 pm EDT

InvestorsHub Manipulation of Stock and Company Information

I joined Investors Hub hoping that I could get some good honest discussion about stocks and companies. I was shocked to find out that the Ihub moderators kept removing my posts.

I posted several times, correcting numerous pieces of false information about a stock and company. My posts were removed by the Ihub "moderator", it only took him seconds to remove anything that contradicted his false information. When I asked the Administrator why so many of my posts were removed, they claimed I violated "the rules' but could not explain how. In one of my posts I asked the poster of the false info why they posted that info. I was told by Ihub Administrator I was not permitted to ask why. Asking "why" was against the rules.
When I asked for further explanations of the rules Ihub couldn't give me any, and claimed I was "hassling" them by asking for explanation and telling them I did not understand their arbitrary and whimisical way of removing any posts they wanted to remove. They said they would not allow me to post there any more.. Any challenge to what they are doing gets squashed! I think Ihub is clearly being run by stock manipulators who control whatever gets posted by removing anything they don't want seen, especially if it is factual info that can be proven.

I found my experience at Ihub to be actually so repressive it was scary. I have participated on message boards for 25 years, but this one is one to run away from! PLEASE get the SEC to investigate Ihub it should be shut down. It is not at all what it claims to be. They are affecting the stock market and people's investments yet they seem to only give their blessing to those who post false info.

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Imaging3 Inc
Nov 18, 2015 3:18 pm EST

Investors Hub is nothing more than a outlet for haters, liars, and parasites that follow the crap on the site. Do not believe anything you read on the site a the moderators can delete a post of anyone that does not agree with them. By the way the moderators are people that posted 4 times on a particular board and then asked Investor hub to make the God of the Board and company they are trying to manipulate. Pretty sad that I-Hub looks at this as a solid governing policy.

Avoid this site like the plague!

6:24 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

InvestorsHub Personal agenda

IHub will delete any of a members post regardless if it is a TOS violation or not if it is in THEIR best interest. IHub has persistently broken their own rules and regulations throughout almost every single stock and personal board on their website. If you want a fair and unbiased message board for stocks...STAY AWAY FROM IHUB...especially the paid services.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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8:26 am EST
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InvestorsHub Fraud & Abuse & Libel

Alert - Stop Now InvestorsHub iHub Fraud !

By iHub Petition 1500 Signed- Supporters Needed To Close It Down.
Sign Here Now !

For The Good & Real Investing We Need !

SEC Certified iHub Criminals :
Latest Court Rouling Against iHub Criminals : **
One Of More Court Actions Against iHub Criminals :
And Etc. By iHub Criminals : /link removed/

PS : After Sign, Copy & Repost, PMs, Email Everywhere To Spread !

( At Copy before Reposting, the 2 Links with ** may need to be new
inserted by Links taken new from Opened Pages to be Activ to use.
Spread mainly outside of this Forum at Google, Yahoo, Twitter,
Facebook, YouToube, Bloomberg, CNN, Etc. to be effective. )


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2:00 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

InvestorsHub Message board censoring

So many of the message boards I try to post relevant information on get deleted. Suspended posting priviledges and banning me even if I use different aliases. Only way around it is to use vpn's virtual private networks but it seems pointless when anything pertaining to the stock I post on is removed. Yet a certain one on an AMBS board called "Desolation Row" is allowed to constantly defame the CEO endlessly and repetitively. Can someone not do something with these idiots? I filed a complaint to the SEC and they have done nothing. I would like this site shut down permanently and the admins and mods jailed..but it seems according to complaints that have been going on for years that nothing is being done...

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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5:25 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

InvestorsHub Bias Management

People beware, the management and administrators (commonly known as admins) of ihub are very biased. They pick and choose what they consider a violation of their "TOS" based soley on if you are a paying customer or not. I have personally seen posts removed by free members for violations of ihubs "TOS" and have seen paid members posts, even though they are also clear violations of ihubs "TOS", get left standing. A personal aquatince of mine even received a degrading message that was sexual by nature from a paying ihub member and even though this was reported to ihub admins, they did absolutely nothing about it. It strongly appears that ihub promotes that kind of abuse as well as allowing certain ihub members to manipulate stock prices. Does anybody know where ihub can be reported or if there is any pending legal suits against ihub that information can be turned over to?

