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Boston Medical Group Complaints 17

7:26 pm EDT

Boston Medical Group Doctors are not getting paid

I quit working there because people are not getting paid. In Munchen there are TVs screens that have not been paid of a value of 800euro and the company is slowly going into a law suite. I just want to warn you and that you are aware that the current management is refusing to pay people.

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10:53 am EST

Boston Medical Group the concept of magnification

Penis Magnification (leudachadh)
modhan meudachaidh ùir
Babies (càraid)

b110717 / + [protected]

Tha cùirtean air cuingealachadh èiginneach a dhèanamh air cùmhnantan buailteachd eadar pàrtaidhean gnìomhachais sàr-mhath, a 'dèiligeadh le fada armachd. "San fharsaingeachd, [ge-tà] gus crìoch a chur air mìltean airson mì-chùram pàrtaidh san àm ri teachd, feumaidh an cànan cùmhnantail a bhith 1) soilleir, 2) neo-sheasmhach, 3) neo-aithnichte agus 4) follaiseach, gus am bi e comasach a chur an gnìomh." A 'cuingealachadh Claive Responsibility, Daniel G. Katzenbach, Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog, LLP
A bharrachd air na sreathan sin, tha e nas dualtaiche a bhith air a chur an cèill gu bheil an raon air a dhealbh airson an aonta, gus a bhith a 'cuingealachadh seòrsachan sònraichte de thagraidhean a tha buntainneach do chuspair an aonta, seach a bhith a' cuingealachadh gach tagradh. Dh'fhaodadh cùirtean cuingealachadh thairis air farsaingeachd a mhìneachadh mar fhianais air aonta neo-chothromach, mar thoradh air suidheachadh barganachaidh neo-chothromach, no gun a bhith a 'barganachadh idir, an àite dà phàrtaidh a tha a' dèiligeadh aig ìre armachd. "
Faic cuideachd Earrann airson Ceartachadh Teachd-a-steach Iom-aontaichte, Poole Professional Ltd.

If prices are randomly distributed (and often they are not), then about 68% off all data values will fall within one standard deviation. 95% of data values will fall within two standard deviations (2 x 2.87 in our example), and 99.7% of all values will fall within three standard deviations (3 x 2.87). In this case, the values of $1 to $10 are not randomly distribute on a bell curve, rather there is a significant upward bias. Therefore, all the values do not fall within three standard deviations. Despite this limitation, standard deviation is still frequently used by traders, as price data sets often contain up and down movements, which resemble more of a random distribution. 
For additional reading, see A Simplified Approach to Calculating Volatility and Option Volatility.

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Lark Voorhies

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Update by Lark.Voorhies
Nov 10, 2018 11:16 am EST




University of Maryland

(Lenny) not (Pennies)

Lean (NY)

Len (Quarterback) is your father!

Baltimore Colts

You live in Baltimore, Maryland

View 0 more photos
Update by Lark.Voorhies
Nov 10, 2018 11:14 am EST

Universal Studio

Network paycheck

Contract Agreement under Jackson

Voorhies, Lark

A bruise facial skeleton

Update by Lark.Voorhies
Nov 10, 2018 11:12 am EST

The Invasion
(Body Snatchers)

academic research on the diagnosis and treatment for eye disorders

Inappropriate Behavior during the traditional activities; however, the Super Star dies on February 14th.
She was hospitalized, the younger daughter did not know this was a disrespectful action. The famous superstar assault her in Michigan Sault Ste. Marie is Michigan’s not Saint Paul Minnesota
Department of Treasury is in Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Final Answer this is not your transfer! treatment for eye disorders reason for death~

Coupon Payment went to Whitney Houston and Bobby Kristina

Voorhies College Students

Eye Glasses Problem


Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eyeball and orbit. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye disease. Their credentials include a doctorate degree in medicine, followed by an additional four years of Ophthalmology residency training. They may or may not receive residency training in internal medicine, pediatrics, or general surgery before the ophthalmology residency. Additional training may be sought through a fellowship in a particular specialty of eye pathology. Ophthalmologists are allowed to medically treat eye disease, implement laser therapy, and perform surgery when needed.

Ophthalmologists may participate in academic research on the diagnosis and treatment for eye disorders.

