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CB Drug Store CVS 9006 Greenwell Springs Rd, Baton Rouge, LA, 70814, US
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9006 Greenwell Springs Rd, Baton Rouge, LA, 70814, US
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1 complaint
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9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
11:36 am EDT
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CVS - Pharmacy

CVS 9006 Greenwell Springs Rd. Ashley

Called to get a refill in eye drops. I was told I needed a prior authorization, so I asked who I needed to call. The doctor's office or the insurance. I was told, yea, for both. The calls started at 10:15 and ended at 1:45. I called all parties involved. While talking the insurance company, a floater from CVS called to tell me that his computer said that I needed a prior authorization. I responded by asking him to call the insurance or the doctor's office and see what's going on because both are saying I do not need that for this medication. I was put on hold for 25 minutes. When he returned, he stated there was a glitch in the system and it would take 48 to 72 hours to fix. All parties except CVS concluded that you do not need a prior authorization for these drops. While on the phone with the insurance pharmacy and benefits reps at 1:25, I was told that my medication was ready to be picked up and the cost of it. I went to CVS at 2:15 to pick up the medication. Iwas told by the tech that everything went through, but the medication is not ready. I asked what time. She stated around 6:00 because they were backed up. I say okay. I did not go back at 6 but instead went back at 10:25 the next day. When i arrived, I was told that there was a prior authorization on the medication by the tech and Ashley. I said you told me yesterday the medication was ready so how is there a prior authorization on the medication again. Ashley stated that she was not there yesterday. I told her, yes you were. You were talking to another gentleman about your summer hair and winter hair. She said then but I didn't help you and didn't know anything about the medication. I stated, how you don't know and you're the pharmacist. She asked for my phone number to call me back because she had to call the computer technician. I told her that I could wait. She said that she had too much to do and could be on the phone with the tech for hours and had four covid patient's medication to fill. I said, okay I could wait. She said no, you need to leave the store. I said that I could wait. She threatens to call the police. She also told me that she will not fill my prescription. All because I was willing to wait for my medication. I left the store. 45 minutes later I get a phone call from the police department stating that I was on longer allowed in the store. I said, really, just for trying to get my medication. He said Ashley told him that I created a disturbance, and she did not want my back in the store. I went to another CVS and did not have any problems getting this medication filled. There was no prior authorization pending. Ashley removed my name and contact information from the system so the other Pharmacist had to retrieve my information by address.

Desired outcome: I would like CVS to investigate this matter because many people are leaving this store because of her bad attitude towards other customers. My wife is included because Ashley did not want to get a particular medication that worked for her.

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Update by kelvin mills
Aug 26, 2023 6:43 pm EDT

Went to the other CVS in the area and was asked if I had requested that my medication not be filled. I said no, Ashley must have put that on there. I have the label.

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