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9:22 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

InvestorsHub bias

Investors Hub is the biggest fraud going on today. Do not give them a penny. Two employees there Shelly and geek(Dave) are rude and stole my money. I will be sueing them next month. BTW this will not be the first time they have been sued and LOST. Biggest bunch of loser on the internet. BEWARE and stay away from this company

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Jun 10, 2008 8:35 am EDT

I signed up for a one month membership with Investors hub, a NON renewing membership. Guess what? They made it an automatically renewing membership. When I complained about this to them they replied "We would never do that." Outright lie, right there. Don't buy a membership with them! They ruined their own website by now doing L2 "in house". I get frequent "application error" pages by doing nothing more than clicking on a ticker symbol. Stay away. Do not give them your money! They are pathetic. They made changes to their website without bothering to explain anything to anyone, pathetic.

2:34 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

InvestorsHub Scam

This group knows what they are doing. In many cases the public does not. They are masquerading as a forum. Which is a place to share information, opposing opinions etc. With the amount of traffic they get, they COULD be in a great position to provide truth.

Anyway, it is very clear that they are taking money from pinksheet companies to help bolster the share prices. They employ cheerleaders to post ridiculous claims and price targets. They delete posts from people with valid questions and points. They use the "ibox" as a way of broadcasting hollow claims of value (dd) on selected companies. The list really does go on and on.

I think it is very clear that this site is using their traffic to promote selected stocks with falsified information. The only logical reason is a partnership or contract with those companies.

I can't provide much proof here, but I would advise that you read the posts there with extreme skepticism.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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May 15, 2011 9:32 am EDT

I just got off the phone with InvestorsHub.advfn and here's how it went:

I called to cancel my 'membership' as I haven't even logged in in over 3 months. I had a monthly package at $16.95 and a quarterly package at $25.95. Total waste of money, I know. When I spoke with Ihub rep, I explained I wanted to cancel my membership and my credit card not be 'charged' any longer.

Ihub is 'slimey' as you must be very thorough and ask many questions or you just may find they continue to charge you. In my case after this rep looked up my account info, pausing as puching his keyboard, then stated "your membership has been cancelled, you should be all set, is there anything else?" I said "All set, huh? Is there anything left that may charge my credit card?" He says, -pause- "well yes, there's the quarterly package of $25.95"

Wow! Now I'm furious, I said "look, take anything and everything that may or may not charge my card and delete it! I don't want my credit card charged any more by Ihub." He said ok, but...your subscription ends May 7th (today is April 27th, 2011) and ADVFN's 'policy' is that they require a 30 day cancellation notice, which basically means...ADVFN will charge me an ADDITIONAL month (from May 7th to April 7th) to satisfy their freakin 'policy'.

Sorry folks, this is simple EXTORTION, even when I explained to this 'dirt-bag' company's 'rep' that I've been paying for months without using it, he didn't give 2 [censored]s about nothing other than 'soaking' a consumer for all it's worth. If you know of anyone thinking about 'signing up' for this 'scam', please give them a 'heads-up' and make sure they ask tons of questions.

InvestorsHub.ADVFN is CRAP and nothing more, soakers, extortionists imo...and nothing more. Good luck all.

10:32 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

InvestorsHub Scam and cheating!

From my observation, and in my opinion, Investors Hub has created a perfect venue for the free and open operation of criminal stock manipulators who seek to swindle independent low-price stock investors out of their money. Investors Hub (or IHub, as it's called) allows organized groups to take over individual stock forums or message boards. They become forum 'moderators' with the unique ability to delete the posts of others. These groups then act as an organized conspiracy to push forward a single agenda designed to promote the stock, with the intent to get people to buy shares and cause the price to move in the direction they want. This process is generally referred to as a 'Pump & Dump' scheme. As the stock price moves to an extreme level, this 'group' then cranks up the volume and increases the intensity, further touting the finer points with a relentless stream of exaggerations and distortions and outright lies; that is called 'The Pump'. While they are doing this they quietly sell out their own shares and take their profit; that is called 'The Dump'. Selling their while urging others to buy more shares is highly dishonest, unethical, and immoral!