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Update by Lark.Voorhies
Nov 10, 2018 11:06 am EST

Hello it is in some language but she was assault by an individual and the case is pending
Investigator need to know if this is a production. Arrest record and Criminal record are pending due process
The transfer of income or donation gifts will be distribute to the Voorhies or Hookies from Virginia
or West Virginia. Civil Court claim and the case has been transferred to Superior Court for the Teen Age Movie Star

Association with a reputation superior to Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission

Not Los Angeles California

Sumner County, California

Sumner County, Kentucky

Incomplete Information

Jackson, Latoya (Penny)

Chicago, Illinois (Department of Treasury) (Reserve Requirement)

Her inheritance
she is the beneficiary! Transfer goes to LA not to Atlanta, Georgia


Boy Hello,

'cuingealachadh Claive Responsibility, Daniel G. Katzenbach, Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog, LLP

View 0 more photos
Update by Lark.Voorhies
Nov 10, 2018 11:01 am EST

Confusion with the Profile
and Salary Requirement

Atlanta Georgia
Department of Treasury

Federal Reserve

Federal Deposit Insurance Commission

Not Los Angeles California

Sumner County, California

Sumner County, Kentucky

Incomplete Information

Jackson, Latoya (Penny)

Chicago, Illinois (Department of Treasury) (Reserve Requirement)

Her inheritance
she is the beneficiary! Transfer goes to LA not to Atlanta, Georgia


Boy Hello,

'cuingealachadh Claive Responsibility, Daniel G. Katzenbach, Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog, LLP

View 0 more photos
Update by Lark.Voorhies
Nov 10, 2018 10:56 am EST

I am from the United States of America, I am not dead!
Death Certificate

Writ of Certioraris

Paul Williams
Detroit Michigan
#12 Fraudlent Activities
Fraud Alert

Acnes and Rashes we need the dermatologist!
Skin Graffs

Never seen the 14 inches penis but I seen the 14 dates and lover coming from her room!

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6:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Boston Medical Group Patients treatment by the new york city "manager"

In 2015 I was forced to sign for a 12 months penis injection. The injection was supposed to be delivered to my address every two months paying in advance (I don't remember the amount I was required to pay, but it was well above $ 1, 000.00) including UPS shipping. I was supposed every other month to call the office asking the next delivery. Unfortunately after two or three deliveries I had to have two surgeries, one fusion lumbar spine and other right lung removal of a lobe, and been hospitalized and in home recovery for over 4 months and I did not order the followings injections. When I called the office in Manhattan, they agree to deliver one more dose but I have to pay extra for delivery. Since at that point the injection didn't produce any penile effect, Dr. Abrams prescribed other class of injection to be used only 30 units. Of course I was once again charged for the Dr. Visit and another serious amount for the new prescription. Since 30 units didn't work, I decided to try 70 units, and that amount was enough to make me pass out and in addition it produced a large hematoma in my penis. At that time I spoke over the phone with Ryan and he asked me to bring back the injections. When I wanted to gave him the bottles with the medication, he refused to get them back telling me, I'll get them back soon from you. In two words, Ryan never received back the bottles. I went back to see Dr. Abrams and he suggested to start with testosterone replacement, another $ 800.00. Since Dr. Abrams is only a Doctor, he send me the Manager to finish the details of the payment and delivery. I asked her not to charge me again for the UPS delivery of the new injections I was supposed to received once I finish the testosterone treatment. The "manager" became hostile and told me that no additional injection I'm going to receive although that was NOT the conversation with RyanThe side effect of the testosterone replacement was an incredible fluid retention in my body. In three weeks I gain over 20 pounds just in fluid retention. I spoke over the phone with Dr. Abrams, explained the situation and we agreed I'll get a new appointment with the Doctor and Ryan after Thanksgiving holiday.
For three consecutive days I've been leaving messages for Ryan to call me back either with the receptionist or on the office voice mail. In the first call asking for Ryan, the receptionist told me that he was with a patient and he'll get back to me as soon as he's done with that patient. After the third day of calling and leaving messages, I was answered by the "office manager". She behaved like a beast, nasty, gross, lack of education, screaming to me over the phone, (I'm convinced she was under some drug influence).
It's very hard for me to understand how is possible an Institute like yours allows the luxury to have such "lady" as "manager".
By this I'm requesting her immediate removal from that position.
A serious and not small amount of money I've paid to have a person like this to treat me over the phone.
My only request was to have an appointment with Dr.Abrams and Ryan a very same day.
My name, Victor Gorodischer
Email address: [protected]
Tel. [protected] (cel.). or [protected] (office)

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Is Boston Medical Group Legit?

