Joined virgin active beginning of october - october special if you join october
Month is for free, excl. Joining fees. And incl. A wonderful voucher.
I signed up end of september, made arrangements to pay the joining fee in 2
Months, it was agreed, next week received a call to advise me the rest of the fee
Amount will be debited from my account on the 1st of october (not what was
Agreed) they asked me to go in to discuss, I went in and they confirmed in order
To qualify for the voucher I need to let the debit order go through for the remaining
Fees (which I didn't have) however to get the voucher I paid the remaining, my first
Debit order was unsuccessful as I requested the debit date to be the 25th, I immediately arranged to be re debited which was successful, however I didn't received my voucher, I was only advised after all this that the debit order can't be on the 25th only the 1st, I feel this was unfair practice. I would like to get my voucher, alternatively cancel my subscription