To some observers this activity can be very clearly seen. And if they try to counter-balance this activity by posting messages of comment or asking questions for verification of dubious claims, they are immediately disparaged, insulted, attacked, or falsely accused of wrong doing in order to undermine their credibility. In this way this treacherous fraud is allowed to continue and flourish. If they should persist and further complain or otherwise resist these attacks their posts are then deleted, one after another, under the ruse of being 'off topic', or several other feeble and superficial excuses. And complaining to the web site management does nothing more that cause them to further facilitate this fraud by actually censuring or banning the complainants. And ultimately banning them from the very forums where the activity is happening. In this way the complainers are silenced while the success of the perpetrators is guaranteed.

The interesting point of all of this is that these stock manipulators are invariably fee-paying members of the site. So IHub collects fees from this ongoing 'alleged' criminal activity. This must be why IHub management has not taken any action except to move to protect and facilitate this process. I maintain that these, so called, 'membership fees' are little more than veiled bribes to protect wrong doers, who are making substantial profit from this, while most shareholders suffer major losses. And this process repeats endlessly on many forums unrestrained 24/7/365. When the situation is viewed in its entirety, it can only be understood as a well-organized conspiracy to defraud the public, while operating in open view, under the protection of the IHub organization. This is organized crime.

Unfortunately, complaining to the authorities (SEC) does little good, as the standard response is that it is all the investor's fault for being involved in such low quality stocks. Caveat Emptor!

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Jul 14, 2024 2:05 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My full name and contact info was posted on their site by an individual. I have asked them to take the post down repeatedly and they have denied. This is a violation of my safety and privacy and I am now contacting my attorney and filing a formal complaint with the courts.

Sal Cal
Jun 03, 2022 8:58 am EDT

Investorshub - I cant seem to post anything that doesn't get deleted these days! I guess it's a sin to say the board was full of bashers! I then received an email for that one simple statement threatening me to be banned! LOL are these people real ? or are they part of a scam themselves.

David Kirby
Jan 06, 2022 8:52 pm EST

Here is an example of a off topic post that was deleted. I believe that I was talking about a stock on a stock message board. What was off topic?

Post Date: 1/4/2022 3:14:10 PM in reply to [protected] by Board: Glucose Health Inc.Reason: Off-Topic Funny that you keep coming up with different excuses for over 4 years. And I have plenty of screen shots if you would like to see. Very good examples just happen. Stock just went to 1.87. It was there for about 3 minutes until someone put in a ask price for 5600 shares for 1.85. I would be willing to bet that this is the same group that does this every day. Dropping the price immediately. This has gone on for years. And the people that sold for a lost did it last week. Why do you pretend this isn't happening? Are saying that I'm just making this up? And no I don't believe that the company is doing it but a bet you that they know who. For this being a company for over 14 years they should be much further than they are. Or are you going to blame covid for that?

David Kirby
Jan 06, 2022 8:12 pm EST

Has anyone considered a class action lawsuit? I really believe that IHUB uses their services to let companies to cover up their stock menepulation by deleting anyone's posts that questions it. Have seen this for 5 years. My post get deleted just moments after posting. Almost as fast as I post. I have many screen shots of this behavior.

San Antonio, US
Jun 24, 2021 2:59 pm EDT

Prisoner of ZIP-addendum
2 weeks from nowhere

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2 weeks from nowhere
Post by 8thaero » Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:04 pm

You have already reached the 1 post per day limit that Admin has placed on you for this board.

This ban is set to expire: Indefinite

("Indefinite" means "until we have reason to believe you will post in compliance with the iHub's rules.")

You can see your recent deletions at Settings/My Removed Posts.

In order to have a restriction lifted you need to post for two weeks without violating the site rules. This will show that you understand the rules and are willing to abide by them. Admins generally will not consider requests to remove bans unless you have been actively posting using your allowed posts and doing so without violating the site rules. Afterward, send a PM to iHub Admin asking to review releasing the restriction.
Eligibility for Review of Limited Ban
Days Since Restricted 1245 days
Posts Since Restriction 866
Posts Removed Since Restriction 354
Recent Posts 0
Recent Removals 0

More information regarding the rules and your available recourse can be found here.

Every 2.45 posts removed since restricted . Now Is 3.41 years and the CO keeps upping the missions to go home. Catch ihub. At least they gave Yossarian a medal.

San Antonio, US
Jun 24, 2021 2:58 pm EDT

Prisoner of Zip-addendum

2 weeks from nowhere

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Posts: 6050
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Location: San Antonio TX
Contact: Contact 8thaero
2 weeks from nowhere
Post by 8thaero » Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:04 pm

You have already reached the 1 post per day limit that Admin has placed on you for this board.