Boston Medical Group earns a trustworthiness rating of 100%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: Boston Medical Group stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights Boston Medical Group's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on Boston Medical Group's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

We found clear and detailed contact information for Boston Medical Group. The company provides a physical address, 12 phone numbers, and 2 emails, as well as 4 social media accounts. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers.

Boston Medical Group has claimed the domain name for for a long time, which suggests that the website is established and has a history of being in operation. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has been around for a while and may have a reputation to maintain. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats. regularly updates its policies to reflect changes in laws, regulations. These policies are easy to find and understand, and they are written in plain language that is accessible to all customers. This helps customers understand what they are agreeing to and what to expect from Boston Medical Group.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • The website belonging to Boston Medical Group has a low number of visitors, which could be a red flag for users. However, it's important to conduct additional research to fully evaluate the website's legitimacy and trustworthiness.
1:17 pm EDT

Boston Medical Group Medical care

I went to the Manhattan office to get help with an erection problem. All the wanted to do was sell me testosterone shots. I told him I wasn't interested in testosterone shots.

They wanted $1000 for testosterone. Then they told me I need shots for my penis that would be another $1000.

Really sleazy.

Doctor hardly spoke English and said he couldn't understand when I spoke. Either deaf or a fool.

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Sep 13, 2016 10:50 am EDT

First off, erection problems are best treated with things like Viagra, not testosterone. Although testosterone may increase the number of erections, if erectile dysfunction is the primary problem it won't make much of a difference. Testosterone therapy has a big downside - testicular atrophy. Within weeks, testosterone therapy will cause tender mushy testicles which can literally melt down to the size of marbles. This guy is a fraud. Knows absolutely nothing about men's stuff. It's all too common. If you have low "T" and a low libido, you may benefit from testosterone replacement - but go to an expert - not a storefront, not even a primary care. Testosterone replacement is a complex thing. Not for amateurs.

3:29 pm EST
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I was a patient of this medical office - Boston medical group. I went to the office in garden city on long island. I kept calling to make an appointment and there was no answer. Then I spoke to main office in California. They said that office was closed. And I had to go to Manhattan or Nj to get treated. I live out in Suffolk county - too far away. I gue...

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12:41 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Boston Medical Group They owe me almost $3,000

I wouldn't recommend BMG for anyone. Hopefully a lot of people see this and don't commit the same mistake i did. Because the treatment cost almost $3, 000 and the medicine has NOT worked. They neglect our claims through the phone and don't help for anything. We've sent mail and they have yet to reply. They have not given us ANY money back and now the money is lost. The reviews on their site are clearly fabricated. There are many people with the same case as mine and no one has reported it. It's really a SCAM. And i regret not reporting it or suing them officially.

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truth is mine
Mar 29, 2014 8:32 pm EDT

so what was the treatment and for what ailment?

10:44 am EST

Boston Medical Group Incomplete Information

When you call the BMG and ask how much their treatment will cost, they tell you between $25 - $35 per dosage. This is true, but what they neglect to tell you is that the medicine MUST be purchased in bulk, starting at a 2 or 3 month supply for around $650. When you call an complain, they try and give you the runaround by telling you that there's no way for them to determine what kind of treatment you need over the phone. My position is that is if you can tell me how much each dosage will cost, then you can tell me that it must be purchased in bulk. When you try to make sense of this to a supervisor, they do a great job at talking for a long time and sidestepping your question. A great tactic in politics, but not in customer service. The product worked, but they get your hopes up by not letting you know the full story before you make your appointment. So if you cannot afford the treatment, you end up wasting $195 on your initial visit.

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1:48 pm EDT

Boston Medical Group Delay in shipment

I was told the trettment would be sent to my home in Louisiana on Oct. 8. When 10 am came and no word contacted Boston Medical and ask for a tracking number, was told they would send on to me via email. After 2 hours and nothing from Boston Medical I called again and was on hold for over an hour then disconnected. I called back and was on hold again for 25 minutes, then a lady picked up and I explained to her I was getting upset about the hole situation. It was at this point she told me she was the one that had originally took my call and the Houston office had a problem with my delivery. She went on to tell me the Boston group could not ship to me in Louisiana directly and that the receptionist had held up the shipment because she wanted to get an OK for them to charge me the shipping fee from Houston to Louisiana. This would not have been so bad but it was Friday afternoon by then and we had a long week end trip planned and could have left Thursday had Boston Medical been concerned about their patients time.

I was told they would make the delivery on Oct. 13 6 days late. At this point I canceled the shipment and it is now Oct 11 and they are telling me they have a no refund policy, so the head butting begins

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2:15 pm EDT

Boston Medical Group They charge a lot for little

Sleazy, is how I would put it. The ones who post positive must be written by the company. I don't know were to begin! . I'm surprised they are still in business 'cos they lie from beginning to end. Everything that has been said previously I have also experienced. I went a few times and hated every visit. Every person I dealt with was rude and unprofessional. They always ask you for the money every time upfront. They even tried to charge me $100 to inspect my *** for scaring. That was the last straw ( scaring is a serious and inevitable side effect) Please Please do not waste your money there are alternatives.

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Mar 30, 2015 2:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Agreed, I went there and they wanted me to spend upwards of 2500 dollars for a medication that I could get for a lot less. I shopped around and went to a couple male clinics here in new york and my favorite by far was up centers for men. They didn't pressure me to buy anything, their office was very clean and the meds worked and I didn't need to spend thousands.

11:15 am EDT

Boston Medical Group Expensive treatment for nothing

In their office, they Doctor gives you an injection for a temporary erection. You feel that you are convinced and excited and want to buy this over-priced rip-off formula of theirs which can be gotten for a fraction of the price from any urologist...just check on line.

Then, try doing it yourself at home. No thanks. This is messy hurtful, and potentially dangerous if you hit the wrong veins on your ***. No for me and probably not for you.

There has got to be a pill that works better than this unsafe and expensive procedure. Don't do shots...unless you want to feel like a diabetic.

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10:47 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Boston Medical Group Scam

Very over priced for what it is. Worked for me; helped my self confidence a lot. Yes, bruising on your hoo-ha will occasionally happen, depending on the injection site. Was never painful. The process at the "doctor's" office felt very much like an assembly line.

You go in, they inject you, watch to make sure it doesn't last too long (they wouldn't let me leave until it got soft again). Injectable drug was ordered (one small glass vial with about 60 doses...I got away with using less than the recommended dosage, so it lasted longer for me), But over $1000 for this visit and tiny amount of medication? Hmmmm, I smell a rip-off.

So, it does work (for some, depending on the individual's sensitivity to the medication which is a mixture of vasodilators), but the atmosphere is more like a big business (with medical window dressing), and the price is ridiculous. I'm gonna try to see if a bonafide urologist can get this stuff for me. if so, my insurance will probably cover it.

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still ill
Dec 12, 2011 9:02 pm EST

Drove 4 hours to an appointment, called to say running 15 minutes late, was rudely told after arrival, that contrary to the phone assurances of late arrival be ok under the circumstances that they did not have time and by the way, thendoctor was also a lawyer ( veiled threat)

Daisy Mariposa
Mission Viejo, US
Jan 19, 2010 10:57 am EST

Do you know what "scam" means?

Do you know the definition of the term?

How were you scammmed?

7:24 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Boston Medical Group Bad service

It does not do what it was supposed to. Spent 800.00 for something that worked in the office however when you get it home it just plain don't work. Even after several trips to the Atlanta office and being told that they would help and make me a satisfied customer. Now the office is closed and I am still left with a clear vial of something (can't say what it is!) Is there a class action law suit or how do get refunded for something that just doesn't work! The doctor here and his assistant continued to say they would help me with my problem.

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9:52 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Boston Medical Group Beware

I went to the boston group for treatment. The only treatment they offer is an injection in your ***; if one can not tolerate the injection because of pain etc; they will send you on your way. It is just a business to sell you injections which you have to buy in a 20 or more, chapest deal $600+. If you need treatment for erectile, please go to a real Doctor. Even the Doctor in the office told me that injections is all they do; after the Doctor gives you an injections and you wait in a room; a salesman comes in to arrange for your purchase of injections.