This ban is set to expire: Indefinite

("Indefinite" means "until we have reason to believe you will post in compliance with the iHub's rules.")

You can see your recent deletions at Settings/My Removed Posts.

In order to have a restriction lifted you need to post for two weeks without violating the site rules. This will show that you understand the rules and are willing to abide by them. Admins generally will not consider requests to remove bans unless you have been actively posting using your allowed posts and doing so without violating the site rules. Afterward, send a PM to iHub Admin asking to review releasing the restriction.
Eligibility for Review of Limited Ban
Days Since Restricted 1245 days
Posts Since Restriction 866
Posts Removed Since Restriction 354
Recent Posts 0
Recent Removals 0

More information regarding the rules and your available recourse can be found here.

Every 2.45 posts removed since restricted . Now Is 3.41 years and the CO keeps upping the missions to go home. Catch ihub. At least they gave Yossarian a medal.

Aug 10, 2020 12:39 am EDT

GITREAL, CHSMOKE, and many others. I have been doing a little investigating, and these are quite busy "moderating" stock boards. I have suffered the censorship, and witnessed their efforts to destroy a stock that has been so shorted that many big players stand to lose alot whern the stock finally takes off. IHump is screwing people, and getting paid by these criminal orgs. It will be greaty to see them on the list with the other big tech platforms that are now in the crosshairs of the Feds.

Jan 17, 2018 8:41 am EST

Thanks to Valerie, et al.
An excellent discussion of what takes place in these forums. I am just glad they exist. I enjoyed reading and gaining from the insights. Thanks all!

Matt brown
May 10, 2011 3:43 pm EDT

Investors hub.Com Investorshub Matt Brown sells personal credit card info and runs spam e mail service. Beware my credit card has been charged many times and company refuses to act. Runs a scam 'investorshub board' Heres the incident. Visit the 'jail' there are many similar complaints. is a SCAM! Attention Matt IHUB admin: Your girl Shelly is continuing her escapades, and misinforming other posters. I had to reply here on IHUB as my personal e mail is swamped with inquiries. She sent many my CC info and my personal data and now I’m getting spam e mail from stock pushers?! May I have your reply to my original question of why IHUB is doing this? Banning me is not a good answer says US post office mail and wire fraud division who tell me that's what this falls under. My reply to the above post: Since you have no 'e class' or net etiquette to PM on this, I see you been fed the same BS as a few others here. My reply will probably get me banned but I will work with authorities to return the favor if need be. So with that in mind, I advised Matt admin of IHUB that some IHUB staff are selling and passing out personal credit card info and my lawyer is sending them a cease letter. I'm still waiting for his reply to include that to the authorities. If you were fed this BS as well please email me the contents and I will pass it on as well, to the proper authorities. That's a compliment BTW since you are a lawyer. (now how did I know that?) Because Investors Hub is selling the data base of all users and I was offered to buy it They also run wicked spyware on their site. Don't believe me get any good spyware software like PCnicillin and see what they report. I'm now getting hundreds of porn and stock buy spam 'tips'. If anyone complains Matt Brown cancels your account and keeps your money for good measure plus they intensify the spam campaign! BEWARE OF WWW.INVESTORSHUB.COM Signed An Investorshub victim

Mar 04, 2015 10:16 am EST

You can add PLKD to the list of BS Moderators. There is nothing but bashing and deletions by these so called MOD's. It's Sickening. People forget to mention that SHORTING a stock is just as important to make money as well, in fact, I think you can make more money easily if you are shorting a stock that is getting called a scam everyday and scaring investors into selling and taking losses. FEAR CONTROLS THE SHORTERS GAME. It is predominant on ISRUB. These MOD's and bashers are clearly getting paid to swindle people out of their investments. Group Manipulation is also part of their game, mostly to short it seems. It is highly illogical for anyone to be posting on a website 24/7 bashing a company.


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Overview of InvestorsHub complaint handling

InvestorsHub reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Apr 18, 2008. The latest review Message board was posted on Oct 3, 2024. The latest complaint Personal agenda was resolved on Nov 09, 2014. InvestorsHub has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 16 reviews. InvestorsHub has resolved 6 complaints.
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    Oct 08, 2024

Most discussed InvestorsHub complaints

Scam and cheating!
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