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10:24 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Boston Medical Group Rip off

I have been taking this stuff for about 2 months now, with no results. They told me in the office it would take a while to work, however; the stuff in the office worked almost immidiatley. Even thou I followed the instructions to the tee, shots every other night, still no HO. After reading all these complaints, i know now that i did get ripped off. I guess i'll go see a urologist. Anybody got any other suggestions...I really dont want to go back to Viagra. To top it off, my friend is coming back into town soon.

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Apr 29, 2010 10:13 pm EDT

I have been using it for 3 years now, it works great
You need to inject it into the right spot or you will get nothing.
After the 4th time I started to get it into the right place
I am very happy with this stuff, it is the only thing that works.

3:06 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

A plaintiff verdict of malpractice / fraud was handed down this week against the Boston Men's Health Center which runs Boston Medical Group – Georgia, Inc in the case # 07A7558 - John Henry Howard vs Boston Medical Group. The case was tried in the State Court of DeKalb County, Georgia. Damages awarded were for $750, 000. Also, punitive damages were granted...

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12:32 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Boston Medical Group Scam!

Went to BMG 3 times with no results. At the third office visit while waiting in their so-called private waiting rooms an irate customer came in and complained about his treatment and short of calling the cops they moved him out to the hallway but not after hearing the whole conversation.

This is when I came to the conclusion that I was scammed with the bait and switch tactic.

On first visit they sell you on its success then they give you an injection with the good stuff. Then how could you say no and you buy the product.

When you get your stuff at home its junk and you try it again and still nothing so you go back thinking you did something wrong and now starts the saga of hopes gone bad.

Bottom line, I'm out 1500.00 bucks, embarrassed 3 times in the so called private office and I still have an ED problem.

I would like my money back, how do I do that?

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Chicago, US
Jul 04, 2009 3:34 pm EDT

Try new External Support Erektor. Works 100%. No side effects, no injections, no pills.

Orlando, US
Jun 11, 2009 1:41 pm EDT

You really want your money back? Either file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (you can do it online) or file in small claims court. The latter is more sure-fire, as they don't necessarily care about their BBB rating. A small claims suit WILL get their attention. Trust me.

1:23 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Boston Medical Group Just be informed

My experience with Boston Medical Group left me with a feeling of being duped. Other talk about a "used car type" of sales pitch, and I can't agree more. Things that you need to know before going to BMG...They only have one form of treatment for everyone and it involves injecting an expensive drug into your winkie. You must do this many times and the drugs are quite expensive. Your insurance will not cover these meds. Personally, I was not impressed with the results, but it sounds like some of the other people on this website were.

I have been diagnosed with low testosterone and they did not even address this issue. Good luck!

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Chicago, US
Jul 04, 2009 3:39 pm EDT

guys, try new amazing product EREKTOR.
No injections - just a blessing

Orlando, US
Jun 11, 2009 1:38 pm EDT

You forgot to mention that they will tell you that your insurance/Medicare WILL cover the meds.

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Overview of Boston Medical Group complaint handling

Boston Medical Group reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jun 9, 2008. The latest review Doctors are not getting paid was posted on Apr 27, 2022. The latest complaint They owe me almost $3,000 was resolved on Mar 29, 2014. Boston Medical Group has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 17 reviews. Boston Medical Group has resolved 8 complaints.
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    +1 (469) 454-3805
    +1 (469) 454-3805
    Click up if you have successfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (469) 454-3805 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (469) 454-3805 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (469) 454-3805 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (469) 454-3805 phone number
    Dallas, TX
    +1 (703) 828-9219
    +1 (703) 828-9219
    Click up if you have successfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (703) 828-9219 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (703) 828-9219 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (703) 828-9219 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (703) 828-9219 phone number
    Alexandria, VA
    +1 (202) 715-0738
    +1 (202) 715-0738
    Click up if you have successfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (202) 715-0738 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (202) 715-0738 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (202) 715-0738 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Boston Medical Group by calling +1 (202) 715-0738 phone number
    Washington DC
    More phone numbers
  3. Boston Medical Group emails
  4. Boston Medical Group address
    23275 S Pointe Dr., Laguna Hills, California, 92653, United States
  5. Boston Medical Group social media
  6. Rachel
    Checked and verified by Rachel This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jun 13, 2